my 6x8 shed first time indoor scrog official thread

heres a few more with my slr


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ladybugs to be released and im gonna make a batch of homemade co2 right now. the thing i dont understand is lights are to be on for the plants to absorb co2 but fans and exhaust are on at that time and i keep reading that exhaust should be off so wtf should i do? for now im just gonna make a batch and put it in there and hope it helps at least a little. but since my shed is outdoors maybe they are gettin plenty co2 as it is
Looks good man. You might want to put a couple wet sponges around for the ladybugs to drink from. They do good work :)

People who use CO2 generally have A/C as well, so that they can have a sealed system and not just exhaust all the CO2 as soon as it is released. Might not be worth the time/money to put CO2 in there if it is just going to go out the window. And outdoors shed or not, if you do it right CO2 will help... from what I read, plants can use way more than what is in the air given the right conditions.
wow thats weird. I saw a shed that looks like that at sears and I thought to myself, "This would be pretty ideal for a growbox." An opinion you might wanna take in consideration for your next grow is you make it half veg half flower if you can seal it up enough.
wow thats weird. I saw a shed that looks like that at sears and I thought to myself, "This would be pretty ideal for a growbox." An opinion you might wanna take in consideration for your next grow is you make it half veg half flower if you can seal it up enough.

home depot 200bucks. ithought of half veg and half flower but it would be pretty tight in there and i dont think id have enough room to deal with a scrog
2 things to remember about C02. First and most important, C02 is heavier that AIR so it will sink and settle at the bottom of the shed, Make sure you have fans blowing at the floor to stir it up or you could suffocate the roots (remember roots need O2)

Second, C02 should only be used during light cycle. When the lights are out Photosynthesis stops and the Plants cant use the C02, they actually prefer more O2 at night.

This might complicate things a bit for you, but as you know by now nothings easy when it comes to growing.

Good luck man.

put the lady bugs in this morning and a couple of saucers of water for them to drink around 8 am and around 530 pm when lights were on went in to check only to see complete ladybug death i saw maybe 1 or 2 barely moving on there backs. i did forget to remove the pest strip but i dont think it is that good at killing and there is alot of yellowing and leave dropping of brown and dead leaves but buds look ok except for the ones directly under light that have the most yellowing what do u guys think????oh yeah i bought some super natural nute the guy at the hydro store said it was better than what im using and it wont hurt to switch and some gh floro nectar what do u think
If your ladybugs died that fast theres too much residual chemicals. Did you put them all in or save some?

You really should have let it aired out for a while, or started with ladybugs.

If all the ladybugs died, Are the mites still active?

its been like five days since i sprayed and i dont really know if they are active i wanna say yeah but i still see stuff i cant say ive seen movement hopefully its just dead eggs an spidermite corpses what do u think about the yellowing bc?????
Hey there bro I use ladybugs to fight off mites and they eat the shit out of them,the ONLY THING YOU SOULD SPRAY ON THEM IS WATER mites hate to be misted get a littel spray bottle and mist the shit out of them girls try to get as much of the under side of the leafs as you can that is where the mites like to hang out and the mist forces them to have to move around and find some place dry to hang if you do have mites you will see small webs on the fan leafs the next day,the first bag of lady bugs i let go in my grow live for about 6-8 weeks be for they all died off.Misting is all the water they need to drink and only mist every other day.Or you could try niemms oil it's netral and you could drink it as a supliment so it will not hurt your smoke does not kill them but they will starve as they don't like to eat the oil.And mites look like little yellow spots on the fan leafs thousands on one fan leaf[very,very small.].It looks like maybe you over watered to me.And for your Co2 Q.Get a tempertue activated timer for your exaust so it only comes on when you need it to [with Co2 you can let the temp rise up to 85-90 before ti gets to hot for them girls].check out the thread at the top on the actual #'s.Hope this helps bro.

Its really hard to say, I dont know all the details of your grow. You said its mostly under the light, raise up the light, could be too much light. It could be too much water, you might not be waiting long enough between watering.

Yeah, no more chems, if you spray your plants down with plain water you can drown the mites and eggs, mist them good every few days, then I would put more ladybugs in there next week.

I think the yellowing is a combination of things and theres probably not one definite answer, it could be a combo of slight deficiencies.

What are you using for nutes? And is your nute program providing All the essential elements, not just NPK, theres about 14 other required elements for proper growth. So I think the best thing to do is to move forward, feeding them with a full nutrient system.

You should start a thread in the Plant Problems Section, take some really good detailed pics with your new SLR focussing on the yellowing. You will probably be able to get a better answer there.

Are you watering every 3 days, or when the soil dries out? Just watering can be bad with soil, you really should let it get dry out first.

Mold will depend on the humidity. If your humidity is high then you will run risk of mold whether you mist or not. Like I said, dont mist daily, every few days, but let them dry out good after.

Are you running a dehumidifier??

its funny u said that cuz i just posted on ur grow about my watering and no i dont have a dehumidifier ive seen a couple of powder mold spots but nothing major not worried yet
I see that your using GH 3 part. But your only using the bloom and micro?

With the Advance Nutes micro, grow, bloom system, if you look at the chart, you actually Need to use all 3 products during veg AND flower, During veg you actually use .40/ml of bloom with AV. I would imagine the GH 3 part is pretty much the same. Check the chart, see if they require all 3 parts. It may be just a simple Nitrogen deficiency.

Im pretty sure your missing a major component that would all be in the GH grow.

Yeah I have a lot of products, not all used at the same time though, Never mix H202 with anything organic (like any enZyme products)

I use the 3 part for veg,

and for flowering I use the 2 part sensi bloom with carbo load, big bud, and B-52, and SensiZyme.

Last half of flowering I will be using Overdrive, it boosts those last couple weeks when it really counts and increases oil production, then Final Faze at the end to flush.

You dont need all these addatives, but with the 3 part Micro, Grow, Bloom system just make sure to follow the chart for porportions.

I see that your using GH 3 part. But your only using the bloom and micro?

With the Advance Nutes micro, grow, bloom system, if you look at the chart, you actually Need to use all 3 products during veg AND flower, During veg you actually use .40/ml of bloom with AV. I would imagine the GH 3 part is pretty much the same. Check the chart, see if they require all 3 parts. It may be just a simple Nitrogen deficiency.

Im pretty sure your missing a major component that would all be in the GH grow.

Yeah I have a lot of products, not all used at the same time though, Never mix H202 with anything organic (like any enZyme products)

I use the 3 part for veg,

and for flowering I use the 2 part sensi bloom with carbo load, big bud, and B-52, and SensiZyme.

Last half of flowering I will be using Overdrive, it boosts those last couple weeks when it really counts and increases oil production, then Final Faze at the end to flush.

You dont need all these addatives, but with the 3 part Micro, Grow, Bloom system just make sure to follow the chart for porportions.

i started out using all 3 but after reading here and there i went with the lucas formula which only uses micro and bloom but at different ratios than what the chart says. its supposedly better for pot