Blaze & Daze

Damn straight! We had some wicked winds over the weekend, so I’m hoping the ladies held up okay :shock:
Buddy I'm right with ya,I just had mine out last two nights with crazy rain and winds but was able to put under cover. I checked a friends and they were up against house and they were all bent over, nothing broken tho. That's with 60 mph wind and tornado warning, strong ladies only month and half old.
One for the "OK - why?" file. One of our neighbors a few houses down, who turns 74 next month, got a Staffordshire pup about 2 years ago. And as Gavroche from Les Miserables taught us all, pups grow up.

This Staffy is now full grown, about 55 lbs. looks identical to this:


... and runs like Forrest Gump. This morning, I have seen her trying to corral this dog on three occasions but she doesn't have the strength to hold the leash once that squirrel crosses his path..

OK ... then why a Staffy?
Here's something cool I'd love to share. This rubber plant has been in my family since 1798. Pieces of it have been passed throughout the family on my father's side since then. I remember as a little boy, my great grandmother had it in her sunroof and it was huge. It was my favorite place e to play with my gijoes and clash of the titan and gobot toys. While I only have a piece, the original plant will be passed to me. Weird how a little something can matter. There are pictures and stories of almost losing it throughout its history. One thing I've learned in it's story is Strong Roots Matter. History matters. I have a book on my families history all the way back to 1480. The good, the bad, and there is bad, all matters. Without knowing the bad, we can't make things better. I see so many people make the same .mistakes over and over because they have no roots or actual fou nation of their knowledge. The most honest things are simple and I feel like the world of tech and toys has made us so busy mentally, that we miss the simple beautiful things in life. Yall here seem pretty grounded and I love that. So I guess as an encouragement, keep your roots strong, even if if it starts with you. Bring joy to the world around d you. And before you know it, you be surrounded by massive forest of redwoods.
I grew this from 2 scraps I picked up on my old job about 26 years ago. 20240624_090403.jpg

I read an interesting article last year about Chinese immigrants families who pass around cuttings from dracaena plants often sourced from their relatives who remained in China. Gifted to the young as housewarming gifts and such. Very much a familial practice.