I'm going for some Russian stout in a couple minutes, batch #21 is released today.It looks malty. I'm more of an ipa person.
JajajaCouln't decide which one ... so it's both of these:
View attachment 5391003
First Brunette went down very well ...
Nice looking glass of beer.... I'm going for some Russian stout in a couple minutes ...
Are they hollow? Cut in half and see, then soak in cold water to get any bugs out. Dump the water where you want them to establish. It's not something that establishes easily but you can help. If they are hollow it's most likely morels. A false moral is not hollow. Man that's some good luck if you can have them right there! Nice!@DarkWeb
Please tell me these are morels. They just appeared around the entire perimeter of my newest raised bed which I filled the bottom with rotting logs. Not stinkhorns for sure. But they're everywhere, look a little past fresh.View attachment 5391009View attachment 5391010View attachment 5391011View attachment 5391012
It was cedar 2x8s from a lumber yard that I used to build my first raised beds. When they rotted out I put them and some other logs in the bottom of the new ones last fall. There is a stump of an American wild plum that finally disintegrated nearby, its roots would have extended under all my beds. I bet that's the source. We are having soup tomorrow and hope for more fruit in the coming days.Oh man @shnkrmn I bet you got that wood from your property? If so.....Check a 20' circle around that area also![]()