Super Buff Cherry - The First Five

Hello There,

Welcome to my grow journal, the setup is as follows:
  • 5x5 ft Tent
  • 4x4 ft Soil Bed
  • 125+ Gallons of BaS 3.0 blend (2nd cycle, 8 cuft added)
  • 680w 6-bar Mint White LED
  • ACInfinity for fans, exhaust, humidifier, and controller
I have been strongly convinced, through experimentation in my own grows and from reading, that sticking to the correct VPD range keeps these plants happy and thriving. So that is always my goal, control the environment. I still may such at watering, but with such a massive bed I figured there would be a learning curve.

Seed Selection:
I'll be honest and admit that I saw the black/maroon pheno pics going around and just went for it. I grew a $2 seed (back when they had those at NASC) and it turned into what others have described as the strongest green they have ever had in their life. So in my mind any seed has the potential. And I was a betting man on the cross that made this. I am hoping for some more of the superboof to show through on these ladies, we'll see.


Step One: To the damp paper towel with you...

  • Seeds placed into damp paper towel
  • Paper towel folded over
  • Damp paper towel with seeds placed into ziploc bag, gently
  • Ziploc bag closed ONLY PARTIALLY
  • Partially open zip lock with damp paper towel & seeds placed on shelf, out of direct sunlight


Step Two: You are destined for soil...

All 5 popped in less than 24 hours.

  • Fill peat container with Heady Seedling Soil from BaS
  • Poke indent in soil with finger
  • Sprinkle rootwise myrcobe complete in the indents
  • Drop seeds into hole, orient upside down or on their side
  • "Close" the hole, cover gently with soil
  • Water lightly


Step 3: Grow

In hindsight, I dont like the peat planter pots. I really dont like this first part of the grow, it's unnerving. I dont have the humidifier running yet but probably should.

Now I will attempt to embed a full image instead of attaching it like some kind of animal.



Well-Known Member
Hello There,

Welcome to my grow journal, the setup is as follows:
  • 5x5 ft Tent
  • 4x4 ft Soil Bed
  • 125+ Gallons of BaS 3.0 blend (2nd cycle, 8 cuft added)
  • 680w 6-bar Mint White LED
  • ACInfinity for fans, exhaust, humidifier, and controller
I have been strongly convinced, through experimentation in my own grows and from reading, that sticking to the correct VPD range keeps these plants happy and thriving. So that is always my goal, control the environment. I still may such at watering, but with such a massive bed I figured there would be a learning curve.

Seed Selection:
I'll be honest and admit that I saw the black/maroon pheno pics going around and just went for it. I grew a $2 seed (back when they had those at NASC) and it turned into what others have described as the strongest green they have ever had in their life. So in my mind any seed has the potential. And I was a betting man on the cross that made this. I am hoping for some more of the superboof to show through on these ladies, we'll see.
Where do you like to keep the Vpd For maximum results?
Stage: Veg

Moving along we got a transplant coming, excited to finally get them in the bed. If it's anything like last round, there will be a week before they start to explode in size.

Light watering. Admittedly, this is my weakest link, I need to get better at watering the correct amount and frequency.
  • B6
  • Rootwise myrcobe complete
  • Potassium Silicate powder
None this week.

Nothing yet, sometimes I flick them (lightly!) when they are this young if they look hearty enough. But I babied these ones, spendy seeds haha.



Well-Known Member
Nice start on the thread. Soil bed grows are usually pretty interesting to watch. Gonna tag along here. Ya obviously know what your doing so this should be fun.

That vpd thing. Yeah, good idea to follow the chart. Ya don't have to be exact but keeping them close in range will make them happier.

@FmSwayze this dude here is playing with the DLI end of the spectrum. Check his thread out. He's on to some interesting stuff. I been growing for years and this guy is drawing me in like a curious
Stage: Veg

Transplanted. This is when I get to see how well I've been doing at watering. Last round it was obvious I didn't water enough, they held together this round though so I think I was more on the over watering side. The peat pots lent a hand in that, but I was able to just peel those away and place the root/dirt ball into the prepped hole in the bed. I sprinkled rootwise myrcobe complete in the spots in the bed they will be dropped into. I tore up whatever was left of the peat pots and left them as a mulch layer.

