wtf are some of you thinking?

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Well-Known Member
the real problem is noobs dont read threads b4 they make new ones. when i first got on here i wasn't even a memeber i just browsed the threads until i needed to be
tru dat. i got about 100 thread pages saved as 'complete html' offline... the most informative ones.


Well-Known Member
so i posted this picture in responce to r420wi talking trash to the creator of this thread and he responded with this


Able To Roll A Joint
Able to roll a joint

Join Date: Sep 2008​

Posts: 88


after the thread progressed it was clear that the creator of this thread was an asshole but man is it just me or is he proving my point with the all caps and the use of the word "some1" I also think my second picture applys as well


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Able To Roll A Joint
Able to roll a joint

Join Date: Sep 2008​

Posts: 88

Originally Posted by Breakdancer003
no the fact that you responded to me in all caps and felt that talking shit back to someone on the internet would make them stop bitching makes me think your an idiot but that picture was a funny way of me telling you that talking shit over the internet is pointless get over your self

k 1st off stupid i wasn't even talking shit like beating ppl up or anything i was trying to help him see if he don't want to answer them type of questions don't go to them. and for u to even have that pic tells me alot about u. as far as the caps go sorry was in a rush (from life not sitting in front of my computer thinking about 1980 dances lol

ooooo he got me good :spew:and being in a rush leads to abuse of caps lock ? their should be a highschool equivilancy exam befor anyone is aloud to use the internet


Well-Known Member
i agree. +rep.
i've turned down clones, and good seeds from friends because i'm a newbie ;)
i only have ph meter, i do have proper nutes etc though.. but i started with bagseed because it's my first time.. once i get a practice grow and get a ppm meter and real lights(not clfs) etc, then i would POSSIBLY think about growing some bought/good strain seeds.. i wouldnt even buy seeds unless i was doing MH/HPS grow with proper space, equipment etc..


Active Member
I grow fine without either to be honest. but hey can you please help me bro? haha =)

yeah all i do is search threads, i hate noobs askin same dumb questions without a search 1st...... if that makes you feel any better!


you dont need a ph pen.,....

ph test kit...

some superior chart following directions

thats it
calm the fuck down and grow your OWN weed

if your pissed off remember your ass was NOOB once too


Well-Known Member
i think he's mainly talkin about people that PURCHASE seeds, with out the proper equipment to grow them, then come in here saying "I bought these seeds and what is wrong with them now?" THAT is the dumb shit he is talkin about.

it's one thing to come in and ask about a seed ya got out of a bag cause you wanna grow it.. but your buying seeds.. buy the proper equipment too.


Well-Known Member
no if you read this whole thread ( i dont recomend it ) you will see he was being an asshole and got banned for it. Now im dealing with this 16 yearold trying to get in a pissing contest with me ( check page 8 i posted some of the funny things hes said ) got to love the internet

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i use 940 hortilux for vegging with sun agros at a ratio of 1 for every 3 hortilux and its doesnt take me 4 weeks to get seeds or clones to get to a foot in 4 weeks they are almost 4 feet bwahahahahahha rookies
your the shit man i want to be just like you when i grow up


Active Member
im not big on the attitude... at all. but i would second the notion that if someone is having problems - and they don't understand clearly whats going on... then a pH and TDS meter is "the way" to go. Ya, the plants will tell you almost everything you need to know as far as what kind of problem you are having. But they aren't going to tell you exactly what your tap water pH is (when it is so crappy it can't even be fixed w/o reverse osmosis).

I have both meters but used them primarily to help in diagnosing the problem. Now that i am back on track, I'll primarily be using the plants growth as feedback to how much nutrients i should be using.
I like the way that was put, its O.G. with new age twist. I for one believe technology to be a great thing, yet at the same time, it should be used in moderation, much like anything else in this world, moderation is key. Bravo to not developing a dependence on technology.

Im not sure if I am the only one who has this mindset, but i believe it to be much more beneficial to a grower to start with nothing but soil and water and the bare minimum. Think back in the day a little bit (if you can, if not, then ask someone :-) ), do you think that when the OG's were starting back in the day they really went all out as you see in some of the posts here? I am a big fan of outdoor grown weed. Some of my local OG's go outside with their seeds.. put them knuckle deep in the ground and walk away. Every year they seem to have the bombest shit, and nobody seems to understand why. Their seeds go through hell when it comes to rain, Ph level of rain up here is off the charts, and in general they are in nature, taking all the punishment that can be thrown at them. The most they do is maybe set up chicken wire so the damn deer dont eat their crop. So why is their shit so turbo? Some people lose sight of the fact that these plants are hardwired to grow a certain way naturally.. no matter what, and if your constantly using all these different nutrients and tools, your taking away half the work of the plant.. the plant itself will take care of its own problems naturally, i mean yeah we can help it a bit i suppose, but nobody can replicate what a biological enzyme is going to do in its natural state, it cannot be done. Thats the beauty of the northcountry.. ive yet to find a chemical crop better than this twisted towny homegrown we got goin around here.

So, what im getting at with all this is, although technology can be a great thing, its getting to the point today where a lot of growers are becoming dependent on it. A lot of growers think that you need all these high tech gadgets to grow some chronic.. when really, all you need is some TLC, some water.. and dirt? how simple an equation for something so wonderful? As far as i see it.. technology is just taking the fun out of growing.. half the fun is trail and error.. half the fun is figuring it out for yourself, as Gambler said.. the plant will tell you what its feeling, but are you fluent in its language? or are you dependent on a translator?

