If the seeds are from a stable breeding line you will. If not, then you won't. Expect to see different phenotypes, sometimes significantly different.I got some seeds via a BC house for my 1st grow and was wondering if I let a male pollinate a female in a separate grow area, would I get basically the same strain/potency of buds?
It would be nice to be able to harvest my own seeds.
Thanks for any & all input!!!!
Most excellent!!!! Many thanks for this info!!if your goal is seeds, create your own femized seeds. to make them:
1. use a female plant with male parts, or make one.
2. create male parts by stressing out a budding plants, it will grow male parts.
3. let the male parts grow long enough to produce pollen
4. wrap a baggy around the pollen sacks, cut the branch off
5.use any method to put the pollen on a female buds
6. the seeds that will grow, will be feminized
7. any time you cross breeds, or cross back in, each seeds will be slighly different.
8. any time you grow from seeds, even if they are from a seeds company,you must lable every plant, and its cuttings.
9.pick the best plant, keep the cutting from it, and toss the rest of the cutting from the other plant away.
10. it takes 10-50 seeds to find 1 that is the keeper. buying a 10 pack of seeds, and thinking your gonana get something that looks like the picture on the pack, and stats on weight to match aint gonna happen.
i agree, too much chance of hermies with fem seeds. especially if you dont know what your doing.Ugh.bluey, just start with regular seeds.
slight chance it was pollenated by another strain so you have a kushxmystery crossI had a kush clone and got a seed. Just started flowering it a week ago and it looks nothing like the original plant. The orginal was grown by a friend and it was about 2 feet tall with 4 thick branches. The seedling is almost 10 weeks old now, has about 16 branches, but there skinny.