Alright chaps.
Question for you.
My cloner has started making stems black.
There's no slime, no soft stem, no smell and roots are continuing white and pristine.
It happened last set of clones and after I potted them up there's been no issues with them.
And it's happening again.
Water temps are about 66f as its in a cool basement.
Everything on Google says rot , but there's no other signs.
The only thing I can think is there's a metal temp probe in the res , I was once shiny but it's dull now. Wondered if that could cause the blackness.
Any thoughts ?
Some of the last batch were in there a month and still didn't have any discolouration of roots.
Some take that long because of strain and because the air temp is about 72f , due to it been in the basement.
Other strains are knobbling up after 7 days.
It's plain tap water , though I did try some base nutrients that aren't my usual Las run, with them been in there so long.
Edit, after the last batch I fully emptied and sterilised the cloner, pump and sprayers and ran it for a few days before starting fresh
It's an xtream cloner