Waiting For God to send Wife


Well-Known Member
The only real "sins" are crimes against humanity and failing to enjoy your life. If you equate purity to the absence of sex best of luck to you. I enjoy sex alot and have no guilt about it now or before I was married. IMO the best thing you could ever do for yourself would be to get rid of some of those biblical hang-ups. The way I see it, god gave me the equipment to use (and porn doesn't count) so that's what I do with it

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah...I had the whole purity until marriage thing drilled into me too.I waited till I was 18.Thank goodness I never married that asshat.There is a lot of learning one has to do, emotionally, spiritually,mentally, and sexually.You can't do that with hang ups.Believe me, they don't just shut down.It's not sin to look.It's not a sin to fantasize or masturbate.Any religion that tells you to be ashamed of natural bodily function should be questioned.:peace:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
with strict parents and living out in the country i was actually 20 before i had sex with someone other than myself i truly was a master.... beater!


Well-Known Member
I respect all your opinions, I recommend you guys read that article if you have not. I think waiting until marriage is wonderful b/c you can have a truly special bond with each other knowing that you belong to each other and know one else. You can benefit in so many way's that I cannot mention or comprehend. I believe sex is a very sacred act that BINDS the flesh! It's not for everyone though only a selected few and frankly I hope to be one of them.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I respect all your opinions, I recommend you guys read that article if you have not. I think waiting until marriage is wonderful b/c you can have a truly special bond with each other knowing that you belong to each other and know one else. You can benefit in so many way's that I cannot mention or comprehend. I believe sex is a very sacred act that BINDS the flesh! It's not for everyone though only a selected few and frankly I hope to be one of them.

kid and @45 years old i believe i can call you kid you've got a lot of growing up to do if you think you are some kind of marter because your too lazy or too good at loapin the mule ... you need to get over your self sex is a type of mutual masturbation sex between my wife and i is a wonderful experience but en the end were both looking for the same thing (come on funny feeling ) some times however it is religious because i here a lot of oh god and jesus keep it coming get off your ass find a friend first because after the sex you still want someone you can stand to be in the same room with virginity don't mean your a person people would want to spend time with any one agree ....... let me know


Well-Known Member
I wasn't a virgin, nor did I NOT masturbate but I did wait 5yrs for my wife and am now happily married. She truly is a gift from on high.

I actually wrote down the goals I had such as "she has to be 'x' " etc and she is all of my goals and more. I even showed her my goal notepad years later. She is amazing!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
peace b2us all you said it man my wife is my best friend she even came with a 17 year old kid , who i'm i to judge thank god too because we have the best times together and that makes the hard times that much easier to handle ... like i said find a friend first not high expectations i 've never in my life felt superior to any one and i'd hate to think i ever would


Well-Known Member
All I can tell you is that you are setting yourself up for failure. Abstinance is about the stupidest thing on earth. Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who was:

1. Raised in a Christian church
2. Waited to have sex till I knew I was going to marry the girl
3. Got married at 20
4. Quickly went from a "social drinker" to an 12 pack A DAY alcoholic
5. Recently lost an entire fuck month of his life to pot, booze and prescription drugs
6. Almost 100% sure I am going to leave my wife pretty much solely over sex

Sexual compatibility is a HUGE deal and without it you will end up either leaving her or being miserable. It took me close to 2 and a half years to realize that my wife is not going to wake up a nympho. The shitty thing is that she was like this while we were dating but I just figured it would be different if we were married.

I know that you are going to read this and think about how different you are and how it will never happen to you. I did this same fucking thing when all the older men I knew told me that I was batshit insane getting married so young. I just said "oh no, it is different with my wife", they just laughed.

I do believe in marriage and I think raising kids in an unmarried home is a bad idea. That being said you are fucking crazy if you don't live with, and have a healthy sexual relationship with any woman you might consider marrying.

Another thing to ponder is that you have 2 pools of women to choose from. The first would be "normal girls" who I would venture to guess are mostly not virgins and would laugh at you if you said you were one. On the other hand you have church girls, those who are sexually active are in the minority but the second you mention herb they are out because it is illegal.

Watch the last part of this video, I fucking LIVE this every fuck day of my life.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
matthew are things good between you two other then the sex? your putting way to much emphasis on the sex part if she resented you and you felt it would you feel close enough to have sex with her come on your just 22 partner ship is give and take be patient


Well-Known Member
If you are really interested either search my posts in this forum or PM Stoney and ask her about it. I have tried everything and finally came to realize that no matter what I do, she is still the same.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It is give and take, but sex is a big thing for a young man.Incompatible sex drives are a big issue for most.And sex is the first thing to go when shit goes bad.He has to give, but so should she...just sayin'.:blsmoke:


New Member
I am with you man as a virgin and a christian. I am also 19 and the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to not allow youself to get in situations that will tempt you. It is a lot easier to do something with a girl if she is wearing a short skirt or some other revealing clothing while yall are alone. Try to hang out in a group with your friends, Also, think about how much better sex with your wife will be when it finally does happen.
ya but sex will be even better if you know what your doing lol


Well-Known Member
Lies!!!! We had great fun working out how things work together...

(My fisrt time was also the first day I met Southern Comfort... I.e. it was like a dream you only remember in flashes)


Well-Known Member
All you have to do is say the name of our father Jehovah or his son Jesus and he he's always there. Can't you feel it...