The last 4th of July

The US Constitution Article II, This entire article, which outlines the fairly modest explicit powers of the president, is dead, dead, dead. In Trump v. United States, Roberts has anointed the president as a king formally above the law, immune from prosecution for everything he does as president, and who can therefore imprison or murder his political opponents with impunity.
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Article I, Section 1 says the president “shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them,” while Article II, Section 9 says that no one holding federal office can “accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

In office, Trump funneled unknown but vast quantities of federal money, as well as that of foreign governments, into his own pockets through his various properties. The Roberts Court deliberately ran out the clock on a case invoking the Emoluments Clause on Trump and then dismissed it, making it clear that it’s fine and dandy for the president to loot the government, or take massive bribes from foreign powers.
Article I, Section 1 says the president “shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them,” while Article II, Section 9 says that no one holding federal office can “accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

In office, Trump funneled unknown but vast quantities of federal money, as well as that of foreign governments, into his own pockets through his various properties. The Roberts Court deliberately ran out the clock on a case invoking the Emoluments Clause on Trump and then dismissed it, making it clear that it’s fine and dandy for the president to loot the government, or take massive bribes from foreign powers.
Yes, this court is incredibly corrupt. I am not overly religious, nor am I from the USA so cant vote, but for some f'n reason with what's happening with Biden and everyone questioning his mental acuity, and the polls, I feel like it's going to happen. (Trump winning) Its a pretty shitty feeling too.:-?
The Fifteenth Amendment’s prohibition against disenfranchising people based on race is gone. Not only will the court happily allow GOP states to gerrymander their Black citizens into permanent electoral irrelevance, the Court also prohibits Congress from doing anything about it.
Obvious that SCROTUS has only consulted the Constitution & Federalist Papers in order to evade the clear text and meaning of the document & the expressed views of its framers with highly original (ie, made-up) efforts to roll back the 20th Century.

I feel fairly sure that the billionaire boys’ club has guaranteed them a place in the aristocracy once they’ve eliminated those pesky voters & ensure the reign of autocracy.

All hail the Permanent Republican Majority!
Conservatism can never fail - it can only *be* failed!!
All hail the divine right of money to get away with whatever it wants to!!!
Make America *SAFE* for unaccountable, unrestrained wealth & power AGAIN!!!!

MAGA: FREEDOM ISN’T FOR EVERYBODY - register for *your* Big Bro tattoo *TODAY*
The "second American Revolution" now underway will "remain bloodless," said the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation, "if the left allows it to be."
The sounds coming out of that group sound awfully familiar...

In his speech, Hitler gave those present the choice between 'war and peace'. It was a veiled threat to intimidate any dissenters.
Now that Hitler had become so powerful, it was time for the Nazis to bring society in line with the Nazi ideal. The process was known as Gleichschaltung. Many politically-suspect and Jewish civil servants were dismissed. Trade unions were forcibly replaced by the Deutsche Arbeitsfront. This allowed the Nazis to prevent workers from organising any opposition.
According to the Nazis, everything ‘un-German' had to disappear. Books written by Jewish, left-wing, or pacifist writers were burned.

While the Nazis took over, their destructive energy was mainly directed against their political opponents.
After taking power, Hitler and the Nazis turned Germany into a dictatorship. Time and again, they used legal means to give their actions a semblance of legality. Step by step, Hitler managed to erode democracy until it was just a hollow facade.
