There must be something we can do!

You honestly believe that by signing something you are doing your bit to help save these dolphins.

Did i say that?

il give 10 seconds of my time to sign it, i dont believe that single action will end the monstrosity

Nah didnt think so.

More than nothing at all, which is what? You don't know, do you.

No i dont know, but like i said, i didnt loose anything by signing. I wasnt even aware of what was happening till i read that page about it, and I chose to sign, not to end it all, just to show my disgust at this horrible act. I agree, people got through similar things, and i dont think thats any more or less right then whats happening here, but im not exactly gonna go become an activist, so i could at least help raise awareness of whats happening out there.

So to recap, i DONT think this will make a differnence, but in my view its better than not signing, coz its free, and its my personal choice to sign. I have my reasons.
il give 10 seconds of my time to sign it, i dont believe that single action will end the monstrosity, but if everyone took that 10 seconds and signed it, something would be done, like matias said, you lose nothing by signing, and if you end up gaining nothing then your all square.

What would be done?

more than nothing at all. Im sure its against the law to exert that level of cruelty to any animal, let alone something as rare as a dolphin.

You say one thing, then declare another. What do you expect?
fishin 4 mass proudce will b cut down an regulated soon cod 1 of the most common fish is on its way 2 istinct fishin towns all over the coast of canada n,scotland an ireland hav closed down becouse of this them big nets kill eggs as they scrape the sea floor as they catch the fish an the non eatable fish get dumped dead like 100 yr old tortices sword fish dolphains an what ever else
there are enough people on this planet already. hell alot of countries are starving because of this fact and you want to save MORE? By doing so you only lead to the eventual hunger of MORE people.

LOL, OMG! OK, so the more people that die of starvation, the less that will eventually die of starvation? Maybe there are enough dolphins in our waters. Too many since they keep getting tangled up in tuna nets and by harpooning a few we prevent the eventual death of more dolphins. My point is that there is plenty of food on this planet to support our numbers. Sure, some countries are overpopulated. Maybe if some of the poor countries had more food they would spend less time fornicating and more time hovering over a bowl of rice. Teach them contraception instead of letting them starve to death. The U.S. produces too much food. The government actually pays farmers to limit how much they produce. We have lard asses woofing down multiple Big Macs and fries at lunch while the homeless guy is in the alley behind McDonalds sifting through a dumpster for a bite to eat. I've seen people so fat that they have to wheel around Wal-Mart in a motorized shopping card designed for the handicapped then fill it with fat-ass-fuel. But that's ok as long as a few dozen people starve to death creating more food supply for the morbidly obese.

I'm not saying "Don't save the dolphins" but how about spending as much effort trying to save a person.
the rich countrys made the poor countrys poor makes scence 4 them 2 fix the prob, the wouldent even notice the money gone
I didn't watch the video. It freaks me out that you're trying to save dolphins when human beings are being tortured and killed everyday.

Sure, maybe animals have rights, but it seems there are bigger problems like homelessness and human starvation that need to be addressed first and foremost.


how many mass killings of animals for food do you NOT see because there are no cameras around?

we (the dominate intelligence on the planet) kill for food. and no one enjoys a trip to the slaughterhouse of any of them.

the atrocity is that they should be taught a more humane method of killing. do a quick death, please! i mean, damn, the Samurai would stab themselves with a sword while having their head chopped off for a quick, painless, ensured death.

but what are you doing about the head cases out there raping, torturing & murdering other humans?
there are enough people on this planet already. hell alot of countries are starving because of this fact and you want to save MORE? By doing so you only lead to the eventual hunger of MORE people.

this is one of the most idiotic statements i've ever heard.

not to mention inhumane and incorrect.
can you explain what the fuck you are on about please, jjbutler

Sure thing, il spell it out to ya. In your previous post, you were saying that 'something' and 'more than nothing at all' were contradicting statements, when if you think about it, something is by definition more than nothing at all, which is precisely how much you are doing about the problems of the world.

The less flaming more reading part was more of a think before you talk analogy, youve misunderstood me a couple of times now. While I might not be doing anything noticable about the problems in your eyes, im at least showing that i care and i disapprove, if everyone took your attitude and didnt sign any petitions because its alledgedly useless, then nothing that didnt intrest people with power would get done.

Take legalising cannabis, a struggle we all have close to our hearts. If everyone decided it was worthless to sign any petitions, or show any great desire for legal cannabis, it just wouldnt get done. I dont know about you but ive signed several legalise it petitions, along with well over a million others. I could be asking you the opposite question, why not sign? Nothing to loose, potentially something to gain.

Besides, who are you to demand that i justify my signing of this petition? If you dont think its worth it, then thats fine, but id appreciate it if your opinions didnt involve crude and aggressive language.

