Child's remains found near home of Caylee's grandparents


New Member

I've always thought that little girls mother killed her, now were about to find out the truth. They should fry that bitch, child killing snatch.

Child's remains found near home of Caylee's grandparents

  • The discovery was made about 9:30 a.m. by a utility worker, who alerted authorities, spokesman Jim Solomons said. Investigators, including those from the Anthony case and defense team, were on the scene, he said.
Police Capt. Angelo Nieves was reluctant to disclose details of the discovery to reporters at the scene, other than to say the skeletal remains found in a plastic bag appeared consistent with those of a young child. The Anthony family has been notified of the discovery, he said.
Caylee Anthony, 3, has been missing since June in a case that has received national attention. Her 22-year-old mother, Casey Anthony, was arrested last month and faces first-degree murder and other charges in the girl's disappearance.
CNN affiliate WFTV reported that the utility worker, a meter reader, picked up a bag at the site and a skull fell out.
i would soooo still fuck casey anthony...

she's pretty smokin' for a ALLEGED (this is america...and she's white...she's innocent until proven guilty) child killer
from the way the media portrays her she is linda lovelace.

i know...i was honestly pretty surprised they jumped on her like that...this story is all that waste of life Nancy Grace would rant about for months...this is gonna set off her flaming vagina again

shit was funny when her and another on their network got called out by John Stewart for saying the exact same lines (it was supposed to be on the spot opinions) in different shows
Is this her?


She looks like one of those Olelemmepoursemenoutthecondomdirectlyintomypussy type hoes.
[quote="SICC";1749929]i never even heard of this? what is it? i never watch TV :roll:[/quote]

turn on cable news---they will be talking about this shit forever now:evil: