Ive just realised that ive got two males one female and i dont know what the other 1 is, out of a batch of four ive been growing in my cupboard. What do i do with the males...????? Smoke? dry? Bury? throw away? eat?
ummm...i think u can smoke em...cos even males produce THC...not as much as females but they do anyways, im not really sure what u do with them or how u do it...but one thing i know is that u can dry em and smoke em....
I have smoked a male.... IT wasnt pleasent though... You know how it is when your out though. Anywho it did get me stoned, that or I was just dizzy from lack of o2. Keep on kepn on .
I have smoked a male.... IT wasnt pleasent though... You know how it is when your out though. Anywho it did get me stoned, that or I was just dizzy from lack of o2. Keep on kepn on .
Sweet..... i'll dry them.... roll them.....smoke them....Head rush....Cough..... then ither be stoned.... or just be unhappy that i made all that effort and i didnt bennifit.....Blind.