How To Make A Solar Generator For Your Grow OP


Active Member
This has been a major problem for me and my grow-ops. Energy (electricity) has been one of my biggest obstacle.

As much as I would love solar to be the silver bullet I just don't think by itself it can be (yet), incorporating Wind and Biomass seems to me the only real way to run a large scale grow-op operation. Depending on the amount you want to grow, 1000W HPS lights will suck power down like there is no tomorrow, high capacity inverters and larger capacity batteries getting juiced up from more than one energy source seems the real only way.

I would agree that a complete photovoltaic cell (solar system) is definitely worth it, even if I had to take out a loan to install one. As what is produced by top quality lights will pay for itself in dividends. But I find myself needing to adopt myself more as an electrical engineer than a botanists. While I don't mind learning new things it does detract me from my focus on my garden.


Well-Known Member
what if you run fans to cool the lights, but you run the lights off a generator from the moving fan?



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Better yet what if you have a solar panel or 2 in the grow room in addition to the outside one so that while the outside panels charge during the day the panels in the grow room use the HID light to recharge the batteries that are powering them to make light os the cycle never ends

  • simple crazy question i have an extra 10,000 watt inverter that i have never used with like a dozen 12 volt deep cycle batteries, can i rig that up with a solar panel and a small wind turbine to recharge the battery bank that way i could stay off the grid simple set up just wanted someone to give me their two cent before i move forward​



Well-Known Member
Thanks, I'll bare that in mind if I ever get rich and can move to the mountains. lol.
This is a great post and you just gave me a great idea. Turn your sentence around and it would read "when I move to the mountains to get rich". Cash in (sell my house), invest in a place, remote, cheap, setup an off-grid op, sounds like a nice retirement plan :)


Well-Known Member
If your serious about Solar for electricity for growing or to run your home or I do.
Cost of a unit cost some $$$$$
I have a $36k Photo voltaic system, commercially installed. If you can do it yourself, save some big bucks.
No battery array attached to my system. So, I,m still partially on the grid. But, only $17 a month bill, service fee.:hug: I do all my Flowering during the day hours;-)

Good Luck