Watered in to cement the transplant. It's a big bed of soil, gotta make sure it's not soppy wet before they get big enough to drink it also.
  • B6
  • Rootwise Myrcobe Complete
Yeah, no. Not on transplant day.


Stage: Veg, we got an Odd one

I am numbering the plants starting from the front left corner, going clockwise, ending in the center (#5). #2 looks odd. I was waiting for some growth before saying anything for sure. But I love me some odd ones so she's staying.

There does seem to be some variation in leaf structure between all 5 (#1 &#5 are most similar) so I am hoping for one of these to be the pheno I'm looking for.

Watering around the edges of the plants to coax the roots to stretch and explore the bed. Plain tap water mostly.

  • Craft Blend
  • Kashiblend
Topped all of them, not the same day, as they took a couple days to all sort of get on the same page/size. I also like to come in daily, blow on them (it's the little things ha), and press their main fan leaves out of the way of other node locations. This worked really well on the Blueberry Cupcakes from last round, we'll see with these ones.



Well-Known Member
Nice start on the thread. Soil bed grows are usually pretty interesting to watch. Gonna tag along here. Ya obviously know what your doing so this should be fun.

That vpd thing. Yeah, good idea to follow the chart. Ya don't have to be exact but keeping them close in range will make them happier.

@FmSwayze this dude here is playing with the DLI end of the spectrum. Check his thread out. He's on to some interesting stuff. I been growing for years and this guy is drawing me in like a curious
Yesssir! I'm tuned in!
Stage: Veg, Bigger and Better

I think they are Snapping out of what I can only assume was a slow start due to some hotter soil. I dumped Potassium Silicate in there a while back, probably that. I'm just experimenting at my own peril sometimes, it's chaotic.

Even #2, the odd one, is starting to throw out normal looking leaves now, just well behind the others in size. I'm really digging #4 right now. She's got a completely different leaf shape, I'm guessing I'll get a little variety this round. But #4, with its skinnier longer leaves, is staying pretty low and stout.

#1 & #5 look to be the, same pheno. Large broad leaves, some massive ones already. 11 fingers already on these ladies. Taller, bushier, and just growing more vigorously.

#3 could be a different pheno, leaf structure looks like a mix between #4 and #1/5, but she is growing taller faster than the others, just less bushy.


550 PPFD, 18/6
78°F ambient
68% RH

Watering more but less often now. 4-6 gallons every couple days. Longest wait period was 4 days. Tap water.

  • B6 micros
  • BuilaVeg
  • Cowcal24
  • Coconut powder

Some manual LST while they fill out a bit more. I do like supercropping them early to see how each strain reacts to a little tough love, just pinch and roll. So far so good.


Stage: The Slow Flip, Or - Less Sun, More Fun

Well, #2 will likely never catch up in time, but I'll see if she can make it up in the stretch to at least finish properly.

I have started to drop the daylight hours by 15 minutes every day. I'm at 16.75 / 7.25 currently, so it will take another 17 days to get to my targeted 12.5 / 11.5 split. if they fill out the trellis enough, I'll flip them immediately, I'm just feathering it right now.


450 PPFD (380 for #2 & #4), 16.75/7.25, light raised
78° F ambient
1.0 VPD

4-6 Gallons every couple days, just plain tap water with some extras added once a week, listed below. I finally salvaged my solid mass of saponin powder by chucking it into a jar with hot water. Plants perked up after a watering round with SUPER foamy water. Wet wet. I will always have saponin on hand, I tend to do dry downs and this helps my soil stay in balance.

  • B6 micronutrients
  • Jay's Saponin 20, diluted
  • Buildaveg
Tossed some cover crop seeds on, but honestly, my bed devoured them I think, or top soil is too dry. I want blumats, just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Nothing else added.

Manual training of leaves and stems for a while. Lots of super cropping, already snapped a main near the top, she'll heal.

Just added the trellis net. I need to take clones and defoliate still.

