High thc anxiety / panic


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Not the healthiest solution but antipsycotics. I cant live without em so its a break even situation. Not gonna live long livin like a trainwreck anyway.
Actually if you need them they are one of the healthiest solutions currently and as we gain knowledge they are getting better. I'm sorry you have to use them and I hope they are helping you. They seem to have gotten quite a bit better then their first generation.


Well-Known Member
Actually if you need them they are one of the healthiest solutions currently and as we gain knowledge they are getting better. I'm sorry you have to use them and I hope they are helping you. They seem to have gotten quite a bit better then their first generation.
Oh yea they gave me my life back I can use weed with no issues I can live normal. I know people who would of benefited if they took theirs and things only got worse.

They actually are kinda like weed they get me stoned. Good stuff. They can pull a ptsd patient out of an episode. Its dope lol.


Well-Known Member
Uh-oh. I'm suffering from the same problem and the panic attacks have taken over my life. It all started 1 day when I smoked some high potency weed and I haven't been the same since. I even went to the hospital because I thought I was dying. I've been suffering from weed induced panic attacks for the last few years now. At 1 point I was having panic attacks back to back all day long for months and months and it only got worse and worse. I can't even leave the house anymore due to how bad the panic attacks got. It's really messed my life up. It's ruined my life. The only thing that helps me to get rid of the panic attacks is by drinking alcohol. The doctor gave me some Benzodiazepines but I haven't bothered taking them because I heard if you drink alcohol and take them it can cause your breathing to stop. All I can say is over the past 6 months my panic attacks have got a little bit better and I don't get them as much now so there is Hope. But when I smoke too much weed I still do get the odd 1 or 2 panic attacks and I still can't really leave the house that much. The panic attacks have gave me Agoraphobia and I'm not sure how to fix it. I guess it's a mental health problem I will have to deal with for the rest of my life now. I'm just glad the panic attacks are not as bad as they were 2 years ago. Sometimes I even have panic attacks when I'm not even smoking too. The worst part of having a panic attack is feeling like you are dying everytime you have a panic attack. It's the worst possible feeling Ever. If you ever find a real fix for the panic attacks let me know because I am desperate to get back to normal again.

I have had depersonalization and derealization episodes last for years. Marijuana induced, google it. Alcohol helped but not the answer. I stopped smoking for 40 years, just started again. Talk yourself down. Say here I go again I survive every time. Knowing others had it and I wasn't the craziest bastard on earth also helped.


Active Member
I vaped some 27% thc purple buds, they are fruity, full of crystals and when I hit it, I felt a panic attack coming on, heart rate increased. I’m just wondering what is the best way to deal with the symptoms and what causes it.
thats bud, bud


Well-Known Member
Uh-oh. I'm suffering from the same problem and the panic attacks have taken over my life. It all started 1 day when I smoked some high potency weed and I haven't been the same since. I even went to the hospital because I thought I was dying. I've been suffering from weed induced panic attacks for the last few years now. At 1 point I was having panic attacks back to back all day long for months and months and it only got worse and worse. I can't even leave the house anymore due to how bad the panic attacks got. It's really messed my life up. It's ruined my life. The only thing that helps me to get rid of the panic attacks is by drinking alcohol. The doctor gave me some Benzodiazepines but I haven't bothered taking them because I heard if you drink alcohol and take them it can cause your breathing to stop. All I can say is over the past 6 months my panic attacks have got a little bit better and I don't get them as much now so there is Hope. But when I smoke too much weed I still do get the odd 1 or 2 panic attacks and I still can't really leave the house that much. The panic attacks have gave me Agoraphobia and I'm not sure how to fix it. I guess it's a mental health problem I will have to deal with for the rest of my life now. I'm just glad the panic attacks are not as bad as they were 2 years ago. Sometimes I even have panic attacks when I'm not even smoking too. The worst part of having a panic attack is feeling like you are dying everytime you have a panic attack. It's the worst possible feeling Ever. If you ever find a real fix for the panic attacks let me know because I am desperate to get back to normal again.
I had your symptoms to a tee. Been suffering from anxiety for all my life. Certain weed exacerbates this. If I try a new type of weed I can tell in a minute if my heart is going to start pounding.

