Well-Known Member
You honestly believe that by signing something you are doing your bit to help save these dolphins.
Did i say that?
il give 10 seconds of my time to sign it, i dont believe that single action will end the monstrosity
Nah didnt think so.
More than nothing at all, which is what? You don't know, do you.
No i dont know, but like i said, i didnt loose anything by signing. I wasnt even aware of what was happening till i read that page about it, and I chose to sign, not to end it all, just to show my disgust at this horrible act. I agree, people got through similar things, and i dont think thats any more or less right then whats happening here, but im not exactly gonna go become an activist, so i could at least help raise awareness of whats happening out there.
So to recap, i DONT think this will make a differnence, but in my view its better than not signing, coz its free, and its my personal choice to sign. I have my reasons.