Waiting For God to send Wife


Well-Known Member
Why not try them before you marry them? :hump:
Then you're atleast sure you're compatible. I'm glad I didn't marry the chick I had sex with first time.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have a niece who's actually 3 years older than me.She took a young Mormon lad who was on that journey or quest they have to do and proceeded to corrupt him awfully....I was very amused.....:clap:
your not going to get a reply from this one stoney if your not a right wing radical and chant his beliefs than your just a hater

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
stoney if that boy wants to stay on good terms with the mormon temple he has the reast of his life to do that he only has one chance to be young, i like your sister

Big P

Well-Known Member
your still in this thread waitin for a wife?

she aint just gonna just fall in your lap you know, plus ill give you some advice wait till your atleast 25 till u get married. or even longer. trust me people live a long time these days.

so I hope you are ready to wait:weed:

and say you find this damsel tomorrow and you knew she was the one, how long would you wait to marry her?

if you wait years then its gonna get frustrating not hitting it and if you get married immidiatly by the time your 31 you would have already been married for 10 fuckin years. I know it sounds crazy but people get tired of pussy like anything else and ten years hittin the same one will get old, but when that happens you will never be able to say well atleast I had my fun when i was a kid.

now picture that happening and then finding out theres no such thing as god when your on your death bed old and grey and all this shite you did was for nothing?

im just saying theres hundreds of religions in this world and only one could be right if any. that means the rest of the other religions were just made up and the people those people were just wastin thier time pryin to nothin

funny thing is every religion would say well my religion is the right one, but the simple fact remains only one could be true if any at all.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
big p i feel you man I'm with you 100 % keep it real ... i'm putting my hands together and bowing in Hindu gesture because i respect all cultures