1 BubbleGum Sherb Auto, 1 Godfather OG Photo


Well-Known Member
Hello all! Thought I'd do another grown journal! Only on week 2 since germinating.
- 32x32x60 tent
- 3gal fabric pots(eventually)
- 40% coco+peat+vermiculite mix, 20% perlite, 40% soil(recycled, amended and cooked)
- 2x 100watt Geciliaoran G1000's(knock off SF1000's basically).
- carbon filter+exhaust
- cheap little humidifier
Epsoma Bio-tone Starter Plus(1/3 dosage), FF Big Bloom, Fish Fertilizer, FF Tiger Bloom, Epsom Salts(mag), Tums(Calcium).
- prepped medium for $ gal pots with 1/3rd cup Epsoma Bio-tone starter plus/3gal, little dose of Fish Fertilizer, and some FF Big Bloom. Between those 3 I figured the medium should be lively with microbes.
PXL_20240915_145209124.jpgweek1 9/15, BGS in front, OG in the back
PXL_20240919_212511118.jpg4 days later/Sept 19(rotated, OG in front)
PXL_20240924_004301500.jpgThis Monday, 9/23 Godfather OG FINALLY showing growth, though it looks mutated.
PXL_20240925_212410148.jpgyesterday 9/25. Man that auto sure is leaving the photo behind, but that photo also started slow IMO. Screenshot_20240926-083248.png

Not a bad start. I was paranoid the OG was gonna die bc it was like 2 weeks with nothing but dark green cotyledons.

I plan to use only FF Big Bloom since the soil is amended with grow nutes that should last 4-5
weeks. Hopefully I don't mess this up having a photo and an auto. I plan to run this based on the photos needs. I know the auto will flower quicker, so I may need to move it closer to lights instead of just increasing intensity since the photo will needs less PPFD. Love growing!!!


Well-Known Member
Transplanted tonight. When I lifted the BGS the bottom had at least 20 roots starting to curl. However after checking the OG, which had roots curling too, and leaning her back upright some of the soil fell out of the bottom :(, I shoved what I could back in.

After realizing I probably shocked her, why not transplant now instead of potentially shocking her again in a couple weeks. I got her in there nice and easy, hoping it works out. Also used ReadyBoost(hormodin1). Gave light watering with FF Big Bloom.
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Well-Known Member
Tough to compare to the previous photo, but they grew just a little bit, successful transplant! Was worried the OG seedling might give up from the root/soil fallout. Now to hope they don't nute burn lol.PXL_20240928_000110183.jpgPXL_20240928_000102435.jpg


Well-Known Member
I just leaned the auto over today. I've only grown photo's in the past, and the reading i've done about auto's being less forgiving bc of timeline made me think waiting some would be less stressful on her. She's on her 5th node, today finishes week 3 since popping through the dirt. Suppose I'll say week 2 of veg. I'm hoping she'll go another 2-3 before growth stopping and flowering starts.

Do autos not have a stretch period?



Well-Known Member
My auto has already right its top this morning. Pulled her down a little more, got home from work and she needed tied down further again. Also leaned a fan leaf out from covering the lower sights. And the mutant is doing well still.


Well-Known Member
Week 4| Day 24 veg
Babies are still doing well. I have yet to remove any leaves from the Auto, just been bending them away from covering the lower shoots. I'm still a little anxious about defoliating in the future, I'll only do it if absolutely necessary bc I don't want any stunting in this auto lol.
Looking very good.

I did some defoliation tonight about 5/6 leaves from each. But I had leaves sitting on top of each other and some of the leaves were wet.


Well-Known Member
Looking very good.

I did some defoliation tonight about 5/6 leaves from each. But I had leaves sitting on top of each other and some of the leaves were wet.
Thanks mate, yeah I got a few touching here and there. But it's all younger growth so I don't wanna mess with it. Plus my humidity stays around 55% so until she gets bigger I'm not concerned.

PPFD for auto is 460-490, OG Mutant: 350-395.


Well-Known Member
Pictures last night I didn't share
Mutant is growing just fine now that she got started. Man I'm happy! Thinking she was gonna die because only cotyledons for 1.5weeks. Aaannddd here's tonight/just now

Superbly stoked! bongsmilie. I used less nutes than my last grow, and actually did some plain watering or just a tsp of big bloom with my waterings - can't let them microbes starve!

EDIT: one thing I love about growing - there hasn't been much that I get that "FOCK YEAH IM DOING THIS SHIT RIGHT!" from lol. But moments like tonight when I open the tent and see that change in 24hrs :cool::bigjoint::finger::blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
Woah!!!! Zoom in on the mutant...she's showing flower and pistils......FOCK so the OG is the auto? Has to be since I'm at 18/6 and the bigger Bubblegum Sherb isn't flowering. Some bitch. Now I got a head scratcher on my plans. Lol

EDIT: FOCK! This might suck. I amended the soil with 5-3-3 for 4-6week affect. Curious to see how she deals.
Pictures last night I didn't share
View attachment 5431971
View attachment 5431972
Mutant is growing just fine now that she got started. Man I'm happy! Thinking she was gonna die because only cotyledons for 1.5weeks. Aaannddd here's tonight/just now
View attachment 5431973
View attachment 5431974

Superbly stoked! bongsmilie. I used less nutes than my last grow, and actually did some plain watering or just a tsp of big bloom with my waterings - can't let them microbes starve!

EDIT: one thing I love about growing - there hasn't been much that I get that "FOCK YEAH IM DOING THIS SHIT RIGHT!" from lol. But moments like tonight when I open the tent and see that change in 24hrs :cool::bigjoint::finger::blsmoke:
Those girls are looking great, nice leaf colours and no hint of any discoloration on leaves.

Stretch is probably coming up soon.


Well-Known Member
Week 4| day 27
Bubblegum Sherb PHOTO - no pun intended. I topped and removed the biggest fan leaves now that I know she isn't auto.
Mutant auto(Godfather OG), she's finally got some regular leaves growing! I also got some simple LST going. Hoping to at least get a half O from this tiny lady


Well-Known Member
Week 4| Day 29
Watered lasted night. Half gal each, just Big Bloom and dash of fish fert for the photo(left). And half Big bloom dose with Half Tiger Bloom for auto already flowering(right).
Temps are maintained at 74, which is why I love that mini tower heater/fan. Shuts off heat and just moves air when temp is right. RH still around 50
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Well-Known Member
Week 5| Day 33
Been 4 days since the 1/2 gal feeding. Watered again this morning. The photo(big girl) was super light so def ready. Watered 1/2 gal with 30% being milk. Milk has fair bit of benefits, plus after 4 acidic waterings - big bloom and tiger have a rep of dropping watering pH to like 2.8-4, I figured a little bump the other direction won't hurt. Saved one of my previous plants in a grow actually.

The small auto just got 16oz with milk because she still had some weight to her. She's not drinking super fast out of the 3gallon. These are the moments where my brain starts over thinking, EG: "should I increase light intensity? nah they aren't quite praying of a morning so they're getting plenty of light" They aren't stunted but they are growing slowish IMO. But I'm still a little new to trust my "speed of growth" intuition.
Also I took these out of tent, to give an example of appearance under light and not.

NOTE*** The orange edges, this is what happens when you're place gets colder than you thought and your oscillating tower fan kicks the heat on lol.
At first I thought "Shit I'm fucking up with nutes" but I cross checked photos, looked up fan damage to leaves, and it's been 3 days with no increase of orangeness.

I did think nitrogen toxicity with the small auto bc of down curling tips there, but those also are only on the side that was getting blasted. "Oi" learning moments. Gotta love em. Also wanted to add this is my first time doing just LST. Before I'd top twice, and once about 14" tall I'd scrog, which is kind of LST. This experience of bending the main stalk to grow parallel to the soil has been interesting. I got some more playing to do. As is, I will probably revert to my previous method. It's just a little to bunched up to handle, watering it is a pain; though I wonder if I had raised my lights and increased intensity, if the girls would've stretched more to them.
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Week 5| Day 33
Been 4 days since the 1/2 gal feeding. Watered again this morning. The photo(big girl) was super light so def ready. Watered 1/2 gal with 30% being milk. Milk has fair bit of benefits, plus after 4 acidic waterings - big bloom and tiger have a rep of dropping watering pH to like 2.8-4, I figured a little bump the other direction won't hurt. Saved one of my previous plants in a grow actually.

The small auto just got 16oz with milk because she still had some weight to her. She's not drinking super fast out of the 3gallon. These are the moments where my brain starts over thinking, EG: "should I increase light intensity? nah they aren't quite praying of a morning so they're getting plenty of light" They aren't stunted but they are growing slowish IMO. But I'm still a little new to trust my "speed of growth" intuition.
Also I took these out of tent, to give an example of appearance under light and not.
View attachment 5433874
View attachment 5433876
View attachment 5433877

NOTE*** The orange edges, this is what happens when you're place gets colder than you thought and your oscillating tower fan kicks the heat on lol.
At first I thought "Shit I'm fucking up with nutes" but I cross checked photos, looked up fan damage to leaves, and it's been 3 days with no increase of orangeness.

I did think nitrogen toxicity with the small auto bc of down curling tips there, but those also are only on the side that was getting blasted. "Oi" learning moments. Gotta love em
Interesting never heard of anyone using milk!

What is it meant to do for them?


Well-Known Member
Interesting never heard of anyone using milk!

What is it meant to do for them?
It mainly was an idea from being poor financially lol. It's my pH up if the timing allows it. But on a basic level its a fungicide, microbes love it(good for soil & roots), Has many nutrients, but in 8oz/1cup it has roughly: 39mg nitrogen, 230mg of phosphorus, 366mg potassium, 27mg magnesium (tsp of epsom salt is 400-600mg), 290-310mg calcium, 3,000 some PPM of sulphur(w/e that means). Just all around good. I kind of see milk as my alkaline "Big Bloom" - its organic, has variety of most nutrients at a lower amount providing a "light buffet" for microbes to help feed roots, and course pH up.
EDIT: numbers are mostly from google AI, but also some maths. Nitrogen for example is measured in NUM and gives mg/deciliter, which 8oz milk is 2.334 deciliters.

Other milk user stories: