Purchased a bong... Err?

glad you ended up picking up the glass screens m8, they help.

id get another cone(bowl/slide) for that pipe just because its a smaller water pipe. then in the occassion that someone comes to burn one aswell, you pack up the bigger, "party bowl".

i have a few slides. one or two have huge holes that are too big, and glass screens and me arent exactly the best of friends. they always find their way into the ashtray, and then into the garbage. So, my fix, if you should lose your screen is to use stems. just take a nug and crack the stem off and just use that to plug your bowl.

"Ew but Dude, you're smoking stems then!"

my stems arent the most delicious thing on the planet, but it also is better than pulling bowls through with out flame.

so i dont mind, and its a cheap alternative to replacing screens
try smoking more pot.. i dunno.. thats what I would do.. clog the hole and just get high.. you'll put it down when you're done, and the pot wont get up and walk away
by packing the bowl completely.. just put some weed.. not alittle.. some in it, smoke for a few days, resin will build up, closing the hole.. just pack it enough to fill the bottom really good
I don't understand why people buy glass online, every bowl is slightly different. I's one of those things where you have to hold it and inspect it first.
by packing the bowl completely.. just put some weed.. not alittle.. some in it, smoke for a few days, resin will build up, closing the hole.. just pack it enough to fill the bottom really good

(he got a screen)
but screens are so useful at usually around a buck a peice, its worth picking up. my local shop usually gives them out with slide purchases.
I don't understand why people buy glass online, every bowl is slightly different. I's one of those things where you have to hold it and inspect it first.

I agree completely, I bought it off Craigs List for $50 so it was a steal, couldn't be *too* picky.
I don't understand why people buy glass online, every bowl is slightly different. I's one of those things where you have to hold it and inspect it first.

ive ordered from wholesalers to retailers...you order online to be discreet. money order, p.o. box. etc. etc. etc.

at prices so much cheaper than local headshops (which import glass at a way cheaper price, cant tell you how many times ive seen "made in china" on pipes bubblers and bongs) who charge triple digits for a non glass on glass, non worked peice. i personally have had much success from ordering online, and dont think i would do differently unless i was buying straight from the blower. (which is preferred over anything)
There's a few local places out here that blow their own stuff, a 10" small bong is like $80 (really nice, glass on glass), and a 4" pipe is $20, not bad?
There's a few local places out here that blow their own stuff, a 10" small bong is like $80 (really nice, glass on glass), and a 4" pipe is $20, not bad?
not bad for the pipe...but 10" for $80 simply will not do... is it worked? (custom art?)