Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

Товарищ, thank you very much for your support and understanding. I see that you also had a difficult life and you have seen a lot of grief. The more grief a person sees and overcomes difficulties, the higher he becomes! He often makes mistakes, he has a very hard time with failures. He rises high.. then falls very painfully... He seems to have already died, but no.. he rises from the ashes again, but is even more confident in himself, he has become stronger, he has become wiser, he is ready to tell people a lot of things that they never knew and have not seen. This person should bring light to people! Open their eyes to the truth, instill in them the best human qualities. Such people are the conscience of humanity.

to be continued...

The last three days have been crazy, I'll take a little breather and we'll definitely continue!

But I am truly happy only because I have built a bridge across the ocean.. and there is no hostility, no war, no animosity... There was a time when I even lost faith in it.. but I rose from the ashes.. now everything will be on a higher level!

if they don't bomb))) that's where my illness is hiding.. there is even a name... taedium vitae.. a very unpleasant illness, guys!
this is bad to say,it will be tough to get thru, the many losses of friends and family , a person can not give up, only be prepared, many times my mind will not let me say the correct things at a time such as this, i have to go back and study on what i have said to get eveything to come across the right way. @Sedan
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Товарищ, thank you very much for your support and understanding. I see that you also had a difficult life and you have seen a lot of grief. The more grief a person sees and overcomes difficulties, the higher he becomes! He often makes mistakes, he has a very hard time with failures. He rises high.. then falls very painfully... He seems to have already died, but no.. he rises from the ashes again, but is even more confident in himself, he has become stronger, he has become wiser, he is ready to tell people a lot of things that they never knew and have not seen. This person should bring light to people! Open their eyes to the truth, instill in them the best human qualities. Such people are the conscience of humanity.

to be continued...

The last three days have been crazy, I'll take a little breather and we'll definitely continue!

But I am truly happy only because I have built a bridge across the ocean.. and there is no hostility, no war, no animosity... There was a time when I even lost faith in it.. but I rose from the ashes.. now everything will be on a higher level!

if they don't bomb))) that's where my illness is hiding.. there is even a name... taedium vitae.. a very unpleasant illness, guys!
my next door neighbor has problem with gun fire, and when they set a big blast from the rock quarry , just the thud of the explosion makes him go inside and turn the tv up loud to drown out the outside world! i have watched and it truely sends him back in time ,to a place he does not want to go.this is something he will not talk about !
my next door neighbor has problem with gun fire, and when they set a big blast from the rock quarry , just the thud of the explosion makes him go inside and turn the tv up loud to drown out the outside world! i have watched and it truely sends him back in time ,to a place he does not want to go.this is something he will not talk about !
Can anyone blame him?
I didn't quite get it..

But if you're talking about the mental trauma of war, then when my wife hears a sharp and loud sound (not necessarily an explosion), she automatically runs to where we were sitting when we were being bombed.. I have to stop her and calm her down. When I hear a loud and sharp sound (not necessarily an explosion), I automatically duck my head down. But in general, I've gotten used to it, even if a shell explodes a hundred meters from my house, like it did a few days ago, I don't react to it so sharply, I've gotten used to it. It's scary, of course.. it gives me goosebumps.))) When Elsa hears explosions, she perks up and looks at me, if I run away, she runs after me, if not, she sits further. Elsa navigates by me.. whether it's dangerous or not.)) Because she doesn't understand anything...
I didn't quite get it..

But if you're talking about the mental trauma of war, then when my wife hears a sharp and loud sound (not necessarily an explosion), she automatically runs to where we were sitting when we were being bombed.. I have to stop her and calm her down. When I hear a loud and sharp sound (not necessarily an explosion), I automatically duck my head down. But in general, I've gotten used to it, even if a shell explodes a hundred meters from my house, like it did a few days ago, I don't react to it so sharply, I've gotten used to it. It's scary, of course.. it gives me goosebumps.))) When Elsa hears explosions, she perks up and looks at me, if I run away, she runs after me, if not, she sits further. Elsa navigates by me.. whether it's dangerous or not.)) Because she doesn't understand anything...
@Sedan, most critters may not react to a rifle shot but , when fire works go off the deer and bobcats don't come back thru a open field for hours and that is just fireworks! if it shakes the ground they are really in tune with things such as that around here,a blast at the rock quarry , sends a lot of critters my way deer i do not have piks of ,i keep cam out all year just to keep track of the bucks as the get some age on them , most of the time i only take does the are a lot better to eat than a buck that has been chaseing does for two months!when ice builds up on the tree limbs and they start falling the deer all go to open fields , places where you thought piks were of about 40 deer you will find more like 130 in the open fields!and the cats will still be in the edge of the timber we have alot more bobcats than we had 25 years all the old trappers have died or worked till the shoulders will no longer stand stand up to the work of taking care of the hides!cat tracks in the dust is somthing i always pay close attension to.
Can anyone blame him?
i do not blame him , it is because of where he was stationed ' i think some of the cleanup jobs on jeeps that had been in fire fights with people hurt bad,to say nothing about heavy equipment that snipers took care of the operator,we were working on a lawnmower deck ( replacing a bad bearing and it slipped, and cut my hand ), larry kinda freaked at the sight of blood and it was not that bad of a cut! it really made me study about what he had been thru!
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i do not blame him , it is because of where he was stationed ' i think some of the cleanup jobs on jeeps that had been in fire fights with people hurt bad,to say nothing about heavy equipment that snipers took care of the operator,we were working on a lawnmower deck ( replacing a bad bearing and it slipped, and cut my hand ), larry kinda freaked at the sight of blood and it was not that bad of a cut! it really made me study about what he had been thru!
I can imagine wounds and explosions but I can't imagine what it does to a person.

All I can say is that humans need to get out of the habit of warfare because we're getting far too good at it. If we get much better, there won't be anyone left.
, most critters may not react to a rifle shot but , when fire works go off the deer and bobcats don't come back thru a open field for hours and that is just fireworks! if it shakes the ground they are really in tune with things such as that around here,a blast at the rock quarry , sends a lot of critters my way deer i do not have piks of ,i keep cam out all year just to keep track of the bucks as the get some age on them , most of the time i only take does the are a lot better to eat than a buck that has been chaseing does for two months!when ice builds up on the tree limbs and they start falling the deer all go to open fields , places where you thought piks were of about 40 deer you will find more like 130 in the open fields!and the cats will still be in the edge of the timber we have alot more bobcats than we had 25 years all the old trappers have died or worked till the shoulders will no longer stand stand up to the work of taking care of the hides!cat tracks in the dust is somthing i always pay close attension to.
I've never seen such wild nature in my life. You tell me, it's like I'm in a zoo.))

That's the mood I'm in now, that I always associate it with my horror.. all the time associations, damn.. no, I saw wild animals on the street at the beginning of the war.. as you say.. and it was for the same reason as you say, only there were no fireworks!

he cats will still be in the edge of the timber
Here the situation is a little different - there were 2 months of continuous bombing at the beginning of the war, Elsa was already tired of hiding all the time, so she determined critical danger only by me... not counting the cases when windows fly out...

I can imagine wounds and explosions but I can't imagine what it does to a person.
It's like you feel an electric charge in the air, and inside you everything is like an explosion in your lungs.. I can't express it in English.. like you take a really deep breath.
You probably enjoy watching this. But I hate it so much, because I lived there, and it's a lie! The production is great, the costumes and scenery are very good, but everything else is a lie!

OK, if you like it, watch it.. welcome!)))
We never beat one person in the corner - that's a lie! There were such idiots in the class... but for the most part - everyone avoided them.
I'll tell you how the system was built in the USSR, as far as child education was concerned. When a moron, like Rammstein, did something weird in class, then Rammstein's parents... immediately... were sent a letter from the school to work... a letter about how Rammstein's parents were idiots and were raising their child poorly. For this, the parents were punished... they were deprived of part of their salary... this was absolutely legal. So that the parents would cheer up a little and spend more time raising their son.