1/1/1 ratio of of micro, grow, and bloom is for transition. Once the plants throw pistils, you need to switch to a ratio of 2/1/3 of Micro, Grow, Bloom.
When using General Hydroponics Flora Series 3-part, the proper NER (nutrient element ratio) is:
1/1/1 (M/G/B) mild veg (for early veg)
2/3/1 (M/G/B) aggressive veg (for mid and late veg)
2/1/3 (M/G/B) flower
How many ml's of each part would vary based on maturity of the plant (get an EC pen), but you want to keep the ratios correct so that the plant is getting the proper nutrition. So you doing 2.5/2.5/2.5 ml's of each part means you're doing a 1/1/1 ratio and the plant is not getting enough micronutrients and it is not getting enough bloom nutrients relative to the other part.
There is a formula that people use called Lucas which is 1/0/2 (M/G/B) from start to finish with an increase in EC as the plant matures. So basically it would use double the amount of Bloom for each part you use of Micro and wouldn't use the Grow bottle at all.
Whichever you do, you can't eliminate the Micro bottle. And always make sure you're thoroughly (and slowly) fertigating the plant until at least 10% (but more like 25%) comes out the bottom in runoff. This will help push out the salts in the medium.
Since you're using GH 3-part and some coco, on your next grow you should ditch the Promix and grow in coco or coco/perlite. Then you can feed plants multiple times a day and get monster growth.