Hopefully ive made myself clear, so we can stop being childish about this.
Sure thing, il spell it out to ya. In your previous post, you were saying that 'something' and 'more than nothing at all' were contradicting statements, when if you think about it, something is by definition more than nothing at all, which is precisely how much you are doing about the problems of the world.

The less flaming more reading part was more of a think before you talk analogy, youve misunderstood me a couple of times now. While I might not be doing anything noticable about the problems in your eyes, im at least showing that i care and i disapprove, if everyone took your attitude and didnt sign any petitions because its alledgedly useless, then nothing that didnt intrest people with power would get done.

Take legalising cannabis, a struggle we all have close to our hearts. If everyone decided it was worthless to sign any petitions, or show any great desire for legal cannabis, it just wouldnt get done. I dont know about you but ive signed several legalise it petitions, along with well over a million others. I could be asking you the opposite question, why not sign? Nothing to loose, potentially something to gain.

Besides, who are you to demand that i justify my signing of this petition? If you dont think its worth it, then thats fine, but id appreciate it if your opinions didnt involve crude and aggressive language.

Hopefully ive made myself clear, so we can stop being childish about this.

No, what I did was quote the places where you say signing the fucking paper does something to help these dolphins. I didn't feel I needed to quote the part where you contradict these statements. The part where you suddenly admit that it would do nothing to help the dolphins, which was MY point in the fucking first place.

It is you doing the misunderstanding.

I don't need you to justify anything, it is you that needs to do that (in as much as it being a part of the human condition).

My main statement was that signing the paper would do fuck-all to help the dolphins. You then again said that it would. This is where the disagreement started.
I agree that in America it is fucked up how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and hungrier. But at the same time we use 25% of the world's natural resources and we have less than a 20th of the population. having less people in this country really wouldn't solve much because we're just a bunch of glutonous pigs. I'm talking about in overpopulated countries where the land simply cannot support the amount of people that are there. That is what my point was with my last comment. helping people in these countries is somewhat counterproductive. SKH made a good point when he said there hasn't been a disease to cull the human population since the black plague and smallpox. Now we just keep them all under control before they can do what they were designed to do:keep our population at a manageable size.

Human beings really are the worst race on this planet. We don't contribute to ANY ecosystem, in fact we destroy them. The planet survived fine for billions of years and we managed to fuck it up in less than half a million.
We pump atrocious amounts of greenhouse gases into the air then bitch about how it's getting hot. This planet simple cannot support our species for too much longer at the rate we are going.AND people talk about how someday we'll move to another planet and begin anew there. Where we WILL make the same mistakes AGAIN.

I realize that I am insulting my species and country by saying these things but boo-hoo to anyone who gets offended.
It is you doing the misunderstanding.

Ah the irony. You're doing it right now, right as we speak (or type). Can you read, really? Are you sure? Because if you read back to the post where you claim I say it will do nothing, the word nothing is clearly prefixed by 'more than'. As in more than nothing? As in something. Im sure ive explained this already. You know id swear and underline it too but i finished playschool a while back now, plus all my crayons are blunt. :(

Go 'create some excitement' elsewhere.
So to recap, i DONT think this will make a differnence, but in my view its better than not signing, coz its free, and its my personal choice to sign. I have my reasons.

I'm aware of your prefix, and you'll note that i stated I didn't feel I needed to quote the part where you intimated that signing the fucking thing wouldn't do anything.

So, now I have. One minute you say it will do more than nothing, then you say it won't make a difference.

Really, this shouldn't have taken this long.
I dont think it will, but it might. But according to you it flat out wont, so i guess we will have to agree to differ. Now can we please drop this, people are making polls about egos, its about time we gave yours a rest.
I signed it, but I too agree that it is pointless.

International treaties on endangered species do not apply to the Japanese and their waters. Years of tradition and stubbornness will never give way to liberal thinking.

But it cost me nothing to sign it, and I like to think the petition raises awareness.
I dont think it will, but it might. But according to you it flat out wont, so i guess we will have to agree to differ. Now can we please drop this, people are making polls about egos, its about time we gave yours a rest.

So, NOW you want to drop it. Something that should've been dropped several posts ago... and you talk about MY ego? lol.

It really should not have been this difficult.

Signing that petition will do fuck-all, and you know it.
Hopefully ive made myself clear, so we can stop being childish about this.

Ye ive wanted to drop this for a while, think what you want, ive been past caring for a while. Someone either add something to do with the dolphin crisis or lock this thread plz.
Ye ive wanted to drop this for a while, think what you want, ive been past caring for a while. Someone either add something to do with the dolphin crisis or lock this thread plz.
:neutral: threads don't usually get locked here. you just stop posting..which kinda seems to be hard for you