Examples of Democratic Party leadership

Joe Biden on holiday again: The staggering amount of time the US President has spent on vacation is 405 days at taxpayers expense.

Joe Biden – who came to office in January 2021 – has jetted off to various destinations around the globe, much to the chagrin of many onlookers, while Americans are suffering under his plan, Bidenomics, his economic theory that has failed America’s middle class.

As he stepped off the plane, the 81-year-old refused to take questions as he shuffles off to Nantucket, where he's spending the rest of the week at his billionaire buddy's $34 million compound, while middle class Americans are spending more than ever trying to make ends meet.

To date, Biden has spent 405 days of his presidency on holiday. This equates to 39.1 per cent of his time in office.

For comparison, former President Donald Trump spent a little over a quarter – 380 out of his 1,461 days - of his presidency on personal trips, according to CBS.

Sorry I’m not doing your research
They say ignorance is bliss if that helps?

got yer back.

Joe Biden on holiday again: The staggering amount of time the US President has spent on vacation is 405 days at taxpayers expense.

Joe Biden – who came to office in January 2021 – has jetted off to various destinations around the globe, much to the chagrin of many onlookers, while Americans are suffering under his plan, Bidenomics, his economic theory that has failed America’s middle class.

As he stepped off the plane, the 81-year-old refused to take questions as he shuffles off to Nantucket, where he's spending the rest of the week at his billionaire buddy's $34 million compound, while middle class Americans are spending more than ever trying to make ends meet.

To date, Biden has spent 405 days of his presidency on holiday. This equates to 39.1 per cent of his time in office.

For comparison, former President Donald Trump spent a little over a quarter – 380 out of his 1,461 days - of his presidency on personal trips, according to CBS.

one layer in, a republication of GB News content.



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  • Overall, we rate GB News Right Biased and Questionable based on a lack of transparency with ownership and funding, numerous failed fact checks, and the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.

Perhaps the reason is that MSN {MSN) made no mention of it.
Send me some info to Mr trumps “executive time”, that would provide me some insite.

Hope your New Year is safe.
This was after the midterm elections, 60% of that clowns work day was "executive time".


The longer view: Chris Whipple, a student of presidential schedules who wrote the book 'The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency," told us that "there's almost no [historical] parallel" for how this president spends his days.
  • "The most important asset in any presidency is the president's time," Whipple said. "And Trump is a guy who gives new meaning to the notion of an unstructured presidency."

Joe Biden on holiday again: The staggering amount of time the US President has spent on vacation is 405 days at taxpayers expense.

Joe Biden – who came to office in January 2021 – has jetted off to various destinations around the globe, much to the chagrin of many onlookers, while Americans are suffering under his plan, Bidenomics, his economic theory that has failed America’s middle class.

As he stepped off the plane, the 81-year-old refused to take questions as he shuffles off to Nantucket, where he's spending the rest of the week at his billionaire buddy's $34 million compound, while middle class Americans are spending more than ever trying to make ends meet.

To date, Biden has spent 405 days of his presidency on holiday. This equates to 39.1 per cent of his time in office.

For comparison, former President Donald Trump spent a little over a quarter – 380 out of his 1,461 days - of his presidency on personal trips, according to CBS.

The numbers you cite come from a completely unreliable source, as Canna has pointed out. I checked and couldn't find a reliable summary of time on task, so there isn't really anything available to compare how hard Biden is working to the loafing that golfer Donald did. So, let's look at this a different way.

Given your disdain for Democrats and the policies we support, I must ask, do you really want the Biden administration to do MORE?


still, though, as of August 2022, Joe got a lot done. Do you want to compare that against what Trump did in his first two years?
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This was after the midterm elections, 60% of that clowns work day was "executive time".

View attachment 5355678

The longer view: Chris Whipple, a student of presidential schedules who wrote the book 'The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency," told us that "there's almost no [historical] parallel" for how this president spends his days.
  • "The most important asset in any presidency is the president's time," Whipple said. "And Trump is a guy who gives new meaning to the notion of an unstructured presidency."

I found Trump's loafing reassuring. For example, look at the James Bond bad guys who were striving to take over the world. They were fanatics and workaholics who drove others to work hard at world domination too.

Imagine this guy spending a third of his time on the links:

Sorry I’m not doing your research
They say ignorance is bliss if that helps?
In my modest opinion, my deduction is some of the populous exist in their personal ideological echo chambers; they may genuinely not expect anyone to state anything other.

