Herbalist and Blood Thinners?


Well-Known Member
I have Cronic Blood Clots and I'm on Blood Thinners.

Because of pain I'm to take Hydrocodone every 4 hours.

Because of the Hydrocodone it is next to impossible to get another Doctor.

I got to thinking bunch of Herbs effect my Blood.

I might add I have Cancer and just started Cemo.

I have been on Standard Prescription Medication. I feel I will mess things up if I go with just Herbs.

Should I go this route or stay with what I'm doing?
About a year ago I got feed up and discusted with all the meds I was taking and stopped all of them. Not a good plan. Last October I almost died, twice.

The meds I was taking were just the go to ones that they always give and were making me worse. Anyhow, I got two new stents in my heart and a new list of meds which it turned out I was alergic to 7 out of the 8 meds they gave me. That was the second time I almost died.

I now have a nurse that prescribes my meds.

To make this shorter: Think twice about stopping your meds.

I might add I have Cancer and just started Cemo.
If I even thought I might have cancer I would be taking ALL the RSO I could. In german doctors have now proven that doses of THC >5mg extends the life of dieing cancer patients. The teams' that did the research all agreed that it should be given earieler in treatment.

This is quote I lifted from Grass City by Strom Crow (if she says it you can put it in the Bible):
The Use of Tetrahydrocannabinol Is Associated with an Increase in Survival Time in Palliative Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. (Germany) (full – 2024) The Use of Tetrahydrocannabinol Is Associated with an Increase in Survival Time in Palliative Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study
Yes I read it all. Lots of people don't care. Bad thing is I care and don't want to share problems I'm having.

Today I was Shoveling up a mess I made the other day. It didn't take long and I was about to pass out.

Need to figure this way if I die someone will have to do it.

New plan if I'm out doing something have someone with me and a chair handy.
I read up on Chemo and thinking no way.

Went to a Herblist she give me a list to start out and most can't get in the store.

Unbleached Flour, nothing from a can, no Caffeine, no Sugar, no Milk, nothing Prepared, no Meat from the Store, no Alcohol.

Marijuana is ok so stay stoned and think about eating.
I read up on Chemo and thinking no way.

Went to a Herblist she give me a list to start out and most can't get in the store.

Unbleached Flour, nothing from a can, no Caffeine, no Sugar, no Milk, nothing Prepared, no Meat from the Store, no Alcohol.

Marijuana is ok so stay stoned and think about eating.
Without chemo had weeks to live when diagnosed, according to oncologist (small cell stage 4 lung cancer) and even then it was only giving me a year. It’s been over a year and a half and still feeling pretty good, so grateful for option. The chemo was not too hard on body. I take a high dose gummie once a day and have no proof, but feel it has contributed to my success. It keeps my appetite up and helps with sleep. The only drawback is I do get pretty wasted lol, so gonna try CBD gummies, and if they work I’ll start making them.
Without chemo had weeks to live when diagnosed, according to oncologist (small cell stage 4 lung cancer) and even then it was only giving me a year. It’s been over a year and a half and still feeling pretty good, so grateful for option. The chemo was not too hard on body. I take a high dose gummie once a day and have no proof, but feel it has contributed to my success. It keeps my appetite up and helps with sleep. The only drawback is I do get pretty wasted lol, so gonna try CBD gummies, and if they work I’ll start making them.
My Insurance quit paying for Chemo and I couldn't afford $3,000 a day.
My Insurance quit paying for Chemo and I couldn't afford $3,000 a day.
Ya my benefits ran out with my second round last month. I was able to go on a Provincial plan that covered most meds. And income was not an issue. Amazing that an insurance company can do that, it’s criminal. My meds were $800x16 every 3 weeks x 4 :o! But it works and has shrunk the 3 tumours. Everyone of my maternal uncles, dad, mom, died of cancer. Fuck cancer.
Yes I read it all. Lots of people don't care. Bad thing is I care and don't want to share problems I'm having.

Today I was Shoveling up a mess I made the other day. It didn't take long and I was about to pass out.

Need to figure this way if I die someone will have to do it.

New plan if I'm out doing something have someone with me and a chair handy.
somtimes things are that way,better to have someone about ,than to have yard grass burns on your forehead! sometimes haveing a chair close might not be enough with the ground being so close!
somtimes things are that way,better to have someone about ,than to have yard grass burns on your forehead! sometimes haveing a chair close might not be enough with the ground being so close!

The other night I was getting ready for Bed. I fell face first on the floor. Like to never got my wife to help me up.

She sleeps at the other end of the house and had been in Bed for about 3 hours.
The other night I was getting ready for Bed. I fell face first on the floor. Like to never got my wife to help me up.

She sleeps at the other end of the house and had been in Bed for about 3 hours.
I'm starting to learn a little about falling, myself. I've had a few myself, but haven't gotten hert.