My son wants guns


Well-Known Member
I'd give him a real bb gun before an airsoft gun. run him through a NO NONSENSE gun training program, about gun safety. Any mistake and you're done. gun goes away til at least the next day, maybe the next week. Finger off the trigger unless ready to shoot, never point at something you aren't willing to destroy, NEVER point at a human, etc. That's the way I was taught to handle air rifles, (at age 13) and today (age 18) I still have some of the best gun safety skills of anyone at airsoft or paintball events. If the other person isn't just as likely to shoot you, you don't even point the gun at them.


Active Member
paintball is a great sport that many young kids play i would recommend paintball over bb gun and airsoft any day but kids will get tired of bb and airsoft really fast so maybe that is best for your situation


Well-Known Member
paintball is a great sport that many young kids play i would recommend paintball over bb gun and airsoft any day but kids will get tired of bb and airsoft really fast so maybe that is best for your situation
yeaaaa, why didnt i think of that, paintballing is siiiiick. ive done it quite a few times i just dont own my own gun. u shuold deff look in to a paintball gun tho. tippman 98 or tippmann a-5 for beginners id have to suggest.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I have a friend that fucking loves paintball, plays for money and shit, it's the only thing keeping him from being a complete fuckup. Airsoft guns suck because there's nothing to shoot at unless you have someone else to shoot at, so if you don't want to be that person I suggest getting a paintball gun and having him join some kind of beginner league or some shit

or you could not buy him anything and take him to a shooting range or something, and teach him about gun safety. I shot pistols all the time when I was a kid and now I hate guns...hah