They see their actions as 'self-evidently and on the correct side of history.

This populous, (AKA the left) tends to be very arrogant in assuming they are correct, and no debate or providing documentation is required. It’s why they often shut all other counter opinion’s down, rather than, with an open mind, convince other’s with a different ideology, why they are correct.

Its this arrogance that makes them blind to the fact that their actions are often a hindrance to their cause.
In my modest opinion, my deduction is some of the populous exist in their personal ideological echo chambers; they may genuinely not expect anyone to state anything other.

They see their actions as 'self-evidently and on the correct side of history.

This populous, (AKA the left) tends to be very arrogant in assuming they are correct, and no debate or providing documentation is required. It’s why they often shut all other counter opinion’s down, rather than, with an open mind, convince other’s with a different ideology, why they are correct.

Its this arrogance that makes them blind to the fact that their actions are often a hindrance to their cause.
My feelings are you can’t fix stupid
Happy holidays
The numbers you cite come from a completely unreliable source, as Canna has pointed out. I checked and couldn't find a reliable summary of time on task, so there isn't really anything available to compare how hard Biden is working to the loafing that golfer Donald did. So, let's look at this a different way.

Given your disdain for Democrats and the policies we support, I must ask, do you really want the Biden administration to do MORE?

View attachment 5355686

still, though, as of August 2022, Joe got a lot done. Do you want to compare that against what Trump did in his first two years?
Lets don’t forget about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden pulled out our troops before getting out our civilians, green card holders and allies, and then had to send troops back in to help them get out. Yet even then, the evacuation left billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

How about our southern border, Biden's refusal to enforce our immigration laws allowing so-called amnesty seekers being released into the country with an order that they show up for a hearing in the distant future, which is ignored. Then there are the people who are unvaccinated, already infected with COVID, gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and even individuals on terrorism watchlists.

Inflation: Prices are rising steeply, with no end in sight. On top of that Biden wants to spend trillions more, which will just make inflation even worse. A principal cause of the current inflation is high energy prices, the product of Biden's energy policies. Upon taking office, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people. Now the oil that comes through the pipeline is costlier and more polluting due to being moved by trucks and rail. On top of that, he gave his approval for the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany while restricting domestic oil and gas production. Again causing higher gas and heating prices thanks to OPEC and Russia supplying our oil and gas.

Look at his administration, many of his appointees have been selected based on their race, sex, LGBT status and so on, and not because they were the most qualified persons available.
Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. His response to the COVID pandemic has been characterized by frequent policy reversals, the most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates, a move that he previously said he would never make. As a result of his actions, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's.

Our military has suffered under the Biden administration. Their function is no longer a lethal threat to foreign adversaries, but a political experiment in empathy (woke ideas). Now the generals and admirals, to further their careers, bring woke concepts into the military at the expense of its basic function. Biden’s administration of wanting major spending increases in many socialists programs has left the military with a reduced budget along with leaving billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Then there is Hunter. He lied about Hunter's business dealings, including their relationship with China. He lied about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville; he lied about Kyle Rittenhouse claiming he was a white supremacist, even before his trial even began. Throughout his career he has plagiarized and told whoppers about things he is supposed to have done (but didn't do).

But, you are correct about his successes as president. The above list is just a few things he has performed during his tenure in the White House, let alone his time in the senate.
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Lets don’t forget about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden pulled out our troops before getting out our civilians, green card holders and allies, and then had to send troops back in to help them get out. Yet even then, the evacuation left billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

How about our southern border, Biden's refusal to enforce our immigration laws allowing so-called amnesty seekers being released into the country with an order that they show up for a hearing in the distant future, which is ignored. Then there are the people who are unvaccinated, already infected with COVID, gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and even individuals on terrorism watchlists.

Inflation: Prices are rising steeply, with no end in sight. On top of that Biden wants to spend trillions more, which will just make inflation even worse. A principal cause of the current inflation is high energy prices, the product of Biden's energy policies. Upon taking office, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people. Now the oil that comes through the pipeline is costlier and more polluting due to being moved by trucks and rail. On top of that, he gave his approval for the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany while restricting domestic oil and gas production. Again causing higher gas and heating prices thanks to OPEC and Russia supplying our oil and gas.

Look at his administration, many of his appointees have been selected based on their race, sex, LGBT status and so on, and not because they were the most qualified persons available.
Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. His response to the COVID pandemic has been characterized by frequent policy reversals, the most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates, a move that he previously said he would never make. As a result of his actions, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's.

