Tutorial,Adding extra power lines to the grow op safely.


Well-Known Member
Dread Zepplin says ! Lets wire them rooms up & start growing some dope,the tutorial is complete.



Well-Known Member
Nice Job! This is a good, well explained, safety-minded tutorial. This should make its way to the DIY FAQ section. Rep+ sir!


Well-Known Member
And what's your solution? Hire a pro to wire your grow room? There is noting wrong with the old-school advice he gave in this tut. I have wired new outlets before. Not a huge deal.


Well-Known Member
I would recommend a Home Depot tutorial class to anyone that has that option available as well. Safety should always be job 1 when dealing with electricity.


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be disrespectful (it must come naturally!), but I wouldn't want this to be the cause of someone's premature retirement. +rep to you both for effort and good will though.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm not trying to be disrespectful (it must come naturally!), but I wouldn't want this to be the cause of someone's premature retirement. +rep to you both for effort and good will though.:peace:
I have pm'd Mrjdaf about this issue & am awaiting a response,im pretty astounded that somebody would do something like this,a real bad showing thats for sure,this entire site is flooded with children trying to grow weed in shoe box'es, in mommas closet, with stolen street lights,aluminum foil & cfl's, under a blanket & i get picked for attack on a tutorial i worked very hard putting together,a tutorial that is 99% up to 2007 code standards,a tutorial designed to help people get away from the dangerous shit i see everyday, like overloaded circuts & under gauged extension cords laying on wet floors,or 53 stupid ass cfl's stuffed in a dresser.

I admittedly left out a few very minor things from having this tutorial 100% up to code,i knew better right from the start,i really did, but after working on it for 5 hours the few minor things i left out turned around instantly to bite me in the ass,again i knew better,i tried to make this as simple as possible without giving bad advice where people could get hurt & for that i get accused of giving a misleading & dangerous tutorial that could kill people or is a fire hazard,i feel like shit,especially when the things i left out were so very minor to start with.

The bitch of it is that i'd bet money that the accuser is a tradesman like myself,im a dual card holding journeyman for close to 30 years & should have known better than to skip a single wire clamp, or to offer an easier (non code) wire attachment method in the hopes of making it easier on people who dont have alot of tools,i knew better,even though i over spec'd the gauge needed to compensate for any resistance issues i knew better, i just wish Mrjdgaf could have seen it to chill out & help fix the minor issues instead of blasting away with both barrels,something that has gotten way out of hand on this site as of late.

So the way it sits right now im tired as hell,even more upset that somebody would start this much crap over small-non life threatening & non fire hazzard issues such as is missing in the tutorial,if anybody wants to read up on code they will see how very minor the things i left out really are but once agwain i knew better.

Im going to take a break from rollitup for a while,ive had it,im just plain ole tired of fighting on a daily basis while trying to help people grow better weed,tired of fighting with children who are 40 years younger than me where i have to write 10 page essays explaining why they should blow a fan on their plants,tired of trying to help while otyhers scan the forum for the slightest inconsistency that they can rip into & make & fight over,tired of hearing the constant stream of negativity that flows through this site like a shit river,mostly from children who are not even old enough to be here,or from people who spend time looking for minor flaws to exploit.

This is not a goofy ass goodbye post, i just need an f-ing break from the negativity here,this is not how its supposed to be,it really isnt,when i return i will fix my mistakes by rewriting the entire tutorial in a manner that is 100% up to code & on the last page i will scan & post a copy of the 2007 code for my area to assure all that its not 99% perfect but 100% perfect,i will not leave out one single thing.

Right now i could not care less,if another tradesman wants to step in while im gone & correct the misakes feel free,you have my permission but right now im just too damm sick & tired of the constant bullshit to care anymore.


Well-Known Member
:cry:Man whats up with RIU I was really looking forward to reading the tut because I might have to do some rewiring:cry:


Well-Known Member
:cry:Man whats up with RIU I was really looking forward to reading the tut because I might have to do some rewiring:cry:
Sorry guy's but after thinking for a few days of what went down, & how it went down, i cant spend another 5 hours work rewriting the tutorial until the "Elite" function is restored to RIU,its way too much effort on my part without me having the ability to delete posts that detract from the educational value of the tutorial,with the Elite function i can delete/edit the tutorial to keep it on track.

Once the Elite function is restored i will rewrite & repost on this site,until then if anybody needs the tutorial you can pm me direct through rollitup & i will hook you up with a link to where the tutorial has been posted earlier this year.

Im not trying to pit other sites against rollitup either & will not entertain site bad mouthing posts or pm's,im meerely offering the same info that i had posted on another site earlier this year to all who need it to power their grow op's.



Well-Known Member
Well i dont know what went down here but i was a mechanic and even went to school to be a mechanic and i can tell you that unless you are at the dealership that made the car it will not be repaired by the book do to specialty tools and excessive procedures,and there is nothing wrong with the repair, people couldnt afford the labor if it was done perfect and since this tutorial isnt written for professionals with all the tools and know-how, so if you offered another method i dont think you did anything wrong. But i can imagine trolls with nothing else to do could find a crack, thats what they do.


Well-Known Member
Well i dont know what went down here but i was a mechanic and even went to school to be a mechanic and i can tell you that unless you are at the dealership that made the car it will not be repaired by the book do to specialty tools and excessive procedures,and there is nothing wrong with the repair, people couldnt afford the labor if it was done perfect and since this tutorial isnt written for professionals with all the tools and know-how, so if you offered another method i dont think you did anything wrong. But i can imagine trolls with nothing else to do could find a crack, thats what they do.
Well i dont think it was trolling but i do think shit got out of hand very fast,alot of people like to flex their brain power on issues they know about when it need not be flexed in the 1st place,or could have atleast been handled in a better manner,my thinking is that we should work with each other,as a group with one goal which should be to grow killer dope & help others,not try to fight over trivial issues that can & would have been corrected.

One things for sure we've got a few mods here who were on the ball,one of them stepped in quick & cleaned up the mess we had & for that i am thankfull.