Disclaimer: These are strictly my beliefs and my opinions that are based on my past experiences and the experiences of friends of mine. Im not saying that using the technology is a bad idea, all im saying is that people should not forget the roots of marijuana cultivation and how it started out. Dont put so much praise and emphasis on a type of technology that is a newcomer to the game. Although it may produce good results, in the end it is all still a non-essential accessory to the process of marijuana cultivation. I will, however, admit to smoking some pretty fire shit that was a techno-grow.. got me totally fried.. you techno heads got some dank rollin around, thats for sure. I guess it all boils down to preference and situation.


Well-Known Member
is their anyway to block a user. nothing contructive is ever gonna take place between me and this kid and the amusement of his ignorance is fadding


Well-Known Member
rookies buy a ppm pen and ph pen read this thread i want you to have big huge monter buds cause thats the only way to grow
Well, you have given some great information. Knowing what to do with the equipment is also important, so I appreciate that you included the height / ppm ratio. I already have a PH meter, and I'll go buy a ppm meter today. Thanks for the tips, but I hope I don't have to read anything from you again. You're an ass who has obviously forgotten what it's like to be a noob.

I am a noob. :cry: I am here, trying not to be a noob forever. I want huge nugs! Thank you for the tips. :joint:


Well-Known Member
i don't own so much as a PH checker. never have, never will. we all did this shit 20 years ago without any of these "tools" i wonder how. =/
That's what I'm talkin' about. Just always used way less ferts than suggested and watered with water from the well. The grass grows green, the tomatoes are plump, and the buds are big, fat and frosty. I don't own any meters. Go figure.


Active Member
okay i dont understand soem of you noobs here. You spend money on lights and seeds and set up but you fail to get a ppm pen and a ph pen wich are the most fucking important tools that you have to determine if your plants are getting what they need and so that you dont have any problems. All i c is please please help me i donno whats wrong, my plant is dying , this is fucking retarded a ppm pen is 40 bucks and so is a ph pen. Fuckkkkkkk, please please help me, fuck its getting so old reading shit like this.

dont feed clones or seeds till they are 6 inches tall then feed with 400 ppm and get some good fucking soil while your at it and some hydroponic grade organic or synthetic fertilizer. Feed feed water feed feed water do this till the last 2 weeks then just water and youll have dank chron. Go to 800 ppm once 2 feet tall and 1200 if you get to 4 feet tall and there you go . Now stop fucking posting please please what do i do cause if you do im gona call you a moron everytime i get. ps ph should b 6.2 in soil and 5.8 in hydroponic.
This is basically a noob section so there will be noob question. I woudnt say a ppm meter is as much of a necessity as a ph tester. You can get ph test kits for lie 4 bucks you dont need to drop all that money on a meter.


Active Member
In every noob sections you are gonna get poeple who complain about noobs and noob questions. The thing is thats what these sections are for. If you are not a noob an have a problems with the questions leave the forum.:wall:


Well-Known Member
you try and gove good advice to rookies but they got these other idiots that think they know how to grow telling them nah you dont need that or this look at me a grew 2 plants under a fucking cfl come on come on im a fucking 20 year old veteran at this shit i think i know something about this im just trying to make a point that a ppm pen and ph pen are necessary for a succesfull grow

I've had more grows then i can count on my hands, and i have never owned a ppm or ph meter.

By the way do you have a journal?


Well-Known Member
the real problem is noobs dont read threads b4 they make new ones. when i first got on here i wasn't even a memeber i just browsed the threads until i needed to be
This is what I'm talkin' about too. Look at MY "join date", and my "post count". I would come on here and just read, and read, and read. Learned a lot about growin' without ever asking a single question. I think that is more the problem with the noobs. They should all be required to read the "growfaqs" before they're allowed to post. That would eliminate a lot of the repetitive questions. I for one like sharing what knowledge I have with the ppl that are just starting out. Like previous posters said, you don't have to answer the questions if you don't want to.


Junior Creatologist
Wow. that was interesting, to say the least, lol.

I spend all kindsa money on equipment, seeds, n all the bells n whistles, n all i use a Ph meter twice during my grow n thats it. Once during veg to make sure my dolemite lime is working to stabalize the ph, and once again in the middle of flower to make sure the same shit is happening. Im not having ANY problems with my grow (knock on wood), and all it took was reading all about cannabis plant problems and how to identify them, and then i bought the book MARIJUANA GARDEN SAVER by Ed Rosenthal.

That book right there is all you need when trying to keep a plant from going south on you. Other than that, most beginners should be growing in soil, so they really dont need a ppm meter anyways. I do admit, once you start growing in hydro, then you should probably pick one up, but until then, dont let anybody fool you into thinking that a ppm meter is absolutely essential to growing a dank ass crop. Just read your books, and know what your talking about and doing, and youll be fine. Even if you dont possess a Greenthumb man, reading a couple books will still give you an upper hand on any problems that may arise.

I know the ignorant dude that began the thread is banned, but i dont want n00bs who come here lookin for help to read somethin like this and then automatically assume that theyre doin shit the wrong way. They should just read up on what theyre doin, and attempt to do a completely successful grow with as little as possible, that way if they are successful, then theyll do 1000 times better WITH all of the extra bells n whistles n meters n shit.

Good luck to all you newbies out there who are just now getting interested in growing cannabis. I wish all you guys n gals nothin but the best of luck, n hit up a REAL vet, or even me (who by no means is a vet by anyones standard, but i read alot :D), and we will be GLAD to help out. We dont think of you guys as whinin little bitches, lol. Asking questions is what this thing is all about man. Learning is a good thing -- even the most experienced grower still learns something new all the time man. So keep askin questions, n dont stop doin it, even when u think u know everything, you havent even scratched the surface. Just make sure you read the basics and learn them. That way you wont have to ask about the obvious stuff -- thats what the FAQs are for ;)

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