READ! then ask...


Active Member
I'm a first time grower. Want to hear something really shocking? I don't smoke!

I'm goofing off as a hobby. I have no use for the weed or the results, I just wanted to try something new.

I spent several hours on forums...even a few web sites. I've found a ton of information on every aspect of soil, lighting, grow time, even best place to order. Literally, I've never asked a question because EVERYTHING I could ask is already answered.

Web searching is so easy now, you don't even need to join a site to learn. Simply search for your question on your favorite site and you'll find your answer. If you don't, send me a PM...I'll bet I already have your question bookmarked. If you ask me something stupid, that is easy to find, don't be surprised if I don't respond.

Point is, get off your ass! Stop begging someone to give you the answer to the question you are too lazy to look up...get it yourself!

From what I've learned I'm currently harvesting apple white widow. We did a fast dry of a bud for smells and tastes like apple, but smokes and has the same effects as white widow.

I grew16 plants under flourescent and averaged well over a pound per plant (wet) in about 12 weeks. I'll try super cropping with pear next....but considering what very little I did for these plants, I'm more than willing to bet I can get over 2 pounds per plant.

Want to know how? LOOK IT UP!


Active Member
Hi Blu - Can you advise me here if you have a few minutes? You sound like someone with a good brain.

I have been surfing Google and Rollitup pretty intensely now since I have come to the conclusion that if I want Medical Marijuana I have to grow it myself. I will join the MM in Oregon, but unlike California, they are almost no help and make you jump through so many hoops. I am not willing to go that route except that if I join and for some reason some policeman comes to my door, then I can provide some document that shows I have been approved to buy and partake.

I am 63 and really am not in touch with people who smoke pot here where I live. And to find a grower is even more of a difficult task. So, I am willing to try to grow my own. But I don't have a brain nor the technical skill to rig up some of the contraptions that I have seen.

I have a spare bedroom with a sliding door that goes onto a deck. I would have to be semi-stealthy. If I could grow the pot in the spare bedroom near the sliding door (no windows other than the door) so that I do not have to deal with some fandangled vent system, that would be one thing I would not have to worry about.

The spare bedroom gets western light, but I get full sun several hours a day in my living room coming from SE direction. But moving the plants around from room to room is probably not good, so I figure I need to do the flourescent lamp way.

I just want a small operation with a couple of plants using sterilized soil in maybe three gallon containers. So what I need to know is the exact kind of light I would need - brand and wattage would be appreciated - and some simple instructions on fertilization.

The rest I can learn as I go as far as when to harvest and how to cure.

So basically, I need to now about the light and the fertilizer. Low budget since I live on Social Security.

Many thanks to you in advance.



Active Member
The more light, the better. Using something like a Phillips 4' Day Light bulb will work great for the grow, it puts out the blue light needed for the veg state. If they are in direct sunlight you will not need the lights on during this period.

Phillips also has a "Plant light" which puts out more of the red spectrum for the flowering state. The exact name I'm not sure of, but it's a green package.

A lot of what you read on forums are the attempts to grow plants the fastest and get the greatest yield. I personally would get a few plants grown for the experience before I worried too much about all the exotic soils, lights, ventilation and fertilizers. Buy a ready made bag of peat, germinate a few seeds, grow your plants and enjoy.

I believe the most important thing to start is the light times. Give the seeds lights when the sprouts are about an inch long. I put mine in 24 on 0 off the first couple days. Start a cycle of about 18 on 6 off, until the plants are the height/size you want them to be, then change the cycle to 12/12.

Hope that helps!


Active Member
I believe the most important thing to start is the light times. Give the seeds lights when the sprouts are about an inch long. I put mine in 24 on 0 off the first couple days. Start a cycle of about 18 on 6 off, until the plants are the height/size you want them to be, then change the cycle to 12/12.

Hope that helps![/quote]

Hello Again Blu - Thank you so much for your input. It simplifies things a lot. Just a couple of clarifications for a novice if you don't mind one more querry.




Again thank you Blue. You are right in that I am not into getting super ganga just yet LOL :grin: and I do need to do a small test. But you have made it seem a lot less complex.



