Is my plant stretching?

replant or just re bury it deeper into the soil it will help alot! if it continues to stretgh then you need to move the light
LOL. 50w HPS in a computer case. I thought he was trying to use a 400w in a computer case
no no i wouldnt have even tried to help a kid doing that this kat is just having streching problems but if you look at the pic with that plastic crap you know hps makes the plant taller anyways...he needs some uv light in his life, or atleast his plant one of those cheap 75w flourecent grow lights from wal-mart about 10 bucks and it would help stretching and not raise temps
nah you can do it man just do what wildfire suggested take the plastic off the light and get some computer fans on it to make the stem strong you can put your light on 12-12 to begin with and it will stay relativly small you can also top it when it gets bigger
Well after figuring out the issue this is what I have come down to.

It wasn't stretching what happend was is the soil got lower if you know what I mean and because of that it showed the root of it by the stem which made it look like it was stretched. So I put soil around the root and now it is standing tall and looks great.

I do not have a problem growing in a computer case either, It is a Automatic Lowryder II x AK47 dwarf so it will stay short.
oh my bad man i wasent trying to say that you had a problem growing man i was giving you the things i would do man and im glad you got it figured out but you have to remember you posted is my plant streching i only replied man glad to know u got it digured out happy growing man
oh my bad man i wasent trying to say that you had a problem growing man i was giving you the things i would do man and im glad you got it figured out but you have to remember you posted is my plant streching i only replied man glad to know u got it digured out happy growing man

I know but Thanks.

Happy Growing to you to.