wtf are some of you thinking?

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Well-Known Member
You still get questions asking what's wrong from people with PH/EC meters so it don't solve anything.
I'd guess at least one person a day signs up to this site when they start growing weed so there is a constant supply of noobs. If you're sick of them go elsewhere, or at the very least don't go in any threads with please,please,please in the title 'cos I'm sick of intolerant people complaining about having to put up with idiots.:peace:


New Member
i use 940 hortilux for vegging with sun agros at a ratio of 1 for every 3 hortilux and its doesnt take me 4 weeks to get seeds or clones to get to a foot in 4 weeks they are almost 4 feet bwahahahahahha rookies


New Member
You still get questions asking what's wrong from people with PH/EC meters so it don't solve anything.
I'd guess at least one person a day signs up to this site when they start growing weed so there is a constant supply of noobs. If you're sick of them go elsewhere, or at the very least don't go in any threads with please,please,please in the title 'cos I'm sick of intolerant people complaining about having to put up with idiots.:peace:
this is for them not for me if they got ph and ppm they wouldnt have any fucking problems and they would grow big huge awesome buds that i can say wow nice buds meang


Well-Known Member
first off dazed you need to fucking smoke a Joint and Chill, this is a public marijuana forum and your going to have to sift through the crap people post everyday. I mean seriously i post on a few forums daily and this one has the least amount of repetative shit and everyone on here smokes the reefer. yes I get excessively mad as well when people ask a question i give them a good answer like for instance get a PPM meter or spend the extra 30 $ and get a god damn good light or don't use pre nuted soil ect ect, but i deal with the fact that most people on here asking those questions are probley 16 yearolds who thought they could put a seed in a solo cup with dirt from their parrents house plant piss the the cup and expect golden nugs to pop out. it's just like the saying you can lead a horse to water but u can't make him drink. You can give all the good advice you want in the end they already knew what they wanted to hear and are probley going to do it anyway and fuck up. So just give the best advice you can or ignore their posts it will help lower your blood preasure a little bit i think. Yes i also get fucking tired of every one and their brother asking the same 10 questions. And yes i my self bought a PPM meter off ebay for like 16 $ shipped best thing i ever did ( no you don't need to spend 80 - 120 $ on a ppm meter chumlie I have had mine for 2 years now no problems and it still reads the standardised TDS solution perfectly you can spend excess cash if you want but its not worth it for what 90 % of the people here will be using them for )

damn typed more then i thought i would. Also r420wi this picture is for you



New Member
yes and noone told me shit i learned myself but for someone saying you dont need them is upserd fucking ricoculous they are your best tolls available for a succesfull and plentyfull grow, and if you keep them calibrated you wont have any problems other then bugs . Bugs suck but can b easily contained if you dip your clones or spray the undersides of your leaves with end all once every 2 weeks till flowering then youll know you wont have anything on them. And then use some sticky strips for gnats and flying anything and some bti for your water so that you dont breed anything in your tank or on you soild medium as the water contains bti totally harmless to weed and likks those little fuck heads there you go put all that together with advanded nutrients and some co2 and you got 1g/w/30days


Well-Known Member
As I said people with meters do still get problems and post questions so your barking up the wrong tree.
Yes I'm sure you grow the best weed in the world, have a twelve inch dick,millions in a Swiss bank and an infinite I.Q but you're still coming across as an attention seeking wannabe.:peace:


Active Member
How about you stop bitching? I feel you on the aspect of "same old shit different day" but come on, this place is somewhat built around the hopes of people coming here and sharing knowledge, if you dont like what people have to say/ask, dont read it, thats the beauty of forums.. YOU DONT HAVE TO READ IT. Dont get pissed because there are some new people who may be in a hurry and might not have time to run through all the posts to see which is going to answer his question(s), or maybe they have never used a forum before and dont know how to go through and check previous posts. As long as they post in the right section and are respectful in their post, i have no problem with seeing the same questions and giving the same answers, i mean hell.. what do you think teachers do in their profession? they have lesson plans for a day.. they go over the same things all day long.. repetition is just going to help the new comers and be reinforcement on your own knowledge.. and by the way, those meters? its a matter of opinion whether or not they are the most important aspect of growing.. i personally do not believe them to be, but i respect your opinion and im sure you have very good and credible reasoning behind it. All im saying is, have some patients and courtesy, because, in my opinion, it gets old seeing people bitch all the time.. this isnt a place to bitch, its a place to share information and to further the knowledge base of one another. At the same time though, all due respect, you seem like a fly dude that just got annoyed, and i understand that, im just trying to voice my opinion as well.


New Member
you try and gove good advice to rookies but they got these other idiots that think they know how to grow telling them nah you dont need that or this look at me a grew 2 plants under a fucking cfl come on come on im a fucking 20 year old veteran at this shit i think i know something about this im just trying to make a point that a ppm pen and ph pen are necessary for a succesfull grow


New Member
im only trying to help you rookies out, i c people posting shit like no its got calcium deficiency then another one no its got nitrogen deficiency then another idiot says no its got both then another one in the same thread says no you fed it too much wtf is the rookie supposed to do? if he had a ppm pen an ph pen he wouldnt have this kinda problem as long as he used some hydroponic grade fertilizer wether organic or synthetic it wouldnt matter


Well-Known Member
This arrogant ashole is still a fucking rookie,sounds like he's just trying to pick a fight to me sooooo....let my help him out....You stupid knuckleheaded sonofabitch I've forgot more about growing than you'll ever know why don't you just shut the fuck up and go suck on your mamma's tittie you crybaby good for nothing hater bitch.just go somewhere and find a forum on something you know something about like suckin dick you fuckin jackass


New Member
rookies buy a ppm pen and ph pen read this thread i want you to have big huge monter buds cause thats the only way to grow


Well-Known Member
I always tell people that if they want to grow successfully they need to expect to pay atleast 200 $ and if they can't afford that then they shouldn't be growing in the first place. its like saying i want to build a house but i dont want to spend the money on wood and nails. you might build somthing but its not gonna be what you wanted and its just going to waste your time

200 $ break down

125 $ 400 watt hps / mh lamp refurbished with 3 year warntee from inside sun ( do a google search )

30 $ maxi grow and maxi bloom nutes from general hydroponics
25 $ 5 grow bags and proper organic soil to fill them
15 $ PPM metter off ebay
5 $ litmus paper for basic ph testing

with those Very basic grow materials you can produce an awsome harvest and with the sale of some of that harvest you can aquire the rest of your set up.

i have told most new people on here asking what they need this. Most of them complain they can't afford 200 $ and get pissed when i say they shouldn't be growing then but so is life
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