Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

if it smells bad then it is.

I would never put something on my plants that smells bad. bad smell means bad bacteria. someone is going to get very sick from aminal byproducts in your plants. if this was any good there would not be any nutrient companies around. you have seen the reports of botulism in our food supply, where do you all think that came from? animal shit!

my tea smells like fresh organic soil, and is full of life.
Ohso- What do you think about adding greensand/rockdust into a tea?? Do you have any personal experience with it? Thanks.
"Chemical Ferts are too soluble, they are absorbed quickly, but also leach out quickly."

This I must disagree with, for only one reason. There's no real difference between chemical ferts and organic ferts, plain and simple nitrogen is nitrogen. Potassium is potassium. Phosphorous is phosphorous. Nitrogen derived from organic sources like urine is the exact same as nitrogen chemically derived from ammonia (All you're doing is knocking off the 4 hydrogen atoms, nothing else sticks after distillation and dilution.)

People say organic smokes better than chemcal - I believe that to be factually incorrect. Organic and chemical can produce the same smoke smoothness and rich taste, the major diffeence is that organic tends to be WEAKER in concentration of nutes than chemical, so as Organic says the plant overloads with nutes it can't POSSIBLY use. These create a harsher smoke because they won't leach out of the plant and soil any faster than the plant can actually removes excesses to begin with, whereas the weaker concentration found in organic will leach out quicker simply because there's less of the nutrients present to begin with.

And that's the chemistry lesson for the day.
"Chemical Ferts are too soluble, they are absorbed quickly, but also leach out quickly."

And that's the chemistry lesson for the day.
KaliKitsune.... I agree NPK is NPK, organic or inorganic. I agree it is much easier to toxify a plant with chem nutes.
However, I disagree with the statment chem nutes can be leached out quicker.
When plants are overfed, the NPK (regardless of source) displaces water in the plant tissues.
When this happens, the chemical bonds of the NPK exceed the chemical bond strength of the water you are attempting to flush with. The weakest bond is alwasy broken first - & the strongest bond last.
It is true that "Osmosis" states components in higher concentrations will desipate over time (time being the key factor) in a medium (liquid or otherwise)
Osmosis never stops occurring in any fluid exchange - True.
The strongest bonds are the last to be broken - True.
Chemical ferts in High Concentrations (locked in plant tissues) because of the greater number of chemical bonds, will be the last to break or disapate. Water only has two chemcial bonds - thus H20. NPK is much more complex.
That is the chemcial lesson for the day.
Plus, it's not a matter of chemical vs organics - the most well tended (not overwatered / overfed) plant - will always smoke more smoothly.
Because of the natures of the two types of NPK - Organic does tend to smoke more smoothly, more often - since it's a little harder to toxify the plant with Organics. Common Sense really.
This has been Ohsogreen's opinion - some will agree, others will not Oh..well.
Keep it Real Organic - cause Closer to Nature- Closer to Right.....
"Chemical Ferts are too soluble, they are absorbed quickly, but also leach out quickly."

This I must disagree with, for only one reason. There's no real difference between chemical ferts and organic ferts, plain and simple nitrogen is nitrogen. Potassium is potassium. Phosphorous is phosphorous. Nitrogen derived from organic sources like urine is the exact same as nitrogen chemically derived from ammonia (All you're doing is knocking off the 4 hydrogen atoms, nothing else sticks after distillation and dilution.)

People say organic smokes better than chemcal - I believe that to be factually incorrect. Organic and chemical can produce the same smoke smoothness and rich taste, the major diffeence is that organic tends to be WEAKER in concentration of nutes than chemical, so as Organic says the plant overloads with nutes it can't POSSIBLY use. These create a harsher smoke because they won't leach out of the plant and soil any faster than the plant can actually removes excesses to begin with, whereas the weaker concentration found in organic will leach out quicker simply because there's less of the nutrients present to begin with.

And that's the chemistry lesson for the day.

I disagree with this statement. One thing i think needs to be pointed out. The medium. To try and explain the workings of pot plants like you would a machine, i think, is not acurate. You are growing a living organism. That grows, develops, and matures, out of the medium that you grow it in. Also, when you say that "Organic" is the same as "chem", are you talking about the actual npk? OR are you talking about the method of "Organics" Because as you surly know, most of us "Organics" belive in building the medium in order to build the plant. Now usually chemically fertilized plants live in soil that is next to stagnent. Sure there is everything the plant needs. But its already in a form the plant uses, its not natural. Organic soil complete with all of its micro bacteria create a natural enviroment that the plant naturally responds to. That being said. No matter what the reason is for why organic tastes better, it just does! And it isn't weeker either. The strongest bud i ever smoked was organic. And after i grew organic once, i never went back. Chemical fertilizers work, but they don't build your soil. And you are what you eat, your eating the plant, the plant is eating the soil.

