First successful grow


Well-Known Member
Looking good. To help kill off the gnat larvae you can mix 3% hydrogen peroxide with water 1:4 and water the soil with it. Be sure to get it down into the root zone.
That.. along with the sticky traps helped me bring their numbers down drastically in my organic pots.


Well-Known Member
Thanks do i need to cut back the light or just keep it 18/6 till harvest
Unless the bill is getting out of hand, I’d keep it on 18/6 & maybe even move it to about 12” from the top. [edit: Watching the plants to see how they react. They may want more food with the light closer, or could bleach the top.] In the case you told raise it back up to 18”+
With photos I think chipping away at lights on time may help near the end. I’m just not sure if it matters with autos.


I have been bumping up my hours of light and a little more food and now my tips of my fan leaves are turning brown so what’s going on