Two tents A lot of weed!


Well-Known Member
Monica Lewinsky sure is sensitive lol! Shits still kicking so I must be doing something half right at least lmfao! Ocifer xx and the unicorn poop clones are kicking ass! Banana buttercups not so much but she’s still alive and had root growth so I transplanted.
All but three Monica Lewinsky clones rooted nicely so while I’m getting more containers and cleaning things up in the flower tent let’s see if the other three push more roots. They had what looked like the beginning of some!image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Mendo jilly - only trimmed a couple tops for flower to smoke the rest is untrimmed curing for either the temple ball or rosin. I’m thinking I should wait for the temple ball because these were harvested at an earlier stage then I would have liked for. To make a temple ball you want the resin heads to be as mature as you can get. And I would hate to waste some ok flower just to attempt to make a ball lol IMG_2020.jpeg
Monica Lewinsky IMG_2018.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Can’t thank @FmSwayze enough for informing me on how to properly fertilize and water my plants ! The ladies are loving the new soil and feedings! Clones are loving the promix! I just water with rainwater, 1/2tsp recharge, 1/4tsp fox farm bushdoctor cal-mag, 1/2tsp lotus grow. Will be upping the lotus hence the mothers are looking slightly hungry!image.jpg
ignore the two ugly gals. I’m pretty sure they have week roots from over watering early on!


Well-Known Member
Got the clones transplanted into 1gals and picked up 3 gals for the mothers! I’ll cycle in the other clones into flower in a week so I have perpetual harvests my goal is weekly lmfao but who knows IMG_2037.jpegIMG_2038.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Pulled the ladies in fabrics I fully fucked them up lol. image.jpg
suprisingly the three Monica Lewinsky are throwing roots so they’ll go into cups


Well-Known Member
Put my humidifier in the lung room sense I only have 1 rn got my % better in both tents image.jpg
Ik ideally it should be higher but I only have a small humidifier rn and don’t want to refil it daily