drooping "pale?" leaves

Mr. Burns

Active Member
My main plant is about 2-3 weeks old and a few days ago developed what seemed like overly dry and droopy leaves. Soon after the leaves got spots. New leaves grew but they all droop downward and feel dry-ish. The plant seems like the green has faded some. I dont know why it would do this. I have heard over watering would make it droop but it seems dry... anybody had this problem? I wanna know what's wrong with my baby. :weed:

Oh, I have had it under a 23(100) watt cfl in a lamp with a reflector. Today I moved to 4 cfl's with no reflector put together with a tripple plug outlet thing with 2 Y connectors (prongs on one end and sockets on the other). pics shown. Tell me what you think of the light monster and plant plz. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
It does look over watered in the picture (although you may have just watered).
Are you making sure its dry 2 1/2 - 3" down before you add water?

Mr. Burns

Active Member
It does look over watered in the picture (although you may have just watered).
Are you making sure its dry 2 1/2 - 3" down before you add water?
Until today it was in a yogurt cup. I only water every 2-3 days and it stays moist. Also the soil is as I bought it. no nutes incase anyone was thinking that


Well-Known Member
Yes over watering will cause dry leaves and root rot. If u over water and there is not enough oxygen in the soil the roots suffacate. If that happens then the roots can't feed. So the plant acts like it hasn't gotten any water. Because it hasn't. This often happens in hydro if people don't have enough air or water movement. I know from experiance.

Mr. Burns

Active Member
Yes over watering will cause dry leaves and root rot. If u over water and there is not enough oxygen in the soil the roots suffacate. If that happens then the roots can't feed. So the plant acts like it hasn't gotten any water. Because it hasn't. This often happens in hydro if people don't have enough air or water movement. I know from experiance.
That makes sense. I keep her at 80-85 so it shouldnt be too long before the soil dries out. I will definitely keep that in mind next time I want to water her.