And that is your metaphysical lesson for the day :)
Yea im gonna have to agree with Simple, there's a reason why i have a certain ratio of two different types of organic soil. Then you add the different nutes and tonics based on the content of your soil mixture. But hey Ohso i was wanting to put some liquid rooting concentrate into my soil in a small area around a freshly planted seedling, because im wanting to provide the best enviroment and nutrient supply possible. Is there anything else that can be done to benefit my plant? Im trying to get the most vigor out of the first 2 weeks of initial growth, them being autoflowers
Ohso- What do you think about adding greensand/rockdust into a tea?? Do you have any personal experience with it? Thanks.
LittleGirls.... Yes..I'm experienced in that department. You can add micronized greensand / rockdust to teas for immediate results. Just start low, since the micronized ones are readily absorbed and do cause a shift in pH.
Now with traditional greensand / rockdust, natural or pelletized form - the release is very slow (takes months). They are good to mix into soil, to improve it, but don't help much in a tea. The don't really break down well in water - so topdressing them or mixing them directly into the soil is best.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic..
KaliKitSune... I've been growing for 30 years.... I've grown chem only, hydro chem only, chem soil, chem soilless - then 10 years ago - I stared growing only in Soil - only Organic. It's not just my opinion that it smokes better and has great kick....
All my hydro growing buddies, are quick to want to fire up my all organic bud. Now, when it comes to strength. That's all genetics - you can not fertilize ditch weed to AK-47 quality. That's just what the Big Fert Companies want you to believe - it's total BS.
The World is not Flat & Organic Grown Buds are not weaker......
Keep it Real....Organic.....
Organic in the soil is the best in my opinion. Thats all I will touch or smoke. I quit smoking cigarettes a couple years ago and since then I noticed something about the herb I was smoking. First off I'll say I have a friend that gets me organic indoor soil grown Cough. Da best in my county. I have another friend that can get me a huge variety of humbolt outdoor/indoor (total chem plants). One time after only smokeing organic for a month (~1yr after I quite ciggs) I ran out of organic and smoked humbolt for a week. Well you know that metallic brassy felling you get in your throat from cigarettes? Well I had not had that since I quit smoking Kamel Reds. until I smoked the un-organically grown herb. I only smoke organic. On a side note I notice when the growers switch from using vermiculite/perilite to coconut husks by taste.
Yea im gonna have to agree with Simple, there's a reason why i have a certain ratio of two different types of organic soil. Then you add the different nutes and tonics based on the content of your soil mixture. But hey Ohso i was wanting to put some liquid rooting concentrate into my soil in a small area around a freshly planted seedling, because im wanting to provide the best enviroment and nutrient supply possible. Is there anything else that can be done to benefit my plant? Im trying to get the most vigor out of the first 2 weeks of initial growth, them being autoflowers
Swishatwista... Sorry, I missed your post. I'm must have been really stoned on my great tasting all organic buds..... :)
Rooting concentrates are just that - a concentrated form of a hormone, that mimics a plants own natural hormones - that promote rooting. If used as per the label, in very small amounts - you get improved results - if used in doses above what is recommended - it works against you, stressing the plant (temporarily) and slowing growth.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic...
OK, you've been reading the Organic Threads and have decided to make up some Organic Tea for your plants.
How do you do it - Here's how: There are two ways

Get a clean container ( a bucket, a pail or large jug ), add a gallon of unchlorinated water, pour in what ever manure you intend to use. Bubble it with a cheap aquarium air pump / air stone for two days. Turn off pump, let settle for one hour & it's ready to pour into your feeding container.
Now, some people put their manure in a sock of some sort, like an old sock, panty hose or a old pillow case. That is OK, but I like the extra manure to water interaction you get from direct contact. More surface area exposed - more nutrients transferred.
Get two similar size containers ( a bucket, a pail or large jug ), add a gallon of unchlorinated water, pour in what ever manure you intend to use. Pour it from one container to the other a couple of times - twice daily for three days. Let settle for one hour, pour into your feeding container.
With both methods - pour the left over crud into your Compost Pile or Barrel. To be a true Organic Grower - you must have some Compost going all the time - it's a requirment to be in the Club...LOL...
See, not hard, pretty cheap & as you will see, a very effective way to feed Mary a well balanced diet.
Of course, your containers can be much larger, so can your mixes. 5 gallon buckets work well & allow you to mix up larger batches quite easy.