What helped me out? Alprazolam .25 mg. DO NOT TAKE ANY PILLS WITHOUT SEEING A DOCTOR FIRST. I have a prescription. Works in 10 minutes and keeps the anxiety at bay for hours without the doped up feeling. I can smoke more of the same weed later on and no attacks. It will also help with the Agoraphobia by making you feel more calm.

If you are getting the attacks before sleep or right after you start falling asleep take a pill 30 minutes before bed. There are other forms of help but this is the only way the attack is stopped dead in its tracks in 10 minutes or less depending on how your body reacts to the medicine. I only need a very small dose of Xanax/Alprazolam to stop an attack. Other people need more. Good luck and see a doctor for this. You wont regret it.

Been taking this medication AS NEEDED for 20 years.


Well-Known Member
I had your symptoms to a tee. Been suffering from anxiety for all my life. Certain weed exacerbates this. If I try a new type of weed I can tell in a minute if my heart is going to start pounding.

What helped me out? Alprazolam .25 mg. DO NOT TAKE ANY PILLS WITHOUT SEEING A DOCTOR FIRST. I have a prescription. Works in 10 minutes and keeps the anxiety at bay for hours without the doped up feeling. I can smoke more of the same weed later on and no attacks. It will also help with the Agoraphobia by making you feel more calm.

If you are getting the attacks before sleep or right after you start falling asleep take a pill 30 minutes before bed. There are other forms of help but this is the only way the attack is stopped dead in its tracks in 10 minutes or less depending on how your body reacts to the medicine. I only need a very small dose of Xanax/Alprazolam to stop an attack. Other people need more. Good luck and see a doctor for this. You wont regret it.

Been taking this medication AS NEEDED for 20 years.

if that rx works for you, more to ya I’m just suggesting to everyone else a usa doctor isn’t gonnea bck any holistic and def want to refer/get ya on drugs. Def not cannabis ,Well sad/confusing part is most dr’s will long term prescribe someone a life long and alot of time addictive without even thinking or seeing if this person really needs it vs holistic and doing a true test of needing such rx ( they are trained that way in usa ) . I would use some caution before thinking those drugs are ur fix.

”Both Ativan and Xanax should only be used short-term due to risk of addiction and dependence. Generally speaking, benzodiazepines with a shorter half life (such as Ativan and Xanax) are harder to stop than those with a longer half life (such as diazepam). Both Ativan and Xanax readily enter brain tissue which reinforces drug taking and is generally associated with more severe withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, Ativan and Xanax are both at high risk of abuse. Research directly comparing Ativan with Xanax is not available; however, many experts have particularly advised that Xanax be used with caution as it has been associated with particularly severe withdrawal symptoms.”



Well-Known Member
I know personally, when life is too much, or I'm stressed out about my health, work, family...etc to level 10/10 I can't smoke weed. And I mean I smoke a lot of weed and concentrates all day every day. You need to just take a break, get your life or problems or whatever it is you're going through that's giving you that root anxiety, and deal with it one way or another. Micro dosing magic mushrooms is insanely effective in ridding anxiety. I will tell you from experience. It works. Ive even found just having a good trip with a gram and a half or so gets rid of my anxiety for months sometimes at a time. I'm not saying it will work for you as everyone is different but it has been proven that Psilocybin has promising results helping people cope with different forms of extreme anxiety and depression. Something to think about.
In Canada, we have magic mushroom shops popping up like the old weed dispensary days where it's not legal but they're just doing it anyways and nobody seems to care. Lol. Good mush too.
There's usually a natural remedy that will alleviate most of any symptoms we have, rather than feeding pharma, we should be looking into these types of medicine more but unfortunately big pharma wants us all doped up on their addictive garbage that they want to jam down our throats.
There's a pill for everything....side effects include... Death.? How is death a side effect? Lol. Oh no now I'm all baked up and rambling. Bye!
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Well-Known Member
if that rx works for you, more to ya I’m just suggesting to everyone else a usa doctor isn’t gonnea bck any holistic and def want to refer/get ya on drugs. Def not cannabis ,Well sad/confusing part is most dr’s will long term prescribe someone a life long and alot of time addictive without even thinking or seeing if this person really needs it vs holistic and doing a true test of needing such rx ( they are trained that way in usa ) . I would use some caution before thinking those drugs are ur fix.

