Grow store guy tried to sell me some stuff that was $59.99 a 24oz bottle. He said you have to use it every watering to just keep down the population. It's not any of the other stuff I've read about. Hell, it might work. But, low tech cheapo with real science to back it has them fkn gone! I intend to keep opening the tops up once a week for awhile to spray the top with H2O solution. This might not be a solution for bigger grows but for now it's working for me. They should sell fabric pots that zip up to the stalk. Even if you have to tuck something in the gap it would be a big helper. I need to make up an example and sell it to the cannabis companies. This thread proves there is a market for them
If you're needing idea's it's something I've thought about.
I've learned if something isn't convenient to use it won't get used continuously.
Anti Gnat pot V1.0.0
Let's say a felt pot for easy speaking and a strainer bag with a draw string sewn in.
Sew the mesh to the top of the felt pot so you've a draw string to tighten around the stem...Or a neoprene Puck?
A neoprene puck around the stem would give a secure fit and it allows growth without strangling the plant.
Draw strings don't seal great when you pull them right up, they create bunching, a neoprene puck having a bigger diameter would make it better suited to loose that bunching, with a little recces in the puck to prevent a pia trying to tighten it, the bunching and draw string would fit snugly keeping it gnat tight...does that make any sense
@Spiderfarmerled hello you need some pots with a mesh around the top and draw string to seal around the stem, that would allow watering while keeping gnats and other pests out.
A velco version of just the top that would fit any pot would be a good option, I've a couple of idea's for it if there's any real possibility of you getting it off the ground, I'm not a marketing guy but what grower wouldn't want gnat free pots?