Common Mixes (I use - I don't buy into the more is always better thing.) -

Bat Guano (Either - Higher N or P) 2 to 4 tablespoons per gallon of water.

Bunny Poop - one cup per gallon of water.

Cow Manure - three cups per gallon of water.

Chicken Manure - one cup per gallon of water.

Worm Castings - 4 tablespoons per gallon of water (people argue about this one the most0. They say more, more is better. I disagree - the NPK value of Worm Castings is only .1 % N (soluble) & .9 % (slow release) with a NPK value of only 1-0-0 Worm Castings will not be adding any real amounts of NPK. What they will add - trace minerals & benefical microogranisms (good bacteria & fungi) so, 4 tablespoons gets the job done.
Hope this helps...someone....
Keep it Real.. Organic......
that mix, is it all combined or used sepertately? so you would have a gallon of each type of manure?
that mix, is it all combined or used sepertately? so you would have a gallon of each type of manure?
GhostSamurai....... The manures listed are just examples of the different things you can use to make your own fertilizer tea. Each manure has it's own NPK value. So, if you combine things - Add the NPK value of each thing you add.
I generally use only one manure at a time when making fertilizer tea.
You can always throw in worm castings with no worries. The NPK value of worm castings is low around 1-0-0. Their real value lies in the good trace minerals, bacteria and fungi present in them - which they will add to your tea.
The NPK values of each manure is listed a few post below the one you quoted to help with the math.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic....

From what I've been reading recently on Vaporizers, I believe I'm going to pick one up. By not burning the plant tissue, you release more of the THC and allot, I mean allot less cancer causing substances. That's a plus, because I like to smoke a cigar, once & a while. Giving up half the smoke, would probably be good in the long run.

Keep it Real...Organic....

Hey Ohso, did you pick up that vaporizer? I just used a home made one that my buddy made. It was pretty neat. Very little smoke, very good high. I was a little suprised the hits were smaller then regular pipe hits, but the intensity was the same. It kind of reminded me of smoking oil when i was in high school. It had the same sort of taste, wasn't harsh like oil though.

This was it crude, but it worked, i think we will make a good one out of a lava lamp and jar. Next stoner craft night.
Hey Ohso, did you pick up that vaporizer? I just used a home made one that my buddy made. It was pretty neat. Very little smoke, very good high. I was a little suprised the hits were smaller then regular pipe hits, but the intensity was the same. It kind of reminded me of smoking oil when i was in high school. It had the same sort of taste, wasn't harsh like oil though.

This was it crude, but it worked, i think we will make a good one out of a lava lamp and jar. Next stoner craft night.
SimpleSimon..... I do have a vap now. My wife loves it, I'm adjusting. I'm still hitting my ole' Bong... more often, than vapping.... Some habits die hard... LOL.... bongsmilie
I found the Bunny Poop suggestion to be interesting. I have a Russian Dwarf rabbit and I'm thinking that this should hold true for all rabbits, right? I've never seen rabbit poop fertilizer anywhere before.
I found the Bunny Poop suggestion to be interesting. I have a Russian Dwarf rabbit and I'm thinking that this should hold true for all rabbits, right? I've never seen rabbit poop fertilizer anywhere before.
iPlatypus.... Yes, the manure from any rabbit will work. Since, I'm sure you feed your pet good quality feed - the end results will be good.
I like bunny poop so much as a fertlizer... I did a seperate thread on just it & one on my top three favorites.... here are the links....
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic...
I did my first Organic grow in 08

Holes prepped with: Bloodmeal, Bonemeal, Kelpmeal and Guano.

I went kinda weak on the mix for my first time, so much that late in veg I was seeing a bit of yellowing in the lower leaf.

So I fed with a strong high N Guano and molasses Tea to fix that.

Then mid flower I used a high P guano Tea.

Results were very nice :joint:

Plants were taller then me and pretty bushy. Iam using Organic again for sure, but iam gonna start with a hotter mix.

I made the Tea in a 5 gallon bucket and used an airstone to bubble over night.

I found an easy way to use the molasses is to mix it in a cup of hot water and add that to the big bucket. That way your not trying to mix molasses into cold water. It would tend to stick to the bottom as a clump.

Then you just measure out a bit of guano, fill the bucket with water and let it bubble overnight.