I'm gonna start a food fight.

chocolate eclairs>pie


and alcohol is for disinfection
I love chocolate eclairs. But not the fancy bakery ones the cheap ass fake 7-11 ones.

The best meat is lamb meat, but can you tell me that there is no non delicious part of the lamb? I've only had the ribs and the legs.
I have yet to find a non delicious part of the pig.
Idk What scrapple is(I don't really want to) but my understanding is it's "all the worst parts of the pig" and it yummy
Can you live with a transplant from a lamb?
Will lambs "hide the evidence" for you?
I love chocolate eclairs. But not the fancy bakery ones the cheap ass fake 7-11 ones.

The best meat is lamb meat, but can you tell me that there is no non delicious part of the lamb? I've only had the ribs and the legs.
I have yet to find a non delicious part of the pig.
Idk What scrapple is(I don't really want to) but my understanding is it's "all the worst parts of the pig" and it yummy
Can you live with a transplant from a lamb?
Will lambs "hide the evidence" for you?

grilled lamb chops may be my favorite meat of all when it comes down to it. no sauce no marination nothing needed. just salt on both sides grill and sprinkle some thyme and herbs of your choosing after you take it off the grill. charred delicious fat juicy delicious tender meat. my mouth is watering just thinking about it haha even if it was only for the chops lambs are at the tippy top of meat ranking for me.

as for eclairs i dont care it can be from a french bakery or 7-11 i’ll eat them i’ll enjoy them i’ll go back for seconds and thirds and i’ll keep going back until they call the cops or i feel sick from eating eclairs.
I want to find out where to buy wienerschnitzl to go.
I want to buy it in a refillable box, just add milk till it's done.
Dairy farmers get mad when I ask. Is it a secret?

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There is no such thing as a "meat cake" only a meat loaf( no meat eclairs either)
Cake (and eclairs) are only desert and never an opproreate meal.
If you eat a lot of cake(or eclair) your lady will stop preparing you sweets
If you eat a lot of "pie" your lady will make you brakefast( hopefully more pie)
Anyone can make a decent pie, bakers who can make actual good cake deserve an honorary degree in chemistry
Butter = great

Margarine = shit

Lamb is good, but pork is pretty special - the fat content and the way it cures with salt and time is unparalleled.

pork is great for deli meats curing etc but for grilling lamb is on another level. the fat on lamb is not like veal or pork its consistency and taste is just perfect without becoming overpowering. chops with decent amount of fat only on charcoal fire. eventhough some may come close, nothing beats that for me.