Hlvd testing ?


Well-Known Member
Hey wassup fellow growers
Plan on receiving some cuts in the near future and was wondering what company is the industry standard or which one are u guys using.


Well-Known Member
How accurate is the testing? I know many use tumi. Seeds can still transmit hlvd if I am not mistaken, small % but still a slight chance of transmitting.
I’ve never known anyone who had an issue with HLVd, it’s mostly an issue in commercial grows with clones. Not worth the money to me to test for it, same with tmv. The lab uses rna/pct testing, that should be very accurate.
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Well-Known Member
And some plants just don't show it, the whole "latent" thing Mr. sharp eye lol
Agreed. These are not my plants..

Same strain, obvious difference. Have seen HpLVd, among other diseases, show up in unhealthy, pest ridden plants/clones.

Some facilities just don't care and want weight, so wouldn't replace the plant.. one of the reasons (most) dispensary weed tastes like crap; no care/love for the plant.. of course there's also herbs/flowers grown by caring farmers that are reaching the public, but few a far between imo.

One group I've been watching is NoTill Kings on Instagram. Pretty unique to see living soil beds grown in a facility.
Hope this helps! ✌
these farmers still have progress to make on climate management and nutrition

man look at these leaves .. these red stalks

is that algae and white mold on top of the cube in the background ?

No real evidence of "hplvd" here in my humble opinion


Well-Known Member
Check the light green plant with minimal resin and small growth compared to the dark green, fatter buds with more resin.. All terrible quality; back to the point about (some*) commercial facilities having no care/love for the plant.

Anyone peep the NoTill Kings link? This other facility is growing some dank!
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