Do you have a minimum harvest weight before the cost outweighs


Active Member
Started 3 strains a few months ago pineapple chunks , gelato blue 41 and 45 started in a small tent was planning for a quick harvest and not veg too much but ended up 4months before harvest . I have to say some great bud but I have smoked through roughly 7 ounces in 2 months and the jars are near dry already . A perpetual set up would be optimal and a couple mother plants so I will eventually set up one or two mothers on low light and just take clones. So that's the next step but I'm wondering what's the weight to cost ratio I have a 4x4 a 3x3 and a 2x3 and a 480watt qb led if I am going to start and do perpetual harvests how many clones should I be cutting and how often if I'm smoking 7 ounces of pretty strong bud in 2 months I'm going to need to figure that out

I'm guessing maybe 14 clones every 3 months or get the. Clones vegging for 3-4 weeks or until I harvest the others ?


Well-Known Member
Cut a clone every week and throw it in the 4x4 to bloom as soon as it roots and starts pushing new growth. 9 realitivly small plants should fit just fine. You might only get a few oz off each small plant but you will harvest every week. If you smoke a oz a week keep a oz off each plant. Trade 1/2 of the remainder to mitagate strain spacific tolarence and sell the other half to off set your grow cost.

Even in the most over saturated markets i dont think you can buy a decent oz for less then $50. Last time i tried to calculate cost i came up with about $1/g and thats assuming 1g/w(you can do much better then 1g/w). Ive depreciated the cost of a good bit of equipent still in use so the number is down to about $0.7/g If you find joy in growing thats an added benifit, if you only do it to offset the cost of your habit and have to account for the value of your time an effort you need to get that number down to about $0.25/g which is doable with a perpetual.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Started 3 strains a few months ago pineapple chunks , gelato blue 41 and 45 started in a small tent was planning for a quick harvest and not veg too much but ended up 4months before harvest . I have to say some great bud but I have smoked through roughly 7 ounces in 2 months and the jars are near dry already . A perpetual set up would be optimal and a couple mother plants so I will eventually set up one or two mothers on low light and just take clones. So that's the next step but I'm wondering what's the weight to cost ratio I have a 4x4 a 3x3 and a 2x3 and a 480watt qb led if I am going to start and do perpetual harvests how many clones should I be cutting and how often if I'm smoking 7 ounces of pretty strong bud in 2 months I'm going to need to figure that out

I'm guessing maybe 14 clones every 3 months or get the. Clones vegging for 3-4 weeks or until I harvest the others ?
Idk how experienced you are but if you only been doing it a lil while I'd focus on quality and the higher yields will come if you been doing this a while disregard what I said and maybe up the clone numbers bud


Dam I must be a lightweight, an ounce lasts me months..(and I smoke daily)

For me, growing weed saves very little money. The cost of seeds, soil, nutrients, electricity, perlite and carbon filters makes me wonder why I grow. Weed is so cheap now, I can get an ounce of decent bud for $100 or less. (deals everywhere)... I can also choose any strain I want...

The only reason I grow is for the enjoyment and to know exactly whats in my bud.... I also love my own homegrown, it is very different than the buds that I buy from the dispensaries.


Active Member
Dam I must be a lightweight, an ounce lasts me months..(and I smoke daily)

For me, growing weed saves very little money. The cost of seeds, soil, nutrients, electricity, perlite and carbon filters makes me wonder why I grow. Weed is so cheap now, I can get an ounce of decent bud for $100 or less. (deals everywhere)... I can also choose any strain I want...

The only reason I grow is for the enjoyment and to know exactly whats in my bud.... I also love my own homegrown, it is very different than the buds that I buy from the dispensaries.
I also smoke a lot less than OP, about 1.25 oz a month. My grow goal is 8 oz every 6 months. The first 4 grows are paid for with the cost of the tent/ upgrades/lights seed and nutes totalling $700. Other than power and perhaps ph-up/down but heck these 2 bags of jacks with the salt will last a very long time. I would love to reduce my costs to $35 an ounce as Disensary prices in Ohio are just nuts. I have 3 halves laid out for pickup today. Forbidden Fruitcake and SherbPop. Total with tax $236.
Based on my first grow which has been a shitshow I got a lot to learn.


Well-Known Member
Where I live it's the equivalent of $350+ an oz so the startup costs of my small greenhouse I build this year will be made back even with a tiny harvest!
(I use only a really small amount of green a month though ... long story).


Well-Known Member
For me costs 450$ 50 for supplies the rest electric. Per 10 weeks perpetual 5x5 and 3x3 flower then 5x3 veg tent. 15$ a oz 2 pounds or close enough per run. 3.5$ a gram rosin. Im dabs only so its worth it still. The market has 10$ a gram pretty often but thats about the lowest it gets.

Theres oz for 25$ but theyre often not that good where as I have the ability to control that. Good topic I think about it often and wonder why I got into it. Not gonna lie I thought Id have much more but not really. I do save money dont get me wrong but ya.

Whats cool is my weed is free I live with room mates I do all the chores and have been for a while. If I owned my own place I lose that perk but most are willing to lose that lol. Oz for 60$ for the best quality from store. Being dabs only I got lucky and god a few nice strains right away.

With weed smoking wow Id have to add a couple extra boxes to check if to mother a strain that is a bit harder. If it was my main motive and with networking I can probably find that or just get real lucky like I kind of did. I have at least one smoker strain but I need to grow more and verify again that my current strain even with proper curing just harsh.

Needs to be smooth hashy and seedless not get botritus too easily. I dont feel like looking for it I just dont enjoy weed anymore like my dabs. I smoked all day the other day and felt sick and athsma acting up. Couldnt dab. But wow 3.5pz a month huh? lol I thought I was some of the heavier users. I been working on tolerance fix its working I went from 1.44gs dabs to .87gs a day.