Our military has suffered under the Biden administration. Their function is no longer a lethal threat to foreign adversaries, but a political experiment in empathy (woke ideas). Now the generals and admirals, to further their careers, bring woke concepts into the military at the expense of its basic function. Biden’s administration of wanting major spending increases in many socialists programs has left the military with a reduced budget along with leaving billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Then there is Hunter. He lied about Hunter's business dealings, including their relationship with China. He lied about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville; he lied about Kyle Rittenhouse claiming he was a white supremacist, even before his trial even began. Throughout his career he has plagiarized and told whoppers about things he is supposed to have done (but didn't do).

But, you are correct about his successes as president. The above list is just a few things he has performed during his tenure in the White House, let alone his time in the senate.
You do realize the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan was a gotcha negotiated by that man before he left office, with a fuck-you timeline?
Blaming Biden for that is a hypocrisy diagnostic of the big lie media, and often there’s a Murdoch involved.

So yeah, echo chambers indeed.

A similar hypocrisy reveals itself in that cumulative cognitive poison of referring to the center (that refuses the entire maga ideology on sound rational grounds) as The Left. Enemy defined. Engage tribalism.
In my modest opinion, my deduction is some of the populous exist in their personal ideological echo chambers; they may genuinely not expect anyone to state anything other.

They see their actions as 'self-evidently and on the correct side of history.

This populous, (AKA the left) tends to be very arrogant in assuming they are correct, and no debate or providing documentation is required. It’s why they often shut all other counter opinion’s down, rather than, with an open mind, convince other’s with a different ideology, why they are correct.

Its this arrogance that makes them blind to the fact that their actions are often a hindrance to their cause.
As opposed to the fascist right, who know they are incorrect and are proud to be so ignorant.

There is no amount of documentation or debate that is going to change anyone’s mind when they believe the police should be able to snuff out a black man’s life with no repercussions; or their belief in a historical comic book should give them power over how everyone else should live.

I understand how those that support the last guy could see how issues that Biden and AOC fight for come across as arrogant. “OoOoO, look at them thinking about others, it should be all about meeee!!!”
Lets don’t forget about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden pulled out our troops before getting out our civilians, green card holders and allies, and then had to send troops back in to help them get out. Yet even then, the evacuation left billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

How about our southern border, Biden's refusal to enforce our immigration laws allowing so-called amnesty seekers being released into the country with an order that they show up for a hearing in the distant future, which is ignored. Then there are the people who are unvaccinated, already infected with COVID, gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and even individuals on terrorism watchlists.

Inflation: Prices are rising steeply, with no end in sight. On top of that Biden wants to spend trillions more, which will just make inflation even worse. A principal cause of the current inflation is high energy prices, the product of Biden's energy policies. Upon taking office, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people. Now the oil that comes through the pipeline is costlier and more polluting due to being moved by trucks and rail. On top of that, he gave his approval for the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany while restricting domestic oil and gas production. Again causing higher gas and heating prices thanks to OPEC and Russia supplying our oil and gas.

Look at his administration, many of his appointees have been selected based on their race, sex, LGBT status and so on, and not because they were the most qualified persons available.
Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. His response to the COVID pandemic has been characterized by frequent policy reversals, the most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates, a move that he previously said he would never make. As a result of his actions, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's.

Our military has suffered under the Biden administration. Their function is no longer a lethal threat to foreign adversaries, but a political experiment in empathy (woke ideas). Now the generals and admirals, to further their careers, bring woke concepts into the military at the expense of its basic function. Biden’s administration of wanting major spending increases in many socialists programs has left the military with a reduced budget along with leaving billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Then there is Hunter. He lied about Hunter's business dealings, including their relationship with China. He lied about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville; he lied about Kyle Rittenhouse claiming he was a white supremacist, even before his trial even began. Throughout his career he has plagiarized and told whoppers about things he is supposed to have done (but didn't do).

But, you are correct about his successes as president. The above list is just a few things he has performed during his tenure in the White House, let alone his time in the senate.
Another fact-free delusional diatribe from from the comfy confines of the Fox News alternative reality.
Lets don’t forget about the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden pulled out our troops before getting out our civilians, green card holders and allies, and then had to send troops back in to help them get out. Yet even then, the evacuation left billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban.

How about our southern border, Biden's refusal to enforce our immigration laws allowing so-called amnesty seekers being released into the country with an order that they show up for a hearing in the distant future, which is ignored. Then there are the people who are unvaccinated, already infected with COVID, gang members, drug traffickers, sex traffickers and even individuals on terrorism watchlists.

Inflation: Prices are rising steeply, with no end in sight. On top of that Biden wants to spend trillions more, which will just make inflation even worse. A principal cause of the current inflation is high energy prices, the product of Biden's energy policies. Upon taking office, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people. Now the oil that comes through the pipeline is costlier and more polluting due to being moved by trucks and rail. On top of that, he gave his approval for the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany while restricting domestic oil and gas production. Again causing higher gas and heating prices thanks to OPEC and Russia supplying our oil and gas.

Look at his administration, many of his appointees have been selected based on their race, sex, LGBT status and so on, and not because they were the most qualified persons available.
Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. His response to the COVID pandemic has been characterized by frequent policy reversals, the most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates, a move that he previously said he would never make. As a result of his actions, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's.

Our military has suffered under the Biden administration. Their function is no longer a lethal threat to foreign adversaries, but a political experiment in empathy (woke ideas). Now the generals and admirals, to further their careers, bring woke concepts into the military at the expense of its basic function. Biden’s administration of wanting major spending increases in many socialists programs has left the military with a reduced budget along with leaving billions of dollars' worth of arms, vehicles and equipment in the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Then there is Hunter. He lied about Hunter's business dealings, including their relationship with China. He lied about the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville; he lied about Kyle Rittenhouse claiming he was a white supremacist, even before his trial even began. Throughout his career he has plagiarized and told whoppers about things he is supposed to have done (but didn't do).

But, you are correct about his successes as president. The above list is just a few things he has performed during his tenure in the White House, let alone his time in the senate.
I prefer presidents that create jobs, stop and then reduce inflation that they inherited from the previous administration, gets the US out of a hopeless, decades-long military adventure without significant loss to the US, strengthens important alliances and puts resources into stopping the cancerous growth of absolutist dictatorships from countries that are existential threats to the US.

Hunter Biden. LOL. This isn't ancient China, where the father can be prosecuted for the sins of his son. Speaking of which, Trump's crime family. But enough of that.

If you like Trump and don't like Democrats, that's your concern. We ARE arrogant. It is justified simply by watching your kind humiliate themselves before a con man. Also, we support the rule of law and democracy, both of which Republicans have recently shown a total lack of support.

But LOL at your reply, because it didn't answer the main question contained in the topic. You are deflecting. It challenged you to compare Trump's first two years with Biden's to see who accomplished more.

(spoiler alert) Biden's first two years rocked while Trump's sucked. Because of his accomplishments and Republican ineptitude, we, the arrogant majority flattened Republican's hopes for a government take-over in 2022 and ended Trump's majority government in 2018. Arrogance isn't a bad thing if it's justified.
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You do realize the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan was a gotcha negotiated by that man before he left office, with a fuck-you timeline?
Blaming Biden for that is a hypocrisy diagnostic of the big lie media, and often there’s a Murdoch involved.

So yeah, echo chambers indeed.

A similar hypocrisy reveals itself in that cumulative cognitive poison of referring to the center (that refuses the entire maga ideology on sound rational grounds) as The Left. Enemy defined. Engage tribalism.
He's conducting a single sided comparison and searching for confirmation bias. The real answer is that Biden has done and not done things that can be criticized by both sides of the political spectrum. @garybo 's problem is that his logic fails because he prefers what Republicans offer and elections are about choices. He hates Democrats and therefore is willing to vote for a party that will end free and fair elections in order to maintain a minority, fascist government. Above all else, I prefer a president who will sustain, protect and enhance voter access to the polls. Most people in this country say the same. So, this may be a matter of opinion but to me, and the vast majority of voters in this country, his logic fails on that point first but not just on that point.
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In my modest opinion, my deduction is some of the populous exist in their personal ideological echo chambers; they may genuinely not expect anyone to state anything other.

They see their actions as 'self-evidently and on the correct side of history.

This populous, (AKA the left) tends to be very arrogant in assuming they are correct, and no debate or providing documentation is required. It’s why they often shut all other counter opinion’s down, rather than, with an open mind, convince other’s with a different ideology, why they are correct.

Its this arrogance that makes them blind to the fact that their actions are often a hindrance to their cause.

U.S. life expectancy fell by a total of 2.7 years between 2019 and 2021 to 76.1 years—the lowest it has been since 1996, according to provisional data recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).Oct 17, 2022

As a commoner your welfare is not being addressed.

Frogs in the pot.