Is This Right About Sleeping?


Well-Known Member
So I hear that you should drink warm milk before bed? I assume this is because milk contains carbs and settles your stomach?

So I got to thinking maybe that's why when people 'eat before bed' they have weird dreams? They eat and settle or unsettle their stomachs! That causes better sleep and thus better or more vivid or memorable dreams!



Well-Known Member
apparently eating cheese before bed can give you nightmares or just very vivid dreams... i love cheese and eat it all the time, maybe it does do something while your dream.... gonna eat a big ol block before bed tonight and see what happens....

Also anyone find that smoking bud before bed suppresses your dreams?? this is one i agree with....


Well-Known Member
So I hear that you should drink warm milk before bed? I assume this is because milk contains carbs and settles your stomach?

So I got to thinking maybe that's why when people 'eat before bed' they have weird dreams? They eat and settle or unsettle their stomachs! That causes better sleep and thus better or more vivid or memorable dreams!

Milk apparently contains traces of chemicals that settle us (endorphins or dopamines or somesuch). Much the same as mothers milk settles babies.


New Member
i always smoke weed then go to bed and it suppresses my dreams.... i can never remember them or im just not having them.


Well-Known Member
ive notice that if i fall asleep watching a show that what i hear while i asleep can turn into my dreams....i was watching the first 48, its a show about cops solving murders and i was having this dream that i had killed someone and was being interrogated by a cop and when i woke up i was so relieved to see that it was just the show and not actually happening.


Well-Known Member
i actually read somewhere that we are actually tripping when we dream, apparently when we sleep our brains release a small amount of DMT.


Well-Known Member
i actually read somewhere that we are actually tripping when we dream, apparently when we sleep our brains release a small amount of DMT.
tht is tru my friend... ppl actually do the drug DMT... i guess u can extract it from plants... so its like dreaming while ur awake..

youtube "joe rogan DMT" ... he's done it and explains how it works and wat his experience was :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i actually read somewhere that we are actually tripping when we dream, apparently when we sleep our brains release a small amount of DMT.
Yes, it is released during sleep, but I don't think that's your dreams. I read that our brain doesn't allow us to remember any of it.


Well-Known Member
well i feel like it has to somewhat effect the dreams because otherwise its hard to explain how they can be so whacked out


Well-Known Member
well i feel like it has to somewhat effect the dreams because otherwise its hard to explain how they can be so whacked out
yah... n tht vid rogan talks about how without dmt ..ull go fucking insane...
i dont no how good of a source he is tho :confused:


Well-Known Member
i know, hes about as reliable as you or me. Im sure if i got in a sensory deprivation tank on DMT id have some pretty intresting thought processes about the world and life


Well-Known Member
I like to keep paper and pen next to my bedside so as soon as I wake up, BOOM, write down the dream. Its cathartic. :)


Well-Known Member
I don't remember dreaming at all. I dont think I actually dream. Although growing up i remember having some amazing dreams. Like flying on the back of an eagle seeing the entire galaxy and mitigating with random species that flew by me on their eagle..... those were the days...

So Dmt, eh? Imma go google that right now.


Well-Known Member
I don't realy dream unless I smoke, I seldomly remember my dreams, unless they are particularly annoying. I do have very vivid dreams though, often very pleasant, often recuring, or follow up episodes in the same environment etc...

Now what is strange is that while I dream, I can normaly remember the previous dreams... I have been traveling alot of beautifull places on cruise ships in my dreams for instance... but those dreams always go crazy, the ship will sink (predictably) or I end up in some other catastrophic scenario afterwards... a bit like an acid trip... about as good as it is bad...

I love to grab 20 minutes of sleep here and there, not for the sleep, but for the dreaming... Lately I am much more aware in my dreams and just astounded by what the mind can conjure with no external input... Strange new towns with old names, and new streets and features but also some familiar ones interspersed...or we go to some place that is somehow real.