worst buzz kill story


Well-Known Member
ok I'm board as fuck, just wondering what everyone's worst buzz kill was that happend to em?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I was supposed to be watching me elderly grandmother who just had a stroke because she thought she could walk around---but couldn't. So I sit with her for three or four hours watching news shows and just start getting the urge to get high. So I ask her if she is just going to stay in the chair until my grandfather got back home and she said yeah--so I left. Got high as hell.

But as soon as I left she must have gotten up to get ready for bed or something and fell down two feet away from a phone where she couldn't reach it. My grandfather calls me two hours later to come and help him pick her up because he couldn't do it alone---buzz kill.

slurms mckenzie

Active Member
One friday night i was getting ready to go out with friends I popped a pill and was waiting for them to come get me, well after about 20 minutes i get a phone call and my grandma is in the hospital and had a minor stroke, so i drove to the hospital which sucked, because my family would have wondered why i couldnt drive their, its only about 6 blocks from my house. Some of my family is there outside of her room so i am talking to them (as i am starting to come up a little) to hear how she is doing and i can hardly hold still but i managed to keep calm and soon after getting there they told us all we should go home because she needed rest. It was a relief to leave but i didnt really feel like going out anymore. My family didnt notice anything, if they did i think they thought i was just worried about her because we are close. Thankfully now she is in full health and doing great!


Well-Known Member
One time my friend and me were driving n he was rolling a blunt in the passenger seat, right when he had the shit broken down and all over himself, i got pulled over by the po po. ok so now im sure you know how i was feeling by now but my friend was trying as hard as he could to hide the shit and clean himself up....... so the cop tell me that i have an abstruction of vision in my rearview (i had like 10 old stale air fresheners) and the cop was like, "you know y most ppl have that many air fresheners in their cars right? i was like aaaaaaaaaaaaa well i dont throw them away, and he looked at me and said well take them down......... meanwhile my friend next to me is almost shitting himself with almost an ounce in his pocket and a fat ass blunt down by his feet.......so we skeeted away and rolled that bitch up with no more problems:leaf:


Well-Known Member
One time my friend and me were driving n he was rolling a blunt in the passenger seat, right when he had the shit broken down and all over himself, i got pulled over by the po po. ok so now im sure you know how i was feeling by now but my friend was trying as hard as he could to hide the shit and clean himself up....... so the cop tell me that i have an abstruction of vision in my rearview (i had like 10 old stale air fresheners) and the cop was like, "you know y most ppl have that many air fresheners in their cars right? i was like aaaaaaaaaaaaa well i dont throw them away, and he looked at me and said well take them down......... meanwhile my friend next to me is almost shitting himself with almost an ounce in his pocket and a fat ass blunt down by his feet.......so we skeeted away and rolled that bitch up with no more problems:leaf:
instead of pulling over someone speeding or driving recklessly, he pulls u over cuz he thinks its an obstruction of vision when hes not even looking out your rearview. sounds like my town cops. im very glad to hear u made it tho, spark that shit!!


Active Member
my worst buzz kill story just recently happened...me and my roommate were smoking a few bowls, just chillin...bout 10 mins after we finished and had tidied up, our landlord comes stormin in, kicks our two buddies out, then proceeds to evict us for smoking weed...he never actually caught us or anything, and it didnt even smell because we smoked it outside on the deck...anywyas, yea, we got kicked out 3 weeks before our exams haha...bad buzzzzz killl

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
Dude, I have one of those Buzzkillington friends, that dude that is always a total bullzkill. But he's a close friend, so I can't not hang out with him. Like, he and I are 'sleepover on the weekends but he has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend but its cool cuz we don't actually like each other' kind of friends. And he doesn't smoke.

So, whenever we hang out, I wind up burning one and he just fucks with me. The entire fucking time. Like, I'm all spaced out, and he's telling me that my parents are coming up the driveway. Or, if I'm really gone, he'll have me tripping out about alien abductions and have us run into the bathroom. I've never met a worse buzzkill.