”Both Ativan and Xanax should only be used short-term due to risk of addiction and dependence. Generally speaking, benzodiazepines with a shorter half life (such as Ativan and Xanax) are harder to stop than those with a longer half life (such as diazepam). Both Ativan and Xanax readily enter brain tissue which reinforces drug taking and is generally associated with more severe withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, Ativan and Xanax are both at high risk of abuse. Research directly comparing Ativan with Xanax is not available; however, many experts have particularly advised that Xanax be used with caution as it has been associated with particularly severe withdrawal symptoms.”

Only take the pill when needed during an attack. I don't "think" Alprazolam is a fix, I know it is. It has saved me many trips to the ER over the last 20 years and it has never been addictive to me.

I am addicted to a drug tho. It's weed.

conor c

Well-Known Member
I vaped some 27% thc purple buds, they are fruity, full of crystals and when I hit it, I felt a panic attack coming on, heart rate increased. I’m just wondering what is the best way to deal with the symptoms and what causes it.
Depends you experienced or a noob if your a noob push through and in time your tolerance will climb and it wont happen unless your the type thats just always gonna be that way in that case smoke less or not at all if your experienced and this is happening maybe try smoking some cbd stuff or old school easy going stuff like cali o for example that aint so high thc

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I did a big bong rip of some blue dream and got super high late afternoon . When I went to sleep or tried to go to sleep that night I kept waking with panic attacks. I got up for a while and then took a pill to help me relax and go to sleep. Not sure why that happened but I’m not smoking that stuff again. It was blue dream from a local pot shop. These days I prefer tincture . The only thing about tincture is that it really really fux with my memory but other than that I really like it.


Well-Known Member
Only take the pill when needed during an attack. I don't "think" Alprazolam is a fix, I know it is. It has saved me many trips to the ER over the last 20 years and it has never been addictive to me.

I am addicted to a drug tho. It's weed.
like I said above, if it works for u. Awesome but I still disagree when ur not a dr and even so to be recommending people to take such drugs and to be aware Inless it’s a big issue to know the medium and what the risks are but also use them only if needed ( like yourself )

For people who struggle with anxiety, feeling relaxed and at peace can be an addictive sensation. Doctors prescribe Xanax as needed, but someone with anxiety may take alprazolam more often, even regularly, because they feel like they need it to be normal. This is a form of prescription drug misuse or abuse.

Taking the drug specifically to feel relaxed or happy is abuse, and it can lead to addiction to the substance.

Finally, Xanax is very risky because it is often mixed with other drugs. This practice is extremely dangerous since Xanax can increase the intoxication of other substances.

People who take prescription opioids to treat pain may mix these drugs with Xanax, which increases their risk of accidental overdose. If you take a prescription medication and your doctor wants to prescribe Xanax for as-needed anxiety management, let them know what other prescription drugs you are taking before you begin Xanax treatment.

Nonmedical use of opioids and benzodiazepines like Xanax has been a serious and risky feature of the opioid addiction and overdose epidemic. More than 30 percent of opioid overdoses involve benzodiazepines, according to NIDA. Drinking alcohol on top of these drugs is even more harmful and too common.

if Xanax was a cure for the issue than these companies would never ever sell it cause they want you to be so dependent but addicted for life. these modes of action are not good but also make the user a addict and also more prone to the issue just like anti depression drugs or pain killers

if cannabis is addictive for u it’s ur self addicted it’s not physical . Ur pill is hints why u think a proven and def cemented in shoipd only be used temp and addictive and mind alt drug is fixing ur anxiety when u prolly wouldn’t even have it without this decade run with a mind alt bad drug. It’s like a pain pill, it should only be used for temp use and whatcha know ur only doing it later for the fix of if, it’s not fun and all ur being is a junkie to the substance. Cannabis doesn’t do that and I’m def not gonnea do real junkies and addicts will do for their drugs or think a mind alt drug like Xanax . I know sooo many people and seen who are def addicts as same level as meth on stuff ur talking about so I’m good and their dr did and was the entry to the drugs . Trust me the opioid crisis was from our dr’s and they def didn’t look out for the their costumers like many issues.

blame cannabis all u want but I’m not paranoid or anxious all day if don’t miss a hit or not smoke . That’s addiction is when u can’t and the high isn’t even there but ur just trying to fix the addiction. never got that from cannabis , even food like junk food can do that or sugar but not cannabis

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Well-Known Member
I've noticed that when I get those anxious feelings it's usually from a high thc sativa dominate strain. I prefer sativas but I always have some indica around and a couple hits of that stops the anxiety.
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