clone grafting????!!


Well-Known Member
I am going to try something . i want to cut 5 clones and root them all in a single rockwool cube. i also want them to graft together. to acheive this i will make sure the stem of each cutting has a slice out of it near the bottom. these parts with the slice will all touch and hopefully root as one rootball with 5 different strains. my question is do you think it will work? also will it become one new strain?


never seen it done but sounds cool. i've always wanted to graft a few different branches onto a plant and harvest different buds.


Well-Known Member
try it i think it would just end up being 1 plant with 5 diff strains because only that specific strain will grow from each cutting. i might be wrong tho! i would try it that sounds cool as hell if it works keep us posted


Well-Known Member
that sounds doable. i know they also make a grafting compound that would probably make your chances of success greater. you will have to take some pictures when you are done.


there is a guy in my neighborhood who has an apple tree with red apples on some branches and green apples on others due to grafting. also have you ever seen those cactus they sell at stores the ones that have a tall stalk like these
they are grafted


Well-Known Member
there is a guy in my neighborhood who has an apple tree with red apples on some branches and green apples on others due to grafting. also have you ever seen those cactus they sell at stores the ones that have a tall stalk like these
they are grafted
hell ya, my aunt grafted a lemon tree with a orange tree in Arizona and when the thing fruits it looks awesome


my question is if we graft a slower flowering smaller yeilding plant onto a stalk of a plant that produces big and grows fast will this influence the yield of the graft? i gotta try this post pics whenever you get a chance.


Well-Known Member
ill be cutting tonight i got bubbleberry ak47 granddaddy whitewidow and hinduskunk i always have a 100% success rate with cloning so i hope this experiment works out well see.


Well-Known Member
i think you want to clone and graft as 2 separate steps. i tried what you are doing but everything died, the clones got infected at the graft site.


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to graft onto a Tomato plant so I could fill a green house full of Tomatoes with benefits. Stealth or what! :wink:

Seriously tho I hope it works out. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
ok so last night i did the cloning finally i made a total of 28 clones. i made my grafted clone from 3 strains, ak47 ,hinduskunk and grand daddy purpleit takes about ten days for my clones to root so in a couple weeks well have some results to look at . in the meanwhile i think i will be trying to graft a couple of my mother plants and make new mothers out of some of these clones. sorry it took so long ive been being lazy but since harvest is in a couple weeks i had to get my cloning done for my upcoming grow


Well-Known Member
also i tried this before but i had fungus gnats that killed the clones so this time ive taken precautions against the gnats


i tried to graft 2 times since i saw this post and have been unsuccessful both times. i tried a diagonal cut on one and a wedge type V cut on the other then put a plastic baggie over the V cut one to keep its humidity. the V cut one lasted a lot longer than the one with out the baggie in it but i think i bumped it while checkin it out and a few days later it died. im gonna try again soon i tried this experament on a mother plant (skunk) but im gonna try a fatter branch next time.
keep postin any ideas if you got any.


Well-Known Member
Hi rezo,

From the little I know of grafting, it's always done above the crown (where the stem meets the soil) of the host plant to which cuttings are grafted unto.

True grafting would be where a single cannabis plant is used that has been in veg for some period of time and pinched back to produce several stems. Next the healthy stems would be cut at an appropriate point (not sure where the best place would be, near a node?) and cuttings taken from other strains would then be joined (grafted) to the cut stems and supported until the graft took. If successful, the outer layers would grow together and become one outer layer or one skin, so to speak. Water and nutes would come up from the roots of the original plant would make their way up the main trunk of the original plant and flow to the original plant's separate stems into the stems of the grafted cuttings. Sound like a lot of work for cannabis plant but may be possible. This is the technique used for grafting of the apple and cactus plants mentioned. If one was successful at this, the resulting plant with it's grafts could be used as a mother plant with cuttings taken from each of the grafted stains (Cool!).

What you're trying to achieve would be happening below the crown of several plants (cuttings), below the soil line. At best you would have several cutting succeed in growing with each developing its own root mass and each still having its own stem. These would compete for available nutrients, light and air once they go into the veg period. This would be like planting several seeds in one hole and all of them germinating with no subsequent thinning being done. Either way, cuttings or seeds, several plants would be crowded into a single hole resulting in both root, stem and leaf congestion and would produce unhealthy plants in the process.

An unwanted mother plant would be a good candidate for grafting cuttings unto but you would want to read up on grafting before attempting to do so. I believe grafts are wrapped or covered with hot wax (?) or other substances while waiting for a graft to take to ward off the possibility of infection and/or bug infestation.

I hope you have some measure of success though if you've already begun your attempt but if not then I'd recommend going with the "above the crown method" if you try anything at all. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
i will be trying some regular grafting soon. as for now the cuttings all look beautiful and are locked in the cube im hoping that there is a change to the plants by doing this. even if the clones take but dont graft it will be cool to have one pot thats three types i could use it as a mother i guess. well we shall see its been 2 days ill keep you guys updated. thanks for all the responses


Well-Known Member
ill post a pic tonight i have all rooted clones and the one with three looks great the roots busted open the rockwool and it looks like 3 plants growing out of one root ball. ill post pics tonight when the lights come back on


Well-Known Member
personally im more interested in the genetics of marijuana -- i.e. i cant wait till they develop strawberries with THC in them. or even tobacco that contains THC. you know you want it...