Happy Friday. Hope everyone is well today, neither on fire or underwater.
Or the grey Nissan Rogue ...
Sorry. I started quiet quitting FB in 2017, just quit participating, fully deactivated in 2018, was convinced to reactivate in 2019. Then covid hit, then a fistful of the somewhat tolerable 'spiritualist' earthy cruchy hippies on my friends list went full anti-vaxer, anti-science morons. The final straw was you quit posting bizarrely wholesome but hilariously funny memes on here on /tnt/PixNSFWsomtimes for me to steal. Not willing to 'share' my thoughts on social media anymore, lacking any good meme candy, I just got tired of watching society collapse to stupiditiy and anger via the black mirror. So I deleted my entire account 11 months ago. Never been happier. If someone didn't have enough information about me to contact me any other way than FB, oh well.
Digital Graveyard:
Usenet Contact list, long gone.
AIM friends list, gone.
Geocities, <laugh>it imploded on itself.
Yahoo IM firends list, gone.
ICQ frinds list, gone.
MySpace page, nuked.
Tiwtter: Banned for telling the former **potus felon what I thought of him.
Facebook account, deleted with vehimence.
AFF friends list.... ok I'll always have the booty call list in my back pocket, in use or not.
I've lost many friends who I only knew as 1's and 0's since the early 90's.
I liked the pics lol thread, but it evolved into an unwelcoming cesspool that I didn't want to be part of.
Lived in Homestead until a nice little storm name Andrew came knocking I leaned my lesson don't fool with Mother NatureGood morning. As usual I ignored all of the hurricane warnings. Power and internet out for about 16 hours and some scrub cleanup but that's all even though we had a record surge. I really should prepare next time. I didn't even freeze ice. My entire preparation was putting a couple of flashlights where I knew they would be.
I became active on FB earlier this year out of boredom. Stayed away from religion & politics - because I acknowledge that people won't change their mind, so why bother. Strictly used for entertainment purposes.Sorry. I started quiet quitting FB in 2017, just quit participating, fully deactivated in 2018, was convinced to reactivate in 2019. Then covid hit, then a fistful of the somewhat tolerable 'spiritualist' earthy cruchy hippies on my friends list went full anti-vaxer, anti-science morons. The final straw was you quit posting bizarrely wholesome but hilariously funny memes on here on /tnt/PixNSFWsomtimes for me to steal. Not willing to 'share' my thoughts on social media anymore, lacking any good meme candy, I just got tired of watching society collapse to stupiditiy and anger via the black mirror. So I deleted my entire account 11 months ago. Never been happier. If someone didn't have enough information about me to contact me any other way than FB, oh well.
Digital Graveyard:
Usenet Contact list, long gone.
AIM friends list, gone.
Geocities, <laugh>it imploded on itself.
Yahoo IM firends list, gone.
ICQ frinds list, gone.
MySpace page, nuked.
Tiwtter: Banned for telling the former **potus felon what I thought of him.
Facebook account, deleted with vehimence.
AFF friends list.... ok I'll always have the booty call list in my back pocket, in use or not.
I've lost many friends who I only knew as 1's and 0's since the early 90's.