wtf are some of you thinking?

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Well-Known Member
Wow, he threatened to grass on you, I thought he sounded like a kid with the bragging and that but to come out with shit like that is unbelievable. No wonder he lost the retard race! ;-):peace:


Active Member
i don't own so much as a PH checker. never have, never will. we all did this shit 20 years ago without any of these "tools" i wonder how. =/
words of wisdom, that was another point i was waiting for someone to bring up.. ill tell you what, im young, but ive got enough experience with all aspects of marijuana to confidently state that i am a fairly reliable source on information. I know many.. many.. MANY old school growers, and that's where i learned the majority of my growing techniques, and ill tell you what, you dont need all the technology to grow good weed, if you give a plant the essentials, its going to grow no matter what, and the simple fact of the matter is, your not going to grow the best weed your first time, your going to have to take what youve learned (The basics) and elaborate on them, make little tweaks and quirks here and there, try new things as you go, thats the beauty of growing.

I am not all that impressed, even though its meant well, when i see more experienced growers trying to tell a newcomer that he should be using all these different tools, and all these different techniques.. as i said, its meant well, but its useless, and in some cases, may be overwhelming to someone who is just trying to get a basic idea on how to grow some smoke?? A newcomer in the growing community should start bottom barrel.. learn it from the basics up, and add to them slowly as you go along. You wouldnt try to teach a first grader calculus..


Well-Known Member
Good post gnarly I agree with you completly ....we all need to work together to help people who are just starting out....


Well-Known Member
Wow, he threatened to grass on you, I thought he sounded like a kid with the bragging and that but to come out with shit like that is unbelievable. No wonder he lost the retard race! ;-):peace:
he did say in his first post he was a 20 year old "veteran". tells ya what a cocky ass he must be or should i say must have been since he is now banned,,,, i doubt he was in any war so he must consider himself a vteran grower so bbeing a veteran grower at 20 must be great i know a few growers that been growing since b4 he was born must be super ultra veterans


Well-Known Member
This need to be a team effort so spread the ganja throughout the whole world....HAAHAAAHAAAHAAAAA...................


Active Member
i thought fdd was the shit aft reading a lot of his threads and posts. i can see now that he is! hats off to someone taking a stand against anger and hate on this beautiful site! :clap: now Mr. Fdd... what kind of drink can i make you?? may i suggest the house special... Hash Rum?? ~

captain canabiss

Active Member
now eye r one. Dude the crap some people ask or the crap some people are so proud of..."arent my almost dead sprouts looking great"
It kills me. But they got to start somewhere, back when there was no internet we learned from experience and older brothers or a friends older bro or someone that had cool parents or good ole uncle stoner.....way back before High Times came out they jump on line and wine about the fact the $$$$ they invested is not doing what it should like all the pics show. Live and Learn , Grow and Burn...


Well-Known Member
im not big on the attitude... at all. but i would second the notion that if someone is having problems - and they don't understand clearly whats going on... then a pH and TDS meter is "the way" to go (AFTER reading some guides on diagnosing plant problems AND getting a 6-7 dollar moisture meter). Ya, the plants will tell you almost everything you need to know as far as what kind of problem you are having. But they aren't going to tell you exactly what your tap water pH is (when it is so crappy it can't even be fixed w/o reverse osmosis).

I have both meters but used them primarily to help in diagnosing the problem. Now that i am back on track, I'll primarily be using the plants growth as feedback to how much nutrients i should be using.


Well-Known Member
the real problem is noobs dont read threads b4 they make new ones. when i first got on here i wasn't even a memeber i just browsed the threads until i needed to be
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