Ahhhh Christmas is right around the corner... has anyone tried this?


Well-Known Member
So with xmas around the corner; Im looking into gettin one of my bud buddies a gift. Im not gonna drop hundreds of dollars on a vaporizer but I was thinking about getting the Vaporgenie portable. Its only 50-60 bucks so anyone ever try one? If so what do ya think?! Thanks in advance :D:hug:
what makes it not a pipe? cause that's what they look like.

Well this is what the site says :

The Vapor Genie portable vaporizer has an inert, high temperature ceramic filter that prevents the flame from contacting your herbal blend. The filter mixes cool air with flame to provide gentle heat for aromatherapy vaporization. The Vaporgenie filter is 100% inert, does not contain metals and will not contaminate your vapor. The Vaporgenie filter does not deteriorate or burn, and will never need replacement. The VaporGenie vaporizer will not become clogged with tar, as very little tar is produced by the vaporization process. The VaporGenie vaporizer is guaranteed against product defects for life. It is a high-quality, durable portable vaporizer that will provide you with many years of satisfying vaporization. The VaporGenie vaporizer requires very little maintenance.
My future brother in law has one .. he said nah not worth it .
Thanks Vette! Thats the kinda advice I was looking for!!! I was actually gonna get one for myself too. But off topic Im gonna buy an aerogrow right now...just for shits and giggles I wanna try it out!
spend the extra 40 an get a hotbox....or save 20-30 and buy a pipe....
And if I wanted to spend the extra dough I would buy a Volcano...but trust me this person has pipes and bongs GALORE. Was trying to get something dif.
Thanks Vette! Thats the kinda advice I was looking for!!! I was actually gonna get one for myself too. But off topic Im gonna buy an aerogrow right now...just for shits and giggles I wanna try it out!

And if I wanted to spend the extra dough I would buy a Volcano...but trust me this person has pipes and bongs GALORE. Was trying to get something dif.
i said an extra 40 not 400:hug:
i think the one i have is an easyvape....its got the long whip and the led adjustable thermostat....works great.....but the volcano is the top dog though
i think the one i have is an easyvape....its got the long whip and the led adjustable thermostat....works great.....but the volcano is the top dog though

Ya Id feel bad buyin anyone a vaporizor thats not the volcano. Ooohhhweeeee. Especially the new digital one! WOWWWWOOOWWWOW!