What are some good liberal books?


New Member
lol, dude you have totally missed the plot here. i am trying to tell you why i hate you so much, admittedly the books i have listed do it better than i can. so that is why i suggested they be read. and i wanted to get a better understanding of why liberals hate conservatives that is why i asked for your recommendations :D
I really don't hate anyone, well there was this guy.................... The hate factor is generally much higher on the conservative side. I always wondered why. Why would someone personalize their tax liabilities and take it out on the poor. Seems to me they would be more appreciative that it wasn't them in that circumstance, but no, they are so self indulged as to blame poor people for their tax liabilities and even resort to hate. It's hard to figure the human dillema, but selfishness and greed definently plays a large part.


Well-Known Member
I might recommend the Articles of Confederation, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It would appear these documents have gathered a lot of dust recently, especially in the last 8 years.


New Member
Still charging rent to your tenants on your rental property Med? Sure you are. You're greedy and selfish.
I see you're still making it personal, eh asswipe. Why don't you chill out. I haven't pulled your chain in quite a while. Go back to bossing while you still have a job. I don't see my tenants and rent having anything to do with this thread.


Well-Known Member
I don't see my tenants and rent having anything to do with this thread.
Of course you don't. Comes as no surprise though. :lol:

What I do find surprising though is the fact that it took you 2 days to formulate your witty response. You're off your game Med! ;) :lol:


New Member
Of course you don't. Comes as no surprise though. :lol:

What I do find surprising though is the fact that it took you 2 days to formulate your witty response. You're off your game Med! ;) :lol:
Witty, I see no wit needed in rebuking anything you may post. I just don't spend as much time on the net anymore, Boring,

Big P

Well-Known Member
I see you're still making it personal, eh asswipe. Why don't you chill out. I haven't pulled your chain in quite a while. Go back to bossing while you still have a job. I don't see my tenants and rent having anything to do with this thread.

you capitolist pig!!!!!:cuss: think of the lives you could have saved by not eating that snickers bar!!!:cuss:




New Member
you capitolist pig!!!!!:cuss: think of the lives you could have saved by not eating that snickers bar!!!:cuss:


Yeah I know, eh, charging rent to pay my mortgages, what a capitalist pig. BTW, I charge fair rents (Ask my tenants). Just enough to pay the mortguage and a little extra for things like the 3500.00 AC unit I had to replace last summer, Actually lost quite a bit last year, like it cost me 2500 to keep my property afloat. Always something from AC to toilets. Renting is not all it is cracked up to be, unless you are a slum landlord that is a greedy fuck and doesn't fix anuthing. I maintain my rentals like my own home.


Well-Known Member
Oh I get it now...When a "conservative" wants to make an extra buck for themselves, they're greedy capitalist but when a <giggle> "socialist" does the same, it's called "fair"...Isn't that right? :lol:


New Member
Oh I get it now...When a "conservative" wants to make an extra buck for themselves, they're greedy capitalist but when a <giggle> "socialist" does the same, it's called "fair"...Isn't that right? :lol:
Look child, what the fuck is wrong with you. Go back to playing little boss and leave my things alone. I take it you must be jealous that I actually have rentals, nana na nana na, how funny. Maybe you could hock that puky looking bike and make a down payment on some slum rental property. You're gonna need some kind of income once they lay you off.


Well-Known Member

Now, I'm thoroughly Confused...

1. MedoMao and his wife have over $100,000 in stocks (even after the recent drops)

2. They also have rental properties

3. He draws Social Security

4. He draws a pension

5. He's Socialist...

I'm missing something, how does some one that has clearly benefitted from the Capitalist System possibly justify being a socialist?

I mean, clearly if he believed in what he was saying, he would have sold his properties for below market cost, so his "impoverished" renters could have a home that they own.

Clearly, if he was as humble as he pretends to be, he would give up either the pension, or the Social Security, to ensure that some one less fortunate then him would have that money.

Socialist, bah, I think MedoMao here is the typical Socialist, so rich that he actually can afford the luxury of being one, while us proles actually have to bust our asses for a living.

Of course, MedoMao here, wants us to donate some of our hard work to him, but he's clearly not destitute. A government bitch, certainly, but destitute... bah.


Well-Known Member

Now, I'm thoroughly Confused...

1. MedoMao and his wife have over $100,000 in stocks (even after the recent drops)

2. They also have rental properties

3. He draws Social Security

4. He draws a pension

5. He's Socialist...

I'm missing something, how does some one that has clearly benefitted from the Capitalist System possibly justify being a socialist?

I mean, clearly if he believed in what he was saying, he would have sold his properties for below market cost, so his "impoverished" renters could have a home that they own.

Clearly, if he was as humble as he pretends to be, he would give up either the pension, or the Social Security, to ensure that some one less fortunate then him would have that money.

Socialist, bah, I think MedoMao here is the typical Socialist, so rich that he actually can afford the luxury of being one, while us proles actually have to bust our asses for a living.

Of course, MedoMao here, wants us to donate some of our hard work to him, but he's clearly not destitute. A government bitch, certainly, but destitute... bah.
According to Med, he's just a poor ol' boy. Truth be told, I've never met a poor person who had rental property and took even one vacation. :lol:


Well-Known Member
According to Med, he's just a poor ol' boy. Truth be told, I've never met a poor person who had rental property and took even one vacation. :lol:
I guess I wasn't that poor when I was just making $8/hr then. Of course, I was also living at my parents and it took me several months to save up for those vacations.

Actually, I think I might have been making $8.25 and taking advantage of some poor proletariat bastard. I must have been an evil member of the bourgeoisie, lol.

At least I'm sure that's Med would say.


New Member

The answer, of course, was stated by George Orwell in Animal Farm while describing a socialist system .... "All pigs are equal, except some pigs are more equal than others." Hell ... some socialist pigs even have pensions, go on luxury vacations, own self indulgent hot rods and own rental property. :lol:



New Member

The answer, of course, was stated by George Orwell in Animal Farm while describing a socialist system .... "All pigs are equal, except some pigs are more equal than others." Hell ... some socialist pigs even have pensions, go on luxury vacations, own self indulgent hot rods and own rental property. :lol:

So are you guys jealous then? I mean, I worked hard all my life and put together a little for retirement, but in these economic times, I'm still on the razors edge. You guys are fucking nutz. One minute your screaming I'm a socialist, milking money from your bones, the next you're calling me a capitalist pig, with an overindulgent spending habit. Make up your ignorant minds, Although, I rather like being an enigma to all you right wing dunderheads. Talk about piling on!


New Member
So are you guys jealous then? I mean, I worked hard all my life and put together a little for retirement, but in these economic times, I'm still on the razors edge. You guys are fucking nutz. One minute your screaming I'm a socialist, milking money from your bones, the next you're calling me a capitalist pig, with an overindulgent spending habit. Make up your ignorant minds, Although, I rather like being an enigma to all you right wing dunderheads. Talk about piling on!
I can't speak for the others here in the forum, but as for me ... I'm not jealous at all. In fact, I think you should be enjoying your financial life to it's fullest. Nope, jealousy is not an emotion that resides within me, Med ... that malady is, however, one that you suffer from greatly ... and its very apparent in over 50% of your posts.



Active Member
Or you could learn about something better than consumer capitalism.

"Freedom in capitalist society always remains just about the same as it was in the ancient Greek republics: freedom for the slave owners."
- Vladimir Lenin, The State and Revolution