Bubble Hash 1A- Advanced


Well-Known Member
i started at 8am i was cleaned up and finished at 11:30am. 3 1/2 hours total production time for 20 grams.


Well-Known Member
That is seriously cool.

Isn't the best hash rubbed hash from a plant? But that seems inefficient in that if someone had a big plant and worked on a branch they couldn't get more than 70%(my perception) of the resins to rub off. So is it a waste to try and rub hash off the plant? I see the sense in this because it takes otherwise wasted leaves and turns it into something special.

But I'm thinking there's a chance(I hope) that I have more buds than I care to smoke when all is said and done and was thinking about just rubbing out a few grams off some branches. Right now since I don't even have any plants flowering it's wishful thinking, but it's fun to think about.


Well-Known Member
That is seriously cool.

Isn't the best hash rubbed hash from a plant? But that seems inefficient in that if someone had a big plant and worked on a branch they couldn't get more than 70%(my perception) of the resins to rub off. So is it a waste to try and rub hash off the plant? I see the sense in this because it takes otherwise wasted leaves and turns it into something special.

But I'm thinking there's a chance(I hope) that I have more buds than I care to smoke when all is said and done and was thinking about just rubbing out a few grams off some branches. Right now since I don't even have any plants flowering it's wishful thinking, but it's fun to think about.

rubbing allows all kinds of particles to be mixed in your hash. dust, hairs, leaf matter....... using the washing method, with bubble bags, filters out everything leaving only the stalk-less trichrome heads.


Well-Known Member
i let my trim dry out a little longer this time. crunchy not crispy. unbelievable results. i'm impressed with this grow. it just kept coming and coming. i did 4 twenty minute washes. washed 2 loads. i need to clean up and have a smoke then finish pressing. here are a couple teaser pics until i get finished.



Well-Known Member
i over dried my trim. then i squeezed out to much water before i formed it. now it's to dry to get it to uniformly blend. i've pressed it from hell to breakfast by hand and foot and got it to mold together. it is more of a crumble hash then a bubble hash. it is still rather stony. i made this for someone else so we will let them be the judge.



Well-Known Member
fdd where will i get the bag kit i need, and do you think the bubbler or a blender is better?

A rookie needs 2 know


Well-Known Member
right on,i decided to do what you said about flowering for a couple of weeks indoor before moveing them to muskeg.that should give them 8 weeks to finish flowering outside,you seem to know quite a bit about indor to out door by the posts i read.sticky hits has been my guru for inside information.


Well-Known Member
rubbing allows all kinds of particles to be mixed in your hash. dust, hairs, leaf matter....... using the washing method, with bubble bags, filters out everything leaving only the stalk-less trichrome heads.
This seems very complicated to me even at second reading. What's the easiest type of hash to make that's still a good quality? Maybe the THC tincture there was a thread about would be easiest for me since I have no experience or is that a different kind of high maybe?

I'm very interested if my plants keep going like they are I want to do something extra. I'm just not sure I'd be good at making this type of hash. It's cool that you're using the leaves and making good use of them. But if you were to use mostly bud pieces would it be any different in quality?

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Using bud makes a very high quality/high powered hash...no doubt.

I might slide some popcorn buds in my mix if I have plenty or had a plant that just never developed well...etc....but to me the beauty of making "hash" or oil is that you take the stuff you'd normally TOSS and you make something from it that, IMO, is superior to the weed you grew in potency and taste.

The easiest hash would be to sift and press kif using a 98 micron screening of some sort. If you don't have that, window screen firsat..then run the mix through a panty hose "screen". This will give you a taste of what we're talking about...though it's far from the finished product you'll get from some of the other, more refined methods.

Gotta say I'm damn glad to have grown up in the 70's when hash was VERY plentiful. We used to buy black hash BY THE POUND.....and I once saw 900 POUNDS of the stuff sitting on 2 pallets in an underground warehouse in the Midwest US (Summer of 1980).

Damn it took a lot of weed to make all that! (I know this now but didn't have that knowledge/respect then)

mmmm...time for a bowl of bubble for the Wake N bake!

bt dt


Well-Known Member
*skeet* oops sorry bout that lol, DAMN look - at - THAT! Jesus Christ FDD, I want to be your friend to man. Nobody ever gives me jack shit. Much less some Hash. The first Hash I'll ever smoke will probably be my own, anyway.


Well-Known Member
very nice FDD. I also laughed my ass off at your sanwich antics. Most of the hash I've ever smoked is a dark colour, what makes it dark? Another tutorial I read involved putting it an oven for a duration of time. Whats the deal?