boy do i feel dumb. S.O.G.


Well-Known Member
after much decision i started a SOG op. and now im slapping myself in the head wondering... i know sog is generally alot of little plants to compensate for time on low yields per plant to make 1 good yield from the combination...

but i forgot to ask how do i go about making sure the plants stay small ??? im not really doing anything to stop them :confused:. which makes me wonder how can my set up be called sog if i grow them like normal?!

i guess what im trying to ask is, how do i grow SOG. lol


Well-Known Member
They get as big as you let them... I'd veg to 12" then start 12/12 for flower..they'll almost double during flower..Luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok the general principal is to take clones, let them root, let them grow to say 6inches tall (for arguments sake) then put into flower. They should end up no taller than 20 inches, more like 16 - 18 inches.

This of course is dependant on the strain. Some strains are more amenable to SOG than others.

Another way to do it would be to grow say, 20 plants from seed, let them root and again grow to say, 6 inches, then put into flower. You should end up with a similar end result. Lots of small plants with minimal branching and maximum bud. Yum :wink:


Well-Known Member
What strain are you growing?
i dont know what its called. its a strain grown to have no scent.

8 them are this kind. the last one is a mystery strain that i got from some1s bud, my seed were small and very dark brown, almost black. this mystery seed was sorta big for a weed seed and was lighter brown with black spots on it. dno if thats any help. most look the same.


Well-Known Member
Ok well In my experience little black shiny seeds are more likely to be sativa dominant. Fat tiger striped seeds are more likely to be indica dominant. However that is just my experience. So..

Can you describe the mother plant to us, how wide/narrow the leaves are, is she short and wide or tall and thin?


Well-Known Member
Ok well In my experience little black shiny seeds are more likely to be sativa dominant. Fat tiger striped seeds are more likely to be indica dominant. However that is just my experience. So..

Can you describe the mother plant to us, how wide/narrow the leaves are, is she short and wide or tall and thin?
oh, so sorry. i failed to mention there is no mother. all are from seed. and my plants are unidentifiable right now.

even the ?indica? looks undistinctive from the rest of my plants.

here is my makeshift hospital right now... i call it that because i have no intention to keep my plants under these poor conditions and need to switch them over to the hydro system with way more light ASAP.

all of these plants are the same age... the obvious is happening as far as lighting, as the bigger plants are much closer to the light. the ?indica? is the first one on the far right closest to us. u can barely tell ya?



Well-Known Member
Ok so well go back to the beginning. You can grow them to a decent size determine sex, clone and so on...

Or you can put straight into flower now and you should get roughly the same result minimal branching max bud.

Just wondering tho, what hydro system are they going into? They are in soil?


Well-Known Member
Ok so well go back to the beginning. You can grow them to a decent size determine sex, clone and so on...

Or you can put straight into flower now and you should get roughly the same result minimal branching max bud.

Just wondering tho, what hydro system are they going into? They are in soil?
well as the pic shows they are in soil now.

but they will be in a bare-minimum DWC container later.

so far i have the reservoir and the oxygen system (pump, tube, airstone).

im still missing the following:

Nutrient solutions (going with GH)
net cups
a lid.
a medium.

hence i am still unable to even start.