I agree with Baginski and maybe you do too but just misread his post. From his post,
@garybo described liberals as he sees them, which may be part true but also part his own bias and part what he is indoctrinated to believe from right wing media. So let's revisit what one of the few right wingers who posts in this sub forum said.
First, note the ad hominins in his post:
He dismisses those who disagree with him because they live in an echo chamber and are not able to listen to people like him.
He claims that people who disagree with him "tend" to be arrogant and closed minded -- "shut all other counter opinions down".
He embellishes that claim with "rather than [try to] convince others".
He concludes that "this arrogance makes them blind".
Gary offers no examples of posts or statements to back up his claims, he simply states them as fact without proof. They are made as if they are self-evident.
I don't care if Gary holds these beliefs. They are his own and I appreciate his honesty in stating them. Its helpful to understand where somebody is coming from. However, as Bagginski points out, the way they are laid out, without proof or examples from actual posts or words by the people he's characterizing as "blind", Gary is simply painting with words the "libural" that conforms to his personal image of one.
Never mind the facts, such as:
Never mind that people who say the same about "liburals" as he does, stormed Capitol Building on Jan 6 and searched the building looking for "liburals" like Pelosi and AOC to hang (or worse) along with Mike Pence. Never mind that the man that the GOP is at this moment primed to elect as their nominee is repeating the words of Hitler and threatening to jail the "vermin" who are actually just political opponents. Unlike Trump, his "vermin" enemy were elected into office. Elected into office by, as Gary puts it, "blind" people. Never mind that "blind" people were the ones who reacted strongly against the murder of Black men by police officers. And Gary criticized us for doing so. Never mind that "blind" people object to recent court rulings that took away civil rights from women that had been precedent. We aren't blind to that fact, we see it clearly. Never mind that the SCOTUS judges who struck them down justified their action
by citing a false history of this country,
Gary's self described "blind" people are too arrogant to see the error of their own ways. Whatever that is. Only Gary can say what that is.
No, we are blind and closed minded toward whatever it is that Garybo thinks we should do. But Garybo doesn't actually say what he supports, he just diminishes liburals because -- ??? To be honest, I don't really understand his argument. We do listen to him and it seems from his post that he is the one who isn't listening.
So, I agree with Bagginski. Garybo was not talking about real people, or liberals, he was talking about Trump's "vermin". Or "liburals as Bagginski put it or blind people as Gary did. I am the "blind" libural", "vermin" that Trump would arrest and put into prison camps without ever having broken a law. Vermin. Not people as MAGA sees them. I would hope that at this point, maybe Gary would not want that to happen.