400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
you need intake and exhaust.... ok.... first... the light you have in your area is going to heat up... anything over 30C and your plant stops growing..... second... your plant need carbon dioxcide.... it's the food besides the nutes you feed it.... no when plants breath carbon dioxcide.. *oh school it's been over 10 years* they emmit oxygen...... if the plant doesn't have Carbon dioxcide you will stunt the growth.... if you don't exhaust the heat you will stunt the growth....

intake and exhaust are REQUIRED to have a nice healthy plant.... otherwise your just growing a weed that will die without givin you any real bud.

and you don't exactly need "outside" air... just "new" air.... I've got mine in a cabinet in my comp room.... sucks in at the bottom, blows out at the top...

*remember heat rises... so exhaust at the top most of the time&


Well-Known Member
Nice job! Thanks for sharing. Rep+

Hey guys, I am seeing lots of 400W love going on in here and that is awesome! I am curious why more of you do not lollipop your plants to better focus growth on top colas? the effective range of a 400 is about 18-20", 24-26" tops so anything on branches more than 18-20" from light will be very light and airy come harvest time. But, of course, they still take the same amount of time to trim. More work for less bud makes doogleef an unhappy boy :lol:


Well-Known Member
i do lolly them to an extent, the very bottom of this girl isnt even 30" from the light and it looks like im getting good light penetration all through.


Well-Known Member
here my current op. 400w hps/mh hydrofarm
6 purp kush LST scrog

LMK what you guys think!
any room for improvement?


Well-Known Member
doog - nirvanas norther lights bought five yrs ago so maybe a little different than now, idk.

24/7 - how old are those?


Well-Known Member
does everyone just have their seeds delivered directly to their house all of the time? isn't that a bad idea to send marijuana seeds to the same place your gonna be growin' it? also how many plants on average can you grow under a 400w hps?


Well-Known Member
24/7 - how old are those?

there 3 weeks old 2 out of the 6 were runts and had to much nute burn and cut down a few set

420weedman nice tops you got there so frosty!!


Well-Known Member
does everyone just have their seeds delivered directly to their house all of the time? isn't that a bad idea to send marijuana seeds to the same place your gonna be growin' it? also how many plants on average can you grow under a 400w hps?
i would recommend at least 8 plants for optimum growth.
at least 8 sq feet floor space 50w per plant

oh yeah i have never ordered seeds havent gotten to that yet i usually go to my local clubs and pick up a new mother.


Well-Known Member

what the most you all have yield with 1 400w?

my first grow was 126gs. not to bad i guess

anyone pull in an HP?


Well-Known Member
7-8oz from a 400W is about average. There are those using SOG or SCROG, get even canopies and pack in bud sites to get up to double that.


Well-Known Member
7-8oz from a 400W is about average. There are those using SOG or SCROG, get even canopies and pack in bud sites to get up to double that.
that sounds like someone who really knows what theyre doing. way above average IMO. i dont claim to be an expert, but i think i know my shit and ive never gotten more than 5 out of my 400W, usually more like 3-4.

and most of us who order seeds get them delivered somewhere where we dont grow. most pay with untraceble methods too. its not that difficult and well worth the peace of mind.


Well-Known Member
I got 7.3 dried ounces from one 400 watt, in a 2x4 space. The was my first harvest in almost fifteen years, and I'm a bit rusty. I had some heat and pH issues. I anticipate 12-14 next time using a 3x3 space and maintaining consistent pH throughout.