Man, I am feeling so good right now! This random chick came up to me and gave me a nickel bag out of nowhere during a class today. It's amazing what random acts of kindness can do to people! I think she just got her first harvest in, though.


Well-Known Member
my worst buzz kill story just recently happened...me and my roommate were smoking a few bowls, just chillin...bout 10 mins after we finished and had tidied up, our landlord comes stormin in, kicks our two buddies out, then proceeds to evict us for smoking weed...he never actually caught us or anything, and it didnt even smell because we smoked it outside on the deck...anywyas, yea, we got kicked out 3 weeks before our exams haha...bad buzzzzz killl

You know, you can sue your landlord for that.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
He can't come in like that without notice.EDIT:stranger beat me to it.
my worst buzz kill story just recently happened...me and my roommate were smoking a few bowls, just chillin...bout 10 mins after we finished and had tidied up, our landlord comes stormin in, kicks our two buddies out, then proceeds to evict us for smoking weed...he never actually caught us or anything, and it didnt even smell because we smoked it outside on the deck...anywyas, yea, we got kicked out 3 weeks before our exams haha...bad buzzzzz killl


Well-Known Member
couple weeks ago we just got done smoking so i went back to my room to get some grapes, washed them off and picked them all off the stems so i had a bunch of just washed grapes in a paper towel and brought it back into the living room.

right as i walk in the living room the paper towel breaks and all the grapes spill over the whole room, i was so high and so fucking devastated cuz i was hungry as fuck for those grapes haha...they spilled everywhere like marbles..


Active Member
I know i could sue him...he came in without 24 hour notice ALLL the time...everyday pretty much...thing is, it ends up working out perfectly...i get out of a lease that was too long and too expensive, subletted from a buddy (he's gone for 4 months, and i need it for 4 months) and ill be saving 125 bucks a month...so i was more then happy to be out of there (after i had my new place set up of course)

Ramen Shaman

Well-Known Member
couple weeks ago we just got done smoking so i went back to my room to get some grapes, washed them off and picked them all off the stems so i had a bunch of just washed grapes in a paper towel and brought it back into the living room.

right as i walk in the living room the paper towel breaks and all the grapes spill over the whole room, i was so high and so fucking devastated cuz i was hungry as fuck for those grapes haha...they spilled everywhere like marbles..
Sucks about those grapes, man. Those sound so good right about now.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was too high to notice that the paper towel was soaking wet from when i washed them and wasn't strong enough to hold them haha...i literally stood there for like a minute like wtf...really?


Well-Known Member
Me and my bestfreind where living at his parents old house where they have a green garage were we kept motorcycles and shit. Well that evening im coming home from the gym and decide to stop up my budds house up the street, Prob 1/2 mile. We smoke and then after I hear his brother come down stairs and say "Neil was shot!" I was like whatever, Stop playing not funny. So hes got me convinced he's shot but i thought he was ok. I go to the house. Its coverd in cops and yellow tape. He was medivac'd out right b4 I got there.

Some punk ass "city folk" came to his house because someone said we had motorcycles there. THey couldnt get any and by the time they were about to leave he came out and stoped them. He was a big guy too (5'11 215lbs, a solid dude). The youngest one of the three had a lama 45 and shot him in the stomach point blank. The bullet hit his ahorta and he basically died on the way to the hospital, maybe b4 the helicopter even came.

But heres the kicker. Since I was high I got lost on the way to the hospital where he was being flown to and where everyone else was going. On the way my car overheated, I got lost for 4 hours. Eventually making it there to have no one there, except a late night nurse. I ask about Neil and she tells me "You should call his mother". So im like ok no big deal. I get home and its like 7am. I start reading all these messages on AOL about RIP Neil... I dont believe them. I didnt believe it til my friends called me. And then basically it goes downhill fast from there...

....So buzz kill? Ha I guess you could say that.