I saw some choose to put the money in an envelope and send it to the seed bank when purchasing seeds. What could be wrong by paying by with your credit/debit card? Does envelope method provide a better stealth option? Is there any authority that monitor your transactions and track the payments that are made so they find out you are buying seeds? What about when receiving the package? Can't them figure out there must be something that has to do with growing cannabis?
Also, someone adviced me not to choose the international tracking option when buying the light panel from the seller but didn't said why and what can happen if i opt for tracking option.
What is your experience about ordering seeds and LED grow panels and what advices can you give about this matter.
Also, someone adviced me not to choose the international tracking option when buying the light panel from the seller but didn't said why and what can happen if i opt for tracking option.
What is your experience about ordering seeds and LED grow panels and what advices can you give about this matter.