Blaze & Daze

greetings, friends! here's my last couple of weeks in photos:
a pot roast that i made in MI one rainy day. it was pretty awesome to come (rental) home to after a day of driving around, trying to find a few bits and bobs for the boat at various stores. i traded a few grams of weed for this, and i think it was quite fair. LOL
sunset over my dream lake that i'm currently manifesting a future upon...
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came home to a massive pile of trash that someone dumped on our property early saturday morning. thankfully the city is helping us take care of it, but a neighbor saw two guys and a uhaul dump this all. this is like 20ft deep and 12ft wide. living....
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but then we went sailing again when we got home and i forgot about the assholes for a few hours. i think we're gonna join the local sailing club at this little lake next month.
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ifkyk. these were my road snacks on the way there and back. best beef jerky EVER.
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sunflowers are finally blooming
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the three outdoor plants. they're huge, no flowers yet. i feel like i should thin them out or defoliate a bit? not sure what to do.
came home to a massive pile of trash that someone dumped on our property early saturday morning. thankfully the city is helping us take care of it, but a neighbor saw two guys and a uhaul dump this all. this is like 20ft deep and 12ft wide. living....
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Yikes. Low life bastards. I would have taken the time to go through it all and find an address on some spent mail/etc. and then I would have made a few "visits" to that house over a span of time. Ya never give these kinda folks all of their just payback all at once. Make it last.

I saw a guy in a car go up and down our road a few times a few years ago who then stopped just above our place and was starting to toss bags into the ditch when he looked up and saw my Sig 365XL pointed in his direction. Needless to say...he got down in that ditch and collected it all and put it back in his trunk and drove off in record time! Funny how that works.

Ah...rural living. (no city to help, no Sheriff that GAF, and if they do, it's 20 minutes minimum to respond)

But the taxes are cheap.... LOL.
I keep thinking how delicious those freeze dried strawberries must taste. Can you imagine having them baked into the pound cake? Make one and let me know! :lol:
Once you crush them, they rehydrate a bit to a wet sand texture which is pretty interesting in the mouth.. If you baked them in, I think you'd get pink strawberry pound cake, maybe swirly. Plus you might lose the fresh taste because you baked the berries.