Differences between the U.K and U.S Smoking scenes?


Well-Known Member
i used to smoke weed mixed with tabacco, we called it a tbt ( twisted brown trucker ) Since shyed away from it cause it kills the taste of all my hard work


Well-Known Member
True dat man.

Thats why we grow I guess.

The main difference between the US and the UK smoking scene is that we (UK and most of Europe) Generally smoke our weed mixed with Tabacco, where as elsewhere (the US) they don't seem to do this.
I've tried that but it seems to ruin it.


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm from a hick town in southern Illinois and all my smoking friends, whether they grow or not, know about different kinds of strains and can tell what's good and what's dirt.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
If Americans are so informed why ain't it legal, just sayin. VV
VV, I honest believe weed is illegal in the US because the government is making more money from it than they would if it was legal. They could tax weed if it was legal, but most people would just grow their own.

I watched an interesting documentary the other day on the History Channel. The whole reason marijuana was originally illegalized here in the US is because it gave the southwestern states an excuse to send the immigrant workers back to Mexico in 1937 after the great depression. Anslinger, the man responsible for enacting the marijuana tax act, originally did not even see weed as a problem. He did not want to introduce a federal regulation because it would take away from his small budget of 2 million dollars and it would involve his agents. The southwesterns states were racist against Mexicans though and pressured him into doing it. Check out these two articles, they are very interesting. Especially the second one:




Well-Known Member
i think you all are crazy for not knowing the type of weed your buying....im from usa
Oh well, Amsterdam is only 40 mins flight away (about £30 return ATM), so when I need wider selection I can just go there.

Think about this, I can fly to the dam and spend the day smoking various bomb strains, in various public places, AND in view of the police...... all for about the price a Q in the states.

I know where I'd rather be.

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Oh well, Amsterdam is only 40 mins flight away (about £30 return ATM), so when I need wider selection I can just go there.

Think about this, I can fly to the dam and spend the day smoking various bomb strains, in various public places, AND in view of the police...... all for about the price a Q in the states.

I know where I'd rather be.
pretty soon any cofee shops within so many feet of a school will be closing and they are trying for even stricter regulations there still....

Id rather grow it myself and sit @ my house in my underwear to smoke while watching the TV if I want to....LOL


Active Member
pretty soon any cofee shops within so many feet of a school will be closing and they are trying for even stricter regulations there still....

Id rather grow it myself and sit @ my house in my underwear to smoke while watching the TV if I want to....LOL
Just when I was planning to take a trip to the dam!!!:o

At home? Underwear? TV!?!?! What was I thinkin! I'm staying right here!!! :hump:

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Just when I was planning to take a trip to the dam!!!:o

At home? Underwear? TV!?!?! What was I thinkin! I'm staying right here!!! :hump:

I think its only like 1 or 2/5 of the shops being closed right now....so not much worry if your going soon....

but Im all about enjoying my buds in a chill area. For me thats @ the crib.
Oh yeah not only that, they have no krystal's or checkers/rallys restaurants in a-dam for when I get the munchies. LOL


Well-Known Member
I've been to the US and tried smoking out there. I was smoking with the owners of one of the biggest mushroom companies - who should have been well connected you'd think. I might have been with the wrong people, but I prefer the chav & street attitude of smoking in the UK.

The weed I had in the US wasn't great and they insisted on smoking hits from pipes instead of joints. I'd feel a bit buzzed and sick, then it'd just wear off in no time. US guys rarely ever roll with tobacco - I can understand why the guys I was with weren't doing it, because the weed wasn't strong enough to need splitting. No one I met there, including a Canadian who said he smoked all day, could roll. I don't mean pro rolling, I mean at all, nothing cone shaped, it was horrific. I definitely prefer having a joint to smoke somewhere quiet or with some mates to a short lived roughness on a few hits.

There's nothing like heading out in the rain into some remote foresty place with a can or tea to blaze.

People who smoke more heavily in the UK are bothered about strain. Although, most of them are growers or dealers. Names and promises are worth nothing in the drug world, so only these people know what they're actually buying. If AK47 is the new 'hardcore strain', then the average person will be buying AK47 - or what I mean is, they're told it's AK47.

I have smoked some blunts in the UK that were ridiculous in quality. I didn't just get stoned or whitey, I went out the other side.

In the UK if you're just having a spliff in some quiet place there's a good chance you'll only get a telling off by the police and lose it, but some of the lower states in the US are seriously hard on cannabis.

This is only my experience of the US. I can easily imagine how someone coming from US to UK could end up smoking some junk with pricks and coming back with a bad opinion. If someone out there is into it, I'm sure they're perfectly capable of growing some fifthly trippy plants and they're cool to smoke with.


Well-Known Member
pretty soon any cofee shops within so many feet of a school will be closing and they are trying for even stricter regulations there still....

Id rather grow it myself and sit @ my house in my underwear to smoke while watching the TV if I want to....LOL
Shit why would I put underwear on to smoke at home? oh yeah, BBB (Blim burn balls).

The Reg's in the Dam always seem to be getting stricter, The Scene'll never disappear though. Too many Yanks and Brits wanna spend their hard earned $$$ there.


Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Shit why would I put underwear on to smoke at home? oh yeah, BBB (Blim burn balls).

The Reg's in the Dam always seem to be getting stricter, The Scene'll never disappear though. Too many Yanks and Brits wanna spend their hard earned $$$ there.

underwear while smoking @ home in the buff?
One reason simply....You know that long ash you occasionally miss once about half or more of the joint is gone...? You have that land on your sack b4 it cools down and youll never forget your britches again...LOL

and your right, way too many people go to amsterdam for vacation for them to shut that out totally....
yall have fun. :spew:


Well-Known Member
most people don't know shit. several of my friends look to me to validate their purchases because they know that I know things.
lol same. I have friends that think they know shit, but they dont. they'll get some danks and call it there own name. some kid called his shit "green crack" well the shit he had was no green crack, it was better compared to mids.

this is green crack...

OPZ :leaf:

