Day 46 trim or leave?


Well-Known Member
trim what the tops?

i vote leave them until pull

what you can do is any growth at the bottom that doesnt get any light and is going yellow you can pull that but growth at the top i would not touch :)


Well-Known Member
I mean the leaves... do I take some of the leaves off now or just leave it?
some people take some off so that the buds under them get more light, but i do not do this!

leaves have chlorophyll receptors on them and the jobs of these receptors is too turn the photons that your grow light produces into electrons.

i would leave everything at the top including the leaves alone!


Well-Known Member
Remove the fans that are covering lower bud sites, open the whole canopy up light needs to get down beyond the top cola, unless everything is lolipopped up to the top cola which isn't the case here.