Well-Known Member

you can veg as long as you want or space allows. generally people veg for about a month and flowering takes 7-11 weeks depending on the strain. an HPS light is really the way to go. you could get a 400 hps light system on ebay for under $200. that would be all you really need besides the dirt and the seeds. good luck


Active Member
the "grow" or the "veg" state (same thing) depends on you really. Grow them as large as you like, then switch them to flowering. Give a bit of room for further growth during the flowering stage. How much more they will grow depends on strain and of course nutrition.

Veg state should be around 4 to 6 weeks, and as Cap said above, flowering can be anywhere from 7 to 11 weeks. Generally the longer the veg state, the larger the plant, the more (and larger) bud. If you grow too large however, you may find some issues with lighting. A light above will not reach the bottom branches. You may need several lights in all positions around a very large plant. This is why most people keep their plants small.


Active Member
Thanks a lot Blu and Cap. I think I can take it from here. I have some seeds sprouting and will get them in some peat moss in a few days.

Happy Holidays !



Active Member
rofl you grew a pound per plant, using floro's i call bs on that
Hi Wrecked - I could not understand your post. Was it in response to my post or did it end up here accidentally?

I may not know the current jargon on this site and not quite get the message.



Well-Known Member
hes just saying there is no way to get a pound per plant from flourescent lighting. which there really isnt. the floros dont penetrate that far down, the hps and mh lights can penetrate several feet while the floro lights lose almost all intensity after a few inches.


Active Member
hes just saying there is no way to get a pound per plant from flourescent lighting. which there really isnt. the floros dont penetrate that far down, the hps and mh lights can penetrate several feet while the floro lights lose almost all intensity after a few inches.
Thanks Cap and thanks Wrecked. I just was not sure what "rofl" meant.

Cap, can you tell me what "hps" and "mh" mean. I take it they are not fluorescent lights. Do the hps or mh lights provide the blue and red spectrum that Blu was referring to? I want to get the right lights. $200 for the light on ebay would be more than I am willing to pay at this point.

Suggestions really wanted.



Well-Known Member
I've seen 2lbs per plant using 800 watts of HID on an aero setup...1lb per plant via flouro is possible if there is a whole shitload of light...but this is very unlikely. Why would you want to use flouro when HID has more lumen output per watt?


Well-Known Member
CFl's are just cheaper.

If you only want 1-2 plants, floros work alright. If you want more than that, you should think about getting a hps. You can get 150 watt hps for $20, $30 or so after shipping from just click on vapor fixtures. You'll see the add for the 150w pending hps. Works great.

Also, floros are good for when they veg, usualy 4-6 weeks. But with the 150w hps it doesnt get too hot, so you could use it to veg as well. During vegging period they like more blue spectrum which is the floros, and while they flower they enjoy the red spectrum which is the hps. As you said, you arent looking for the best grow for your first time, so a 150w hps would be your best bet. You could grow a decent 3-4 plants with it.

Once the plant is about 3-4 weeks old, you should transplant it into a new pot with some Fox Farm soil, works great. Has worm castings and bat guano in it, will give the buds a little boost. Once they are flowering you want to get some tiger bloom. Feed them that like once a week or so. You'll get a few nice plants :)

Just make sure to veg them in 18 hours of light and 6 hours of dark, or 24 hours of light. Flower is 12/12 lighting/dark.

Remember that and you should be alright :)
Good luck!


Active Member
Thanks Davi - For your time and input.

I have put this info in my notes. Come January, when I get some $$$, I will purchase probably a few kinds of lights for the various stages.

Happy Holidays !



Active Member
I've seen 2lbs per plant using 800 watts of HID on an aero setup...1lb per plant via flouro is possible if there is a whole shitload of light...but this is very unlikely. Why would you want to use flouro when HID has more lumen output per watt?
Thanks Chief. Will check it out. Money is usually the reason though why you might choose one thing over another :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
lol pretty much. Just got home an hour ago, figured why not.

I'm 21, usually out with a few friends or something, so Im usually home around this time lol


Well-Known Member
hps=high pressure sodium, mh=metal hallide, these are high intensity lights, they require a ballast to run. they are the same as your street lights. hps is orange for flowering, mh is blue/white for vegging.