So I got a new LED today...
Now prepare to laugh, per their website "6000k: Red-420 lm/W Green-2165 lm/W Blue-324 lm/W W-1320 lm/W
RGBW-908 lm/W"
I have my doubts and we'll see what the Apogee and Lux meters say, I'll even measure to exactly one M for testing distance, but it's claiming
that at 90w per roll it can kick out 81,720 lumens, so for a 10X12 room I ordered 2 strips, totaling 180w @ 10m, which according to
specs should be 163,440 lumens. The $400 funky LED fixture we got in 2020 has only 4500 lumens and a boring 4000k only light color. This ceiling will be roughly 40X brighter (supposedly... in potential,) the strips, drywall hardware, electronics, and mounting boxes for this cost the same as that wimpy fixture despite ordering a full replacement set of strips to go with it. If I get more than my bedroom fixture, I'll be really happy, if I get 40X the light of my bedroom fixture, get a dust pan and broom to clean up whats left of my vaporized corpse.
I've got a 24v/250w driver at 10.4amps to go with it, as well as 10m of drywall mud-in channeling. The roommate is no longer going to be relying a $25 Target floor lamp in the corner for his lighting. The controller I got to go with it has all the bells and whistles for a consumer grade (Ali-DH-Baba rebrand) system. No cloud necessity, all can be controlled via remote, phone app, or wall switch; on or off the world wide web. Just a really big DIY HLG growlight.
Since the library, studio and my child's room all have no ceiling lighting either, the roomie is the beta test. When I told him I'm installing the power of the Sun in his room he just kind of blanched. This is going to be an adventure, but if I do it right it should be a classy toned down version of a Tron house, and every room will have sound reactive or audio play-through for occasional light-switch raves. My wife even gave permission to redo the now finished living-room with this in 10 years if we like it.
The 21st century sucks, but the lighting is the